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CruiseControl Configuration Reference. CruiseControl configuration files are written in XML.

CruiseControl Configuration Reference

This document describes the XML elements and attributes for a valid configuration file. The use of plugins means that other elements not documented here can also be used in the configuration. At a minimum, though, the config file contains a single top level <cruisecontrol> element, with one or more child <project> elements. top The <cruisecontrol> element is the root element of the configuration, and acts as a container to the rest of the configuration elements. Child Elements The <threads> element can be used to configure the number of threads that CruiseControl can use simultaneously to build projects. Attributes The <property> element is used to set a property (or set of properties) within the CruiseControl configuration file.

By supplying both the name and value attributes. Properties in CruiseControl are not entirely immutable: whoever sets a property last will freeze it's value within the scope in which the property was set. Subversion Source Control Block - CruiseControl.NET. CruiseControl.NET provides basic support for Subversion repositories.

Subversion Source Control Block - CruiseControl.NET

Checking for changes, checking out or updating sources, and tagging-by-copying are supported, but more advanced features such as using Subversion revision numbers are not yet supported. Subversion support is under active development and will improve over time. Version Available from version 1.0 Examples <sourcecontrol type="svn"><trunkUrl> Configuration Elements Notes The <trunkUrl> tag should specify the URL to use to determine if changes have occurred in your repository.

Linking modifications to WebSVN You can link the modifications detected by CruiseControl.NET to the appropriate WebSVN page by adding the following additional configuration information to the Subversion source control section: Change the <url> element to point to the root url for the WebSVN site. $repname = @$_REQUEST["repname"]; if (isset($repname)) { $rep = $config->findRepository($repname); } SVN over SSL SVN over svn+ssh Known Issues. Welcome to CruiseControl.NET - CruiseControl.NET.

After years of good collaboration with Thoughtworks, it appeared that Thoughtworks had less resources to spent for CCNet.

Welcome to CruiseControl.NET - CruiseControl.NET

This problem came painfully visible when their site was hacked with a virus. It took a long time for the help page to come back up, and the build server is still not up. Some months ago we (the active members) decided to move the hosting to another server, so we would be less dependent on Thoughtworks. No hard feelings, it were great years of cooperation but time moved on.

The reason it took a few months to set everything up was due to lack of time of us. The license of CCNet is still the same as it was before the move, we just moved the build server and the documentation site, everything else stays the same till further notice The move to the new site also has some plus points : Now lets get CCNet back in the picture, stay tuned for more news. Raking in the Rewards of Codified Build Scripts: Albacore. Open Source.NET Raking in the Rewards of Codified Build Scripts: Albacore Build scripts are finally being treated as first-class development citizens, thanks to tools like psake, FAKE, and Rake + Albacore.

Raking in the Rewards of Codified Build Scripts: Albacore

Ian Davis explores the Ruby-based, open source Albacore DSL. Borne out of the frustration of markup build scripts, a movement is underway (and has been for about a couple years now) to treat build scripts as first-class development citizens. The premise of the movement is that your build scripts should be coded, not configured, to be treated as production code that is clean, refactored, easy to maintain, easy to debug, and easy to write. The core issue with how build scripts have progressed is the reliance on markup and build runners. There are a few front runners in the coded build script arena for .NET developers: psake (PowerShell), FAKE (F#), and Rake + Albacore (Ruby/IronRuby). MSBuildAssemblyInfo creationC# Compiler (CSC) MSPecMSTestNUnitXUnitZip file creation About the Author.