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2014 SEO -- 6 Key Pointers. InShare89 How will SEO in 2014 be different from 2013? What do we need to do to overcome future update issues? Here are six things every SEO professional should be concerned about in 2014. Last month, I recapped things people were talking about most in SEO in 2013. Now let's talk about a few things we should be discussing in 2014. This year SEO professionals will have to keep pace with innovation. SEO is all about improving things now to achieve results in the future, so how will 2014 be different from 2013? Here are six things every SEO professional should be concerned about in 2014: 1. Ever since Google stopped providing keyword data, it has become harder to predict which keywords should be pursued. 2. Content marketing is the art of speaking to your audience without selling. 3. 4. A couple of "bad links" pointing back to a website can have a significant negative impact in the SERPS. Here's a tweet from Matt Cutts a few days ago: Google also has a page about link schemes. 5. 6.


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Single Page Websites & SEO. Tracking. The 10 Most Common On-Page SEO Gaffes. What are some common SEO Mistakes to avoid? That is a great question and is probably the most common question that I get asked by friends, family and clients. First off, search engine optimization isn’t brain surgery or quantum mechanics, it’s hundreds of little details that align to make a bigger picture. Many people spend tons of time and money into building a beautiful website that is responsive and useful to visitors but then quit fine tuning the details. Here are some common On-Page SEO Mistakes to avoid 1. Your title tag is the title of the page that shows up in the search results pages as well at the top of your browser. 2. On the search engine results page, there is a limit to how long your title should be. 3. Far too often I see clients websites that use the exact same meta description for every single page. 4. Just as the length of you title tag is important, the length of your meta description is also important. 5. 6.

Why should I use h2 tags? 7. 8. 9. 10.


Google+ YouTube Video SEO Tips. YouTube By Amy Schmittauer, Published November 14, 2013 This week on the Magnet Minute, Amy shares advice for optimizing YouTube videos in order to get more views and grow awareness of your brand on the platform. The first tip is in the tag, which people often overlook. By tagging appropriately, you put in keywords that will help people find your content if they’re searching on the topic.

In each of your videos you should type your channel name in the tags area as well, just as it appears in the URL, so that you are a common denominator in what’s being recommended for the viewer next. Another big factor in how your video performs in search engines has to do with the description. You could also provide a transcript. Finally, the most important tip you can use to optimize videos on YouTube is to get to the point in the headline. Top SEO Factors For Choosing A CMS. A quick Google search of “which CMS is best for SEO” reveals a wealth of results claiming content management systems (CMS) don’t impact SEO.

Many bloggers—and even site managers—don’t factor in SEO when choosing a CMS because they believe all CMSs render content. To them, that means a search engine will be able to crawl the site. While this statement is true, content isn’t the only factor that plays into search rankings. And with more than 1,000 CMS choices, some of those choices allow for better search optimization than others. Here are five quick SEO factors to keep in mind if you’re building a new site or migrating to a new CMS. Page titles, meta descriptions and h1 tags When Googlebot crawls a website, it’s not just looking at on-page content; HTML plays a large role in determining search rankings. So, being able to create custom (read: optimized) page titles, meta descriptions and h1 tags should be a major concern when choosing a CMS.

Plugins, modules and add-ons Page Templates. The Ultimate Guide to Multilingual and Multiregional SEO. On-Page SEO Best Practices to Follow For 2014 (Part 2) Last week, Part 1 of this post covered the 7 main keyword targeting elements to address when conducting On-Page SEO in this modern era of SEO, post-Google Penguin, Panda and Hummingbird. Today’s post will address the sometimes overlooked aspects of true On-Page Optimization that companies need to be focused on if wanting to create a fully optimized website that will thrive in the search rankings. Uniquely Valuable Content Google’s mission is clear. They want to create the best user experience of any search engine on the web. So when website owners and marketers try to cheat their way into ranking first with low-quality or duplicate content, Google’s algorithm is now smart enough to expose these types of practices. So resist the temptation to go down this road. Exceptional User Experience (UX) Part of Google’s mission in creating the best search experience is providing users with the websites that will provide the best user experience, not just the best content.

There’s no doubt about it. Hummingbird Unleashed. The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. Sometimes I think that us SEOs could be wonderful characters for a Woody Allen movie: We are stressed, nervous, paranoid, we have a tendency for sudden changes of mood...okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little bit, but that's how we tend to (over)react whenever Google announces something. Cases like this webmaster, who is desperately thinking he was penalized by Hummingbird, are not uncommon.

One thing that doesn't help is the lack of clarity coming from Google, which not only never mentions Hummingbird in any official document (for example, in the post of its 15th anniversary), but has also shied away from details of this epochal update in the "off-the-record" declarations of Amit Singhal. In fact, in some ways those statements partly contributed to the confusion. This post is the result of my study of those documents and field observations. No. A [Poorly] Illustrated Guide to Google's Algorithm.

Like all great literature, this post started as a bad joke on Twitter on a Friday night: If you know me, then this kind of behavior hardly surprises you (and I probably owe you an apology or two). What's surprising is that Google's Matt Cutts replied, and fairly seriously: Matt's concern that even my painfully stupid joke could be misinterpreted demonstrates just how confused many people are about the algorithm. This tweet actually led to a handful of very productive conversations, including one with Danny Sullivan about the nature of Google's "Hummingbird" update. These conversations got me thinking about how much we oversimplify what "the algorithm" really is. The Google algorithm There's really no such thing as "the" algorithm, but that's how we think about it—as some kind of monolithic block of code that Google occasionally tweaks.

So, naturally, when Google announces an "update", all we see are shades of blue. Inputs and outputs Simple enough, right? Relevance, ranking and re-ranking. Why Should We Do Everything Google Says? I have said this before, I love Google. I live and breathe Google. But the other day at dinner my husband and I were talking about why we had to make some changes based on Google’s best practices, bla bla bla and my teenage daughter suddenly asked “Why do you have to do everything Google says”? What? Why do I? Because they say so? It isn’t Going Anywhere Using a search engine is the most popular online activity, according to surveys by Pew Internet and most of internet users go to Google first. Because Google controls their search algorithms, and most people prefer Google Search over everything else, I guess we will always be at mercy of @MattCutts and his coworkers on Google’s Search Quality Team.

Google is the Biggest and Baddest Advertising Company Most of us associate Google with Google Search, Google Chrome, and maybe even those self-driving cars in California. Google Cares About You So here’s to you Google, and thank you for downgrading the page rank of well-known content farms. Google Authorship For SEO -Things You Need To Know. Google first introduced Authorship two years ago in an effort to provide more power to authors and website owners to have full control and claim ownership to the content they produce.

Since then, Google Authorship has become an indispensable tool in enhancing SEO campaigns, while also allowing authors to gain more visibility for their content, connect with their niche, and establish their credibility. These things happen because more people are inclined to click on search results written by “real” people. If you are just starting out with Google Authorship for your SEO efforts, you want to make sure that you will be able to get the best out of it. In order to do that, there are some important things you need to know about authorship that will allow you to use it the right way. Below are some of them. You don’t own the content unless Google says so Of course, you want to have control over your hard work and Authorship will allow you to do just that.

Author Rich Snippets in Google - Everything you need to know. Note: This is a revamped, rewritten, and updated version of our original 2012 article & tutorial on Author Rich Snippets. All information is now current for 2013. Happy reading! What are Author Rich Snippets? An author rich snippet is an enhanced result in Google’s SERPs that features a person’s photo/headshot, their byline (i.e. name), and a link to their Google+ profile. Google pulls this information into their results for one simple reason: users trust and seek out information on the web that’s been written by real people.

In most cases, people find more value in content that someone’s put their name behind rather than cold corporate content, or anonymous content. Why are Author Rich Snippets important? Aside from the obvious ego boost that accompanies your own Author Rich Snippet showing up in search, Author Rich Snippets offer the following additional benefits. Now, Author Rich Snippets aren’t for everyone. Do you want to attract more search traffic to your site? Sound good? Author Rich Snippets in Google - Everything you need to know. Penguin 5, With The Penguin 2.1 Spam-Filtering Algorithm, Is Now Live. The fifth confirmed release of Google’s “Penguin” spam fighting algorithm is live.

That makes it Penguin 5 by our count. But since this Penguin update is using a slightly improved version of Google’s “Penguin 2″ second-generation technology, Google itself is calling it “Penguin 2.1.” Don’t worry. We’ll explain the numbering nonsense below, as well as what this all means for publishers. New Version Of Penguin Live Today The head of Google’s web spam team, Matt Cutts, shared the news on Twitter, saying the latest release would impact about 1 percent of all searches: The link that Cutts points at, by the way, explains what Penguin was when it was first launched.

Previous Updates Here are all the confirmed releases of Penguin to date: Why Penguin 2.1 AND Penguin 5? If us talking about Penguin 5 in reference to something Google is calling Penguin 2.1 hurts your head, believe us, it hurts ours, too. Thanks For The Headache, Google What Is Penguin Again? What About Hummingbird? Google Webmasters. Google Now Displays Google+ Hashtag Results in Search Queries | SEJ. Google now supports hashtag searches within Google+ from the search engine’s query result pages: The box on the right hand side of the screen automatically refreshes periodically and users can view past posts by clicking the carrot arrows on the top right of the hashtag Google+ box.

From what we’ve seen in a private, logged out browser, the posts are displayed in order of relevance, with no preference given to users or company pages. This means that individual users and businesses alike have the chance to appear at the top of users’ search queries when they use an applicable hashtag. Hashtag Search Optimization When using a logged in Chrome browser, the same results were displayed. All results except for one had at least 3 shares or a number of comments, leading to speculation that interaction with posts may lead to better chances of getting displayed in query results. Searching Within Facebook and Twitter. Internet Marketing: How to Do SEO for Now and Forever  I see so many alleged SEO tactics that just waste time and money without having any positive affect on the website. In many cases, things done in the name of SEO actually hurt websites more than help them.

Which is why I write a whole lot about what not to do in SEO. While it’s easy to say what SEO isn’t, it’s a lot harder to pin down exactly what SEO is these days. On the other hand, SEO is still the same thing I said it was when I first started writing about it over a decade ago — that is, making your website the best it can be both for people and search engines. Still, that broad definition probably doesn’t mean much to many of you. Time or Money First — when you’re talking about having the best anything, there’s no quick fix. Understand Your Target Audience To get started having the best website ever, you have to truly understand your target audience. Create a User-Friendly and Search Engine-Friendly Site Architecture Content Creation Writing Tags Getting the Word Out Moving Forward.


10 Best SEO Web Design Firms | SEO Web Development. The Difference Between Broad Match, Phrase Match and Exact Match. There can be a lot of confusion between the use of the three match types in various search or SEO functions. Let me try to explain. Now, there’s a big difference between using these things yourself in a Google search, and the traffic data you’ll see in Google AdWords Keyword Tool or other keyword research tools.

In Brief Broad match = Contains all the words, may be in any order, and may include other wordsPhrase match = Contains all the words, in order, and may include other words before or after the phraseExact match = Contains only these words in this order Searching Using Broad Match and Phrase Match If you type the words – unusual christmas gifts – into a Google search, you’ll get a lot of results. Here I got 3,560,000 results from Broad Match That’s a BROAD MATCH. What’s Google telling me here? For example, you could get a page that includes all those 3 words – anywhere on the page. Phrase Match This is saying: Give me pages that are about “unusual christmas gifts”. inShare8.

L'outil de planification des mots clés remplace le Générateur de mots clés - Centre d'aide AdWords. Google Webmasters. Association à votre site Web - Centre d'aide Google+ L'association de votre page et de votre site Web est utile pour les raisons suivantes : Elle vous permet d'être connecté à vos amis, vos fans et vos clients. Elle nous fournit des informations qui nous permettent de déterminer la pertinence de votre site par rapport à la requête d'un utilisateur dans la Recherche Google. Votre site peut bénéficier de la fonctionnalité Accès direct de Google+. Remarque : Si vous avez une page Google+ Local, suivez le processus de validation de votre page pour ajouter les informations relatives à votre établissement sur Google Maps et pour afficher le badge de validation sur votre page Google+.

Vous pouvez également choisir d'associer votre site Web à votre page en suivant les étapes décrites ci-dessous. Si votre site a déjà été validé dans les Outils pour les webmasters, le webmaster peut approuver la demande d'association de votre site Web à votre page Google+. Pour associer votre page Google+ à votre site Web, procédez comme suit : La coche. How to Implement the Rel="Publisher" Google Authorship Mark Up. 2013 Search Engine Ranking Factors. 2013 Google SEO Ranking Factors. Google+ Has Highest Impact on SEO Ranking, Report Finds [Infographic] Ad clicks in mobile search incremental to organic - Search Marketing. Businesses now spend 24% of total marketing budget on paid search. Badge - Google+ Platform. Conseils pour le référencement de vos sites à l'international. Comment écrire un article optimal pour le référencement naturel ? - Pikock. 5 Pillars of a Successful Modern Web Design.

Local SEO Optimization: 6 Must-Read Tips for Businesses & Brands. It's Time to Change the SEO Mindset. Releases March 2013 U.S. Search Engine Rankings. Personalization and SEO - Whiteboard Friday. Co-Citation and Co-Occurrence – The Next Big Thing in SEO. SEO Audit: 8-Point Checkup to Keep Your SEO in Tip-Top Shape. Why Google Analytics Tagging Matters - Whiteboard Friday. Lessons from the SEO Pros: Rank Better in Google & Bing. Winning link-building strategies for 2013 - check out this guide! Are You Building Links For SEO Or For Traffic? How To Kill 2 Birds With 1 Stone. Why Pay Per Click Is Such A Beautiful Tool For SEO. Google Panda Two Years Later: The Real Impact Beyond Rankings & SEO Visibility. Google penalises Interflora and UK newspapers for failing to comply with SEO regulations. Meaningful SEO Metrics: Moving Beyond PageRank. Search Engines More Trusted Than Social Media For News & Information [Study]

Things, not strings. Important SEO Habits to Adopt for Post Panda-Penguin Era Survival. The Best Link Building Tool You’ve Never Heard Of: Responsive Design & Mobile SEO: Best Practices for 2013. Small Business Field Guide to SoLoMo [INFOGRAPHIC] Why Site Speed Optimisation Should Be Part of Your SEO Strategy - YouMoz. SEO: Optimal Ecommerce URLs. 4 SEO Tasks Small Businesses Must Do Every Month. Small Business SEO Advisory: 2013 Resolutions - YouMoz. Référencement. How To Optimize YouTube Videos For SEO. Centre d'aide Programme de Certification Google AdWords.

The_seo_survival_guide_by_weidert_group. SEO: 5 Simple Steps for Choosing Effective Keywords. L’URL Rewriting expliqué aux débutants.