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Digi Strategix

Digi Strategix is digital marketing company in Pune, India. We offer SEO, SEM, Social Media Marketing, Web Design & Web Development services. Feel free to contact us for enquiry.

Tips to keep your content relevant. Content relevance is all about audience’s perception of your content topic, issues, needs or interests.

Tips to keep your content relevant

Here are we are going to see few things which might help you keep your content relevant. Content marketing is an important thing when it comes to relevance. Marketing can get you audience and boost your page. 1) Consistency: Use of hashtag for social media – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs. Hashtag are very important part of social media marketing.

Use of hashtag for social media – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs

They are used to categorize and group posts, stories or content posted on social media. Hashtags were first introduced by twitter, and then became wildly popular throughout social media. Hashtags are just words followed by hash or pound symbol(#). Hashtags if used effectively are the best way to increase your reach. They increase engagement with your followers but also they reach people who are interested in your business or something related to your business. Evolution of Digital Marketing – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs. Digital marketing is one of the most important tool in today’s world.

Evolution of Digital Marketing – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs

Digital marketing is when digital platform is used to promote and advertise product and business. Here is how digital marketing has evolved from its start. Following are the year that made impact on digital marketing or introduced us to something very extraordinary. 1990 was the year were everything began, the term digital marketing came to existence and took off.1990-1992 the market for personal computers increased and people started using emails.1994 the first ever clickable banner appeared on the internet and 44% who saw the ad clicked on it. The ad was owned by AT&T and was showcased on Hotwired website.1994 was when amazon was launched and eBay was launched a year later in 1995.1994-1995 people started using email as marketing strategies, it still remains one of the effective ways for the same.1994-1996 the number of people using the internet increased impressively.

Like this: Like Loading... 8 reasons why social media marketing matters for your business – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs. 1.

8 reasons why social media marketing matters for your business – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs

Brand visibilityPeople have access to social media 24*7. When your business profile on a social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube etc you are visible to the customer all the time. This increases your opportunities and chances towards success. 2. Audience engagement Social Media gives you an opportunity to maintain a one to one conversation with all your customers and this helps in maintaining a healthy customer relationship. Importance of website for your business – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs. A surprising fact is how many businesses do not have a website.

Importance of website for your business – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs

You would think that in this digital modern era everybody would know how important a website is for a business. It is clearly not the case and any business that does not have a professionally designed website is missing out on a powerful marketing tool. A record number of consumers take to their computers, tablets and smart phones to research a product or company before purchasing. If you do not have a business website you are missing all of this potential business. Even if you’re not planning on selling your products or services online, they are still likely to research it online and look for businesses in their area selling what they need.

Importance of Voice Search Engine Optimization in 2020 – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs. Voice Search is something that we see in science fiction movies.

Importance of Voice Search Engine Optimization in 2020 – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs

As a child, we were always fascinated with the idea of computers interacting with humans, be it Iron Man or Star Trek. Nowadays, we are quite familiar with the arrival of Siri or Alexa in our lives, and voice search has more common than usual. According to Google, voice search is going to become the fastest growing form of search. 8 ways to make your content go viral on social media – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs. Technological advancements over the last few years have really changed the way a customer looks at brands.

8 ways to make your content go viral on social media – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs

Now, it’s not just about having a good service/product, but goes beyond that. Your online and social media presence can be extremely influential in getting your customers to connect with you, stay loyal to you and also, to recommend you to others. Various big brands, celebrities and athletes use different social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to share their thoughts, introduce new products and basically, promote themselves.

They use various strategies to generate great posts, which go viral within hours of being posted. However, with so many posts being put up every day, every minute, not all of them become as popular as a few others. Social Media Marketing Trends in 2020 – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs. With the commencement of the year 2020, we have seen a hike in new digital marketing trends.

Social Media Marketing Trends in 2020 – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs

Along with that, competition for the marketers has also increased. Social Media is not of a static nature, it is constantly changing. The strategies that worked for you last year may or may not work for you now. Things you need to know about SEO. Digital marketing is becoming an extremely popular strategy for businesses to expand and reach more audience.

Things you need to know about SEO

Developing a website, posting on social media sites, connecting through emails are some of the aspects of digital marketing. It may seem extremely simple and easy, but there’s a lot more to it than what actually meets the eye. The website needs to be optimised, the social media posts should be effective and interactive and there needs to be a good use of the key words in order to be appealing and to enhance visibility. That’s where ‘SEO’ comes into play. SEO vs SEM: What is best for you in 2020 – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs. We have entered into a digital age.

SEO vs SEM: What is best for you in 2020 – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs

Everything has become digital and quick. Various companies and industries have turned to digital marketing to help their industries flourish. The Digital Marketing field is burgeoning. There are two types of digital marketing which is Organic Marketing and Inorganic Marketing. 10 REASONS TO HIRE DIGI STRATEGIX – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs. We are one of the upcoming progressive digital and social media marketing companies in Pune, thus you can have total assurance of safety and loyalty towards your business.Coverage on all required social media platforms.

Here at Digi strategix we make sure your business gets the deserved attention of the targeted audience through various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter etc.Each client is given enough time and your specific requirements are considered in the mind at the time of planning.We provide the necessary services like SEO, Website designing and development, Search engine Marketing, online reputation marketing , social media marketing along with designing and printing essentials.Along with the above mentioned we also provide cinema advertising.The team writes content for your website’s blogs as well as for social media like instagram and Facebook posts.

Digi Strategix is an upcoming SEO company in Pune. Like this: Like Loading... Benefits of paid search marketing on Google for your business – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs. In this digital age, a large number of consumers turn to the internet for getting information, reading reviews and then ultimately buying the best product. Benefits of Content Marketing for your business – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs. Content marketing is absolutely the opposite of Traditional marketing. Traditional marketing involves the direct promotion of your product or brand, so as to convince the customers to purchase it. Content marketing has less to do with the actual product and more to do with creating content which is useful and informative and answers the queries that your audience may have. The content created can be articles, videos, blogs, entertainment, etc. which are related to your product genre and something which is unique and provided only by you.

Attracts the right people. 5 Benefits of SEO for your business in 2019 – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which means improving the visibility of your website on the search engines in order to increase the quality and quantity of the web traffic. The major companies like Google, Yahoo and Bing offer their own primary search results based on what is considered most relevant to the users by their search engines. Based on this, they provide rankings to the web page, website, video and other contents. Improvement can be in terms of editing the content, modifying the HTML, adding specific key words, etc. The following are some of the benefits of SEO- Helps to improve user experience-SEO is not only about enhancing the site’s visibility to the search engines. Benefits of SEO for your business – Digital Marketing Tips, Information & Blogs. In the process of promoting a business digitally, SEO has proved to be one of the most helpful services to increase business prominence.

SEO i.e. Search Engine optimization is the process of increasing the traffic and visibility of the business website by increasing the visibility on a web engine. Via the process of SEO the business can increase its organic flow. To explain in simple words, SEO simply means making it possible to rank your business higher on search engines like Google. When your business website ranges on top of the search engine, the user is bound to click on the link and visits your website, thus increasing website traffic. SEO is the Primary source for new leads: Via SEO the business is able to generate new business leads. In all SEO is extremely helpful in increasing the brand awareness.

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