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Romance Languages. Foreign Language Online Dictionaries and Free Translation Links. There are 6,800 known languages spoken in the 200 countries of the world. 2,261 have writing systems (the others are only spoken) and about 300 are represented by on-line dictionaries as of May 11, 2004. Below are the ones we currently list. New languages and dictionaries are constantly being added to; as a result, we have the widest and deepest set of dictionaries, grammars, and other language resources on the web.

Language Dictionaries Abenaki , Afrikaans , Ainu , Aklanon , Alabama , Albanian , Algerian , Amharic , Apache , Arabic , Aramaic , Armenian , ASL , Avestan , Ayapathu , Aymara , Azeri Balinese , Bamwe , Bantu , Basa , Basque , Belarusan , Bemba , Bengali , Berber , Bicol , Bisaya , Bobangi , Brahui , Breton , Butuanon , Bukusu , Bulgarian , Burmese Cantonese , Carib , Catalan , Catawba , Cayuga , Cebuano , Chamorro , Chechen Cherokee , Chewa , Cheyenne , Chinese , Chinook , Ch'ol , Chorti , Cispa , Coptic , Cree , Creole , Croatian , Czech Quechua , Quenya. Russian Alphabet. Please click on any row for which you would like to hear the Russian pronunciation. Note: after many months, this page *is* working again.

Thanks to those who have written us about it. NOTE: The voice you hear in the above pronunciations belongs to Natasha Bulashova. The preceding table was adapted from material found in the Berlitz Russian Phrase Book and Dictionary, 1993. Online Sanskrit Dictionary. Online Language Dictionaries and Translators. English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary. Slavic Language Dictionaries.