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Welcome to the SICP Web Site. Wizard Book n. Hal Abelson's, Jerry Sussman's and Julie Sussman's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (MIT Press, 1984; ISBN 0-262-01077-1), an excellent computer science text used in introductory courses at MIT. So called because of the wizard on the jacket. One of the bibles of the LISP/Scheme world. Also, less commonly, known as the Purple Book. From The New Hacker's Dictionary, 2nd edition (MIT Press, 1993) This site is a companion to the influential computer-science text Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, by Abelson, Sussman, and Sussman. Its purpose is to demonstrate the Web's potential to be a channel for innovative support for textbook users. The material on this site is aimed at instructors using SICP as a course text, and at people using the book for self-study. Comments or questions Contact Us. Eric S. Raymond's Home Page. Welcome to my piece of the Web.

I maintain quite a lot of open-source software, FAQs, and HTML documents, so this site is rather complex. It's mostly validated HTML and light on the graphics, though. You won't have to wait an eon for any of the pages to load. If the software and FAQs I maintain are valuable to you (and especially if my software makes you money) please leave me a tip at Patreon or SubscribeStar. I'm on If you want to link to, copy, mirror, or translate portions of this site, please read my copying policy. If the HTML or images on this site seem to be confusing your browser, see the site design notes. If you're with the press, or want me to give a talk, here are answers to the usual questions. If you're looking for the Halloween Documents, they're here. You can fetch my GPG public key here.

As a public service and act of civil disobedience, we are proud to offer the DeCSS code that will allow you to circumvent the encryption on the DVDs you own. Finally, the HDCP master key. Best Code Syntax Highlighter for Snippets in your Blog.


Umbraco. 10 Million hits a day with Wordpress using a $15 server | Ewan's Blog on IT and stuff like it. [Update 2] – It seems W3 Total Cache support has been silently discontinued – it’s not been updated for over 12 months now, and has allegedly got some security issues. Because of this, I would recommend not installing W3 Total Cache as part of these instructions, everything else should run fine. [/Update] [Update] – I’ve tested this using the new Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Edition, and the settings all appear to work correctly without modification. Let me know if you find a problem [/Update] [Update September 2013] – I’ve recently moved my own blog hosting to a $10 a month VPS from Digital Ocean (that link gets you a $10 discount via an affiliate link) and have been very happy with them, including the performance of the blog. 10 Million hits per day with WordPress on a $15 virtual server Install Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric) on a new virtual private server- it needs to be 11.10 for all the packages that I’m going to list to work out of the box, but it’s all possible to do with other distributions.

Replace. Azure. What is Umbraco Umbraco CMS is the choice of many organizations because of its no-cost, open-source licensing, its simplicity, and its unlimited potential. Umbraco provides a full featured web content management system that is easy to use, simple to customize, and robust enough to run sites for Fortune 500 companies and some of the largest media sites in the world. Umbraco is easy to learn and use for content creators, webmasters, and web developers alike. Within minutes users can begin working with Umbraco customizing it for their specific use. Content writers and editors will immediately recognize Umbraco's interface with its easy to understand tree-view of pages and WYSIWYG page editor. Umbraco is strongly supported by both an active community of users around the world and by a rock-solid commercial organization providing professional support and tools.

Download Umbraco or install it easily using the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. Why Umbraco loves Windows Azure. Top 7 ASP.NET CMS Options. ASP.NET seems to have more and more quality options regarding extensible content management systems with each passing year. Depending on your needs, there are excellent options available both with commercial licenses or open source code. PHP may be king of the web, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for some stellar ASP .NET CMSs that can not only give you the power you need to develop gorgeous, high-concept websites with a strong backbone but will also give you experience working with the ever-popular .NET platform used in business. Whether you're looking for a commercial solution or something born out of the open source community, these top seven ASP .NET CMSes can give you the functionality and the support you need to get the job done. 1.

DotNetNuke Of all the ASP .NET CMSes out there, DotNetNuke is probably the most well known and popular. 2. Telerik Sitefinity CMS delivers powerful content management without complication. 3. 4. 5. 6. mojoPortal 7. Orchard CMS Hosting, MVC 3 Hosting at DiscountASP.NET. Deploy Orchard CMS to Azure - LiteMedia. It's no secret that I'm working on a replacement for this blog in Orchard CMS, and while doing so, learning to deploy applications to Azure. There is a guide provided by the Orchard Team, but it takes for granted that you're using Orchard as a plug'n'play CMS and not as a development platform. Here's a small recollection of my findings. The Orchard CMS is pointed at the Wordpress audience, comfortable with just installing a blog platform, choose theme, widgets and be up and running without any thought on code, deployment or testing. If you don't want to author your own theme or write your own modules, you really should download the Azure package and be on your way.

Project structure As a developer I want to have my project setup in Visual Studio. When it comes to compiling you will notice that there are a whole bunch of binaries in the bin-folder that "has to be there". Extract dependencies with NuGet I use the NuGet package manager to solve out the binary dependencies. Easy! Oh my god! Automate deploy of your Orchard CMS to Azure - LiteMedia. Automation when it comes to deploying web applications is very important.

Automation when it comes to Azure, is an absolute neccesity. You can't live without it. What you need is one click deploy of your latest changes or you will have deploy hell every time you want to release a bug fix. It is hard deploying your application to Azure. It is very hard because When your WebRole won't start you are most often without any error causeLogging is not intuitive and it is hard to get diagnostics out of your applicationYou can't just remote in and switch some DLL, you need to deploy a complete new packageYou want to work with ntfs filesystem and SQL express locally during development, but have to use Azure storage and Azure SQL in Azure This is why a lot of steps are needed to create a new deployment, and that knowledge is best preserved in an automated script.

My Orchard CMS Solution I have three projects in my solution. Azure specific Orchard Configuration config/host.config config/sites.config. How Orchard works - Orchard Documentation. Building a Web CMS (Content Management System) is unlike building a regular web application: it is more like building an application container. When designing such a system, it is necessary to build extensibility as a first-class feature.

This can be a challenge as the very open type of architecture that's necessary to allow for great extensibility may compromise the usability of the application: everything in the system needs to be composable with unknown future modules, including at the user interface level. Orchestrating all those little parts that don't know about each other into a coherent whole is what Orchard is all about. This document explains the architectural choices we made in Orchard and how they are solving that particular problem of getting both flexibility and a good user experience. The Orchard CMS is built on existing frameworks and libraries.

The Orchard application and framework are built on top of these foundational frameworks as additional layers of abstraction. Step by Step Deploying Orchard to Windows Azure | Ooiks's Blog. Although you can find a tutorial regarding Deploying Orchard to Windows Azure at Orchard project web page, but I found that the page is not so friendly for those who came across Windows Azure for the first time. So I re-write part of the tutorial especially for those who used / learn Windows Azure for the first time. I also include screen shot for each step so that you know where to click and so on. This tutorial divided into: Building Orchard PackageSetting Up Windows Azure Storage AccountSetting Up Azure SQL DatabaseSetting Up Windows Azure HostingMoving From Local Host to Windows Azure This section show you how you can download the latest Orchard’s project source code and build the Orchard package for Windows Azure. If you want the Orchard package that I had already build, you can grab it here (Build on 17th of May 2011) or through official website and jump to step 7 instead.

Step 1: Download and install TortoiseHg. Step 4: Run Visual Studio Command Promot (2010) in administrator mode. Deployment - How to deploy Orchard CMS in Windows Azure. OSQA | The Open Source Q&A System. ChrisFulstow/NBlog. Haacked/Subtext · GitHub#readme. AtomPub server for .NET. N2 Open Source ASP.NET CMS. DasBlog. DasBlog. Oxite. - Orchard Project. Welcome - FunnelWeb HQ. BlogEngine.NET | An open source ASP.NET 4.0 powered blogging engine. NBlog : ASP.NET MVC 3.0 Blog Engine. Digiati. Brian Farnhill. Use SignalR with Knockout for real-time UX updates in ASP.NET MVC - I Want My MVC. Posted on December 7th, 2011 SignalR, built by David Fowler (@davidfowl) and Damian Edwards (@DamianEdwards), is an async signaling library for ASP.NET to help build real-time, multi-user interactive web applications. Adding it to an ASP.NET MVC 3 web application is ridiculously easy.

Mashing it up with a client side library like Knockout can be downright magical! Wondering how to get started using SignalR with MVC? How about we new up some sample code and dive in to see what all this "real-time" fuss is about? I posted about using Knockout to handle real-time UX updates in an ASP.NET MVC 3 application back in July of 2011. Our sample application this time around will be an Event Ticket page that allows a visitor to buy a ticket with the click of a button. Packages to Install First we need to install the SignalR NuGet package into an ASP.NET MVC 3 project. Install-Package SignalR Out of the box, SignalR does not support versions of Internet Explorer prior to 8.

Install-Package Json2. Welcome to OneSaas - Cloud Integrations Made Easy - OneSaas - Cloud Integrations Made Easy. I Want My MVC. Matt Hamilton. Returning Json from MVC Controller - A Load of Code. Kazi Manzur Rashid. Upcoming Courses - Osherove. Resume' - William Bloodworth | Whatever Blows Your Hair Back.