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DigiMantra Labs

A beautifully designed website or mobile application has the ability to connect with visitors emotionally, but at times even that isn’t enough. At DigiMantra Labs, the websites and applications we build directly reflect your value proposition to engage prospects and ensure higher conversion. Our inclusive team of highly consumer-focused, future-oriented brand strategists, IT engineers, creative designers, developers, storytellers and visualisers are dedicated to enriching digital experiences by providing innovative business solutions. Expand your brand visibility with DigiMantra Labs, a creative hub, providing custom web design, mobile app, and marketing solutions in the USA, Canada, Australia, and Europe.

IoT Holds the Potential of Transforming the Mobile App Development Landscape. If you think mobile apps are solely for big names in the industry such as Walmart, Apple, or Bank of America, you are wrong.

IoT Holds the Potential of Transforming the Mobile App Development Landscape

More and more small and midsize enterprises are getting on the bandwagon of mobile apps. Why? They are an integral part of the marketing strategy, enabling companies to interact with customers by creating a direct marketing channel. According to a report by Sensor Tower, global consumer spending on mobile apps is estimated to reach $270 billion annually by 2025.1 In the race to be available to the consumer at all times, mobile apps present a unique opportunity that will definitely transform the e-commerce market. Top Digital Marketing Trends of 2021 that you cannot Ignore! A couple of years ago, artificial intelligence (AI), data-driven marketing and voice search engine optimisation were ambitious concepts in the digital marketing landscape.

Top Digital Marketing Trends of 2021 that you cannot Ignore!

Today, they are a necessity. For a strong and robust online presence, it has become crucially important for enterprises across verticals are to leverage new-age digital and online marketing tools. A report by RedSeer Consulting estimates that social commerce in India will touch up to USD 7 billion in GMV by 2025. Online shoppers from tier-II and tier-III cities will push the number ahead. If businesses have any intention of remaining competitive today, they must adapt and make use of the newest trends dominating the online marketing ecosystem. The time is ripe for marketers to closely scrutinize their goals, performance metrics and KPIs and align it with innovative digital marketing trends in order to thrive in 2021 and beyond. Artificial Intelligence Programmatic Advertising Semantic Search. Going Mainstream in 2021: What’s in Store for Visual AI. Top Five Projections That will Change the World.

From when we get up in the morning to when we sleep, technology has a presence in most aspects of our daily routine.

Top Five Projections That will Change the World

The potential of what we can achieve with technology is limitless. New breakthroughs are taking place at an exponential rate. Whether it be for sustainability, data analytics or artificial intelligence (AI), technological innovations is projected to touch every business and every life on the planet. Laravel Framework: A Complete Guide for Developers. Developing an app or a website from scratch requires a lot of work.

Laravel Framework: A Complete Guide for Developers

Best website development Company in India. PHP integrates beautifully with several open-source CMS such as Joomla.

Best website development Company in India

This award-winning CMS helps you build powerful online web apps and websites. Joomla allows easy extensibility, which makes it ideal for: Web hosting with PHP support.Strong UNIX and Linux servers at the backend.MySQL or PgSQL database on your domain servers.Content Management System (CMS) such as Joomla, Shopify or WordPress. A CMS software acts somewhat like a public library. It keeps track of all the content on your site, indexing and sorting and organizing everything for your convenience. Tips on how to pick the perfect app Name. Do you believe in this notion that, “First Impression is the last Impression”?

Tips on how to pick the perfect app Name

If yes, then you got to be extra wise and careful while choosing your Mobile app’s name. Yes, practically this is the first thing that will reach your potential audience before anything else does. The app’s functionality, its usage, the purpose it serves and the user interface everything comes after it. 2021 Success Guide: Best UX eCommerce Practices To Follow. Consider the following example.

2021 Success Guide: Best UX eCommerce Practices To Follow

You walk inside a store to buy a particular product. You are unable to find it and there is no one around to help you out as the shop assistants are preoccupied. When you finally zero down on what you came in for, the billing process takes forever to be completed. At this point, you give up and leave the shop to find what you are buying somewhere else.

When you don’t invest in a comprehensive and memorable user experience (UX) model, this is what your ecommerce customers feel like. Gatsby.JS vs Next.JS - Picking The Best Framework in 2021. With speed becoming a critical important when it comes to building new websites as static site rendering, technologies such as Next.JS and Gatsby.JS have become hugely popular.

Gatsby.JS vs Next.JS - Picking The Best Framework in 2021

Choosing between the two technologies have been fairly easy so far. Gatsy.JS for building static website with less changing content and Next.JS for more complicated websites. How To Make An Amazing Food Delivery App. The food delivering app market has boomed like never before. The growth in this sector has been incredibly tremendous and the whole food industry has witnessed the change. 7 Tips to Extend the Lifespan of your Mobile Application. In this era of software programs and applications, with hundreds of them being released every day, it is indeed difficult to stay on top!

7 Tips to Extend the Lifespan of your Mobile Application

Studies have shown that 94% of the smartphone users tend to uninstall an app, a month after downloading it. Many mobile app developers have come up with ideas that cater to the short-term needs of the users. Among the millions of app domains, and billions of app users, it is almost impossible to figure out why the user left or uninstalled the app. Many apps generally capture the attention of the users and target audience, but the best of apps hold their complete attention consistently. To make matters worse, there are numerous app developers, constantly trying to outdo each other in every given app domain.

Top 5 Gaming Technology Trends of 2020. The global video game industry is thriving, despite the widespread disruption brought upon by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Top 5 Gaming Technology Trends of 2020

According to a report by the World Economic Forum, the global video game industry is expected to be worth $159 billion in 2020 alone.[1] With the advent of many Mobile game development company in India, gaming is seeing a growth like never before. Like many companies, the gaming industry is also supporting a number of community initiatives aimed at mitigating the effects of COVID-19. Contactless Payment Solutions Are Here To Stay. How To Make An Amazing Food Delivery App - DigiMantra Labs. Best Paid Marketing Tools For 2020. Imagine, you finally set up your dream company by spending all of your hard earned money and now you want to introduce your swanky new brand to the common masses; well you could go for the traditional methods of inbound marketing or increase you company’s exposure manifold by using outbound marketing methods with the prime method being that of using paid marketing tools.

Yes it will cost you a few more bucks but the return is too good to be overlooked as it will turn your company into a major brand with the help of precisely targeted campaigns and advertisements. Now we shall introduce to you few of the best paid marketing tools which are available in the current market. Google Adwords. eCommerce Website Development Company - DigiMantra Labs. The Tech Behind Self-Driving Cars - Self Driving Technology - DigiMantra Labs. In 2018, Ford-owed AI startup Argo invested $15 million into creating a research centre at Carnegie Mellon University that will focus on improving self-driving technology.[1]In 2015, Toyota invested an astounding $1 billion, for the next five years, in the Toyota Research Institute to develop robotics and AI technology for autonomous cars. [2]In 2016, Renault-Nissan partnered with Microsoft to help advance its autonomous vehicle efforts. [3]These are just one of the many examples of how the biggest automotive manufacturers are exploring the self-driving segment to revolutionize how we travel.

In the past five years, autonomous driving has gone from “maybe possible” to “definitely possible” to “inevitable” to “now commercially available.” One account suggests that driverless tech will add $7 trillion to the global economy and save hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few decades. [4]Several critical technologies come into play here. Artificial Intelligence Safety and security. Programming: The Future of Work - DigiMantra Labs. If you are adept at Java or if you can effortlessly navigate PHP, C++ and other programming languages, then you have a big advantage in terms of landing a high-paying job.

Coding is no longer a skill just limited to big IT firms. The Covid-19 pandemic has expedited the process of digitization for industries across sectors. Green Technology: Paving The Way For A Better Future - DigiMantra Labs. Contactless Payment Solutions: The Future is Here. Redefining Customer Engagement With Chatbots. Chatbots continue to be a topic of much discourse in media outlets and vendor communities. From optimising operations to improving supply chain management, the impact of the technology can be felt across industries. But one industry where chatbots hold the power of total transformation is customer service. The New Normal: Data in the Time of Covid-19 - DigiMantra Labs. How the Video Game Industry is Changing - DigiMantra Labs.

Tips And Tricks To Reduce The Development Cost Of Mobile App. How AI And 5G Are Turning The Tables On Technology. Hire dedicated mobile app iOS Android developers India at affordable price. Offshore Mobile App Development Company. On Demand Music Streaming Apps And Monetisation Strategies Associated With It. Custom web design services in India. WORDPRESS vs SQUARESPACE. Read more to see who wins. Why Should New And Experienced Website Developers Choose WordPress over SquareSpace?

Website developers, be it novice or experienced, need a robust, well-established, reliable and stable platform on which their websites can work efficiently. While building a website, Top web app development companies of India have a bold choice of choosing the right product for development in front of them. Hire iPhone app developer India. Monetisation Strategies: On-Demand Music Streaming Apps. Web Design Services - Digimantra Labs.

Effective Tips to Increase Social Media Engagement quickly!!!! Want to boost your business revenue? Hire our mobile app developers! How to Increase Social Media Engagement with your brand: Tips Guide. Why Online Grocery Delivery Service is failing? Here Are the Major Reasons. Custom Web Design Vs Website Templates: Which One You Should Choose? The Ultimate Guide to Accurate Software Development Cost stimation. Major Key Points That You have To Consider While Developing A Parking Finder App. 7 Security Ways To Stop Apps From Stealing Your Data - DigiMantra Labs. How to make an amazing food delivery app like UberEats or GrubHub. How to make an amazing food delivery app like UberEats or GrubHub. SEO/SEM Services and Packages all over the world.

{DigiMantra Labs} Mobile App Development Company India. {DigiMantra Labs} Result Driven SEO Services India. Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Agency for your Business. Tips on how to pick the perfect app Name - DigiMantra Labs. Look out for these latest Mobile app development trends in 2019. The most famous Mobile App Development Framework in 2019. Mobile app development for your business: See which option is best?