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Dietition Monika

The Diet Mantra by Monika is focused on providing expert nutritional advice to suit your body needs and empowering you in making lasting lifestyle changes. Monika is the best Dietition in Delhi.

Top 6 foods you must include in your diet plan for menopause!Online Dietitian Consultation. Menopause marks the end of the reproductive period in women.

Top 6 foods you must include in your diet plan for menopause!Online Dietitian Consultation

It is caused due to a natural reduction in reproductive hormones when a woman reaches her 40s or 50s. This is a natural process, often signaled by the lack of menstruation for at least 12 months. After menopause, body undergoes a lot of changes which can make it difficult to keep up with your daily routine. Menopause can lead to hot flashes, weight gain, irritability, decreased bone density apart from other hormonal changes. All these symptoms can be extremely hard to manage. Green Veggies Green vegetables, especially broccoli, are often recommended for women going through menopause. Soy Soy is proven to be highly beneficial for menopause transitions therefore you will often found it listed amongst the foods to follow during menopause. Whole Grains and Oatmeal Despite being rich in carbohydrates, whole grains are a rich source of fiber, proteins and vitamin B which is why it should be a part of your online diet for menopause.

Control Acidity – Avoid These 7 Trigger Foods!Online Dietitian Consultation. Acidity is perhaps the most common lifestyle disorder caused when the stomach acid flows back into the food pipe.

Control Acidity – Avoid These 7 Trigger Foods!Online Dietitian Consultation

This condition is also often referred to as an ‘acid reflux’ and is easily recognized because of it causing the characteristic burning sensation in the lower chest. The digestive glands in the stomach naturally secrete acids to digest the food, however, when this acid is excessively produced, it flows back into the food pipe causing the pain and the heart-burning sensation.

Being a lifestyle disorder, it is often a result of unhealthy habits. Poor eating schedules, skipping meals, and over-eating are the most common reasons for acidity. If left untreated, acidity can lead to serious esophageal damage and tooth decay. We did the research for you and found these 7 trigger foods that you should absolutely avoid including in your acidity diet plan:- 1. All the best dieticians in Delhi recommend their clients to avoid high-fat foods. How Using Diet Can Help You to Manage Thyroid Weight?Online Dietitian Consultation. Thyroid disorders are one of the most common hormonal disorders affecting millions of people across India.

How Using Diet Can Help You to Manage Thyroid Weight?Online Dietitian Consultation

Thyroid is an endocrine gland that secretes hormones that are directly involved in the metabolic activities of the body. Therefore, a healthy thyroid ensures good metabolism. However, oftentimes, due to stress and improper diets, the thyroid can start secreting improper amounts of hormones leading to either Hypothyroidism (caused by insufficient amounts of thyroid hormones) or Hyperthyroidism (caused by excess amounts of thyroid hormones). Both the conditions adversely affect the body’s functioning by negatively impacting the whole metabolic system.

How does eating healthy helps you to stay healthy? Weight Management Consultation in DelhiDiet Mantra By Monika. Are you the one tired of obesity too?

Weight Management Consultation in DelhiDiet Mantra By Monika

The Perfect Weight Management Diet Plan will help you to maintain the right weight! We have got it decoded right here with the best dietician for keto-diet in the entire Delhi-Ncr, Dr. Monika Manchanda, Dietician, New Delhi. Being the best dietician in Delhi, she understands the need for a healthy, easy as well as delicious diet.

Children Nutrition Specialist for Overall GrowthDiet Mantra By Monika. Nutrition for kids is very important to the growing child, the most critical aspect is undoubtedly a proper nutritious diet.

Children Nutrition Specialist for Overall GrowthDiet Mantra By Monika

A complete balanced diet is what helps in the appropriate growth and development of the child. A balanced diet chart needs to be followed so that no nutrition gets skipped. Role of foods at different age groups. 7 tips for a Healthy Diet – Your Guide to a Happy Routine. We live in a fast, growing world.

7 tips for a Healthy Diet – Your Guide to a Happy Routine

With so much happening everywhere at all times, the struggle to maintain a good health can seem all the more tedious and unbecoming. Constant stress and no proper routines can leave us with unhealthy routines and an anxious lifestyle. However, healthy eating habits and a balanced diet can make help energize your body and rejuvenate your mind. Dt. Blood Sugar Control Diets. Blood Sugar Control Diets | Diabetes Management Diet mantra by Monika is the most established online platform aimed at providing expert nutritional care to people from the comfort of their homes.

Blood Sugar Control Diets

Dietitian Monika Manchanda started this company in order to reach closer to her goal of empowering people to live a healthy and better lifestyle. She has committed herself to ensuring the holistic wellness of her clients by helping them to control severe medical conditions such as diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that causes an increase in the blood sugar levels. Sugar is one of the major components of our food and is also required by our body in ample amounts, however, an excess amount of sugar can lead to heart diseases, dementia, depression and neuropathy. Dt. How to maintain thyroid levels in COVID-19? Why Dt. Monika Manchanda is the best dietician and nutritionist in Delhi? Monika Manchanda is the owner and founder of a company called ‘Diet Mantra By Monica’ which is a dedicated platform focused on providing expert nutritional care and advice to people across different nutritional needs and body types.

Why Dt. Monika Manchanda is the best dietician and nutritionist in Delhi?

Her goal is to empower people to make lasting lifestyle changes that can not only help them to feel more energized and fresh but also allow for their sustained well-being. Her plans and packages are far-sighted and focus on establishing correct eating habits. This allows her to help you achieve your nutritional goals while developing a stronger immune system hereby improving your overall health. Monika Manchanda understands the impacts of the speeding world therefore she also offers online diet consultations. She believes that time should not stop you from reaching out and getting the help and support you need.