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Studie: Schon Dreijährige wissen, wie sie YouTube finden. Eine Studie zeigt, unter welchen Umständen Kinder das Internet kennenlernen. Interessant ist, wie viele Achtjährige bereits Dienste wie Facebook und WhatsApp nutzen. Speichern Drucken Twitter Facebook Google + Was früher der Gameboy war, ist für viele Kinder heute das Smartphone. | © Jens Kalaene / dpa Das Internet gehört auch für viele kleine Kinder schon zum Alltag.

Das geht aus der am Dienstag in Berlin präsentierten Studie Kinder in der digitalen Welt hervor, die das Deutsche Institut für Vertrauen und Sicherheit im Internet (DIVSI – eine Initiative der Deutschen Post) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sozialforschungsinstitut Sinus erarbeitet hat. Anzeige Was genau ist Internetnutzung? Beim genaueren Hinsehen wird allerdings deutlich, wieso die Studie allenfalls als grober Indikator für die veränderte Mediennutzung dient: Es ist unklar, wie die Forscher das Onlinesein eigentlich genau definieren. "Digitale Lebenswelten" Das macht die Studie deshalb nicht komplett überflüssig.

ONLINE | Nachrichten, Hintergründe und Debatten. Analyse : Wie Europa Digitalpolitik macht. Stand: 06.05.2015 20:21 Uhr Europa bläst in Sachen Internet zur Aufholjagd. Ein digitaler Binnenmarkt soll entstehen. Und der Kampf, wie die Zukunft für das Netz geregelt wird, ist im vollen Gange. Wie fit ist die EU? Von Christian Feld, ARD-Studio Brüssel Über Europas digitale Zukunft wird maßgeblich in Brüssel entschieden. Vier große Schauplätze Also zoomen wir rein in die Machtmaschine. Erstens: ACTA - ein Handelsabkommen, das lange Zeit in Brüssel niemanden interessiert hat. Zweitens: Über die Datenschutz-Verordnung wird seit Jahren verhandelt und gestritten. Drittens: Das Telekommunikationspaket soll unter anderem die Roaming-Gebühren endgültig abschaffen. Viertens: Und da ist es mit der Harmonie vorbei - Netzneutralität.

Das sind vier große Schauplätze. Ein Tweet mit Tinte auf Papier Starten wir unseren Rundgang am Berlaymont-Gebäude. Juncker ist zwar der Chef. Die besten Leute? Aber kann Juncker an so ein wichtiges Zukunftsthema die besten Leute in diesem Bereich setzen? Juli Zeh zur Überwachungsdebatte: Schützt den Datenkörper! - Überwachung. The maps transforming how we interact with the world. 12 September 2013Last updated at 19:35 ET By Matthew Wall Business reporter, BBC News An Ordnance Survey staff member interrogates 3D aerial mapping data The modern map is no longer an unwieldy printed publication we wrestle with on some blustery peak, but digital, data-rich, and dynamic. It is transforming the way we interact with the world around us.

Thanks to "big data", satellite navigation, GPS-enabled smartphones, social networking and 3D visualisation technology, maps are becoming almost unlimited in their functionality, and capable of incorporating real-time updates. "Advanced LED screen technology and smartphones equipped with projectors are going to transform the way we interact with maps," says Ian White, founder and chief executive of, a San Francisco-based geoservices provider.

Continue reading the main story Soon we may not even be visualising maps. End QuoteJohn GoodwinPrincipal scientist, Ordnance Survey "They may be talking to us. Social maps 'Swan dust pillow' Kent youth PCC Paris Brown's tweets 'not checked' 8 April 2013Last updated at 03:49 ET Paris Brown, an apprentice with Swale Borough Council, is due to begin the PCC job in the summer Recruitment procedures may be reviewed after Britain's first youth police and crime commissioner had to apologise for her comments on Twitter.

Paris Brown, 17, said she was "wildly exaggerating" in "stupid, immoral" tweets posted when she was 14, 15 and 16, before her appointment. Kent police and crime commissioner (PCC) Ann Barnes said recruiters did not check her tweets or Facebook page. "Perhaps that is a lesson for the future," she said. "We went through a perfectly normal recruitment process. "Social networking sites are a no-go area for most of us adults. "A lot of young people use them and say the most horrible things. The Mail on Sunday reported Ms Brown boasted about her sex life, drug taking and drinking on her account @vilulabelle on the social networking website. The Twitter page has since been removed. 'Better person'

Become a Google power searcher. You may already be familiar with some shortcuts for Google Search, like using the search box as a calculator or finding local movie showtimes by typing [movies] and your zip code. But there are many more tips, tricks and tactics you can use to find exactly what you’re looking for, when you most need it. Today, we’ve opened registration for Power Searching with Google, a free, online, community-based course showcasing these techniques and how you can use them to solve everyday problems.

Our course is aimed at empowering you to find what you need faster, no matter how you currently use search. For example, did you know that you can search for and read pages written in languages you’ve never even studied? Lessons will be released daily starting on July 10, 2012, and you can take them according to your own schedule during a two-week window, alongside a worldwide community. Visit the course homepage to learn more. Pebble smartwatch set to ship to project backers. 9 January 2013Last updated at 12:17 ET Technical problems at the press conference lent a blue tinge to the demonstrations A hotly-anticipated smartwatch, which was created thanks to $15m (£10m) in crowdsourced funding, is to be made available this month.

The Pebble has an e-ink display similar to those found on e-readers, and last seven days on one battery charge. The 1.26in (3,2cm) screen is able to display a multitude of apps as well as tell the time. Pebble is to date the most successful Kickstarter project, but had been hit by development delays. Cash pledges Originally intended to ship to backers in Autumn 2012, the watch will now go first to those who contributed to its funding, before then being shipped to those who have placed pre-orders. The first watches will begin shipping on 23 January. It will be mass-produced at a rate of 15,000 units each week, project founder Eric Migicovsky told reporters at CES. Thomas Stuermer, from Accenture, said he believed this could be a problem. Will digital addiction clinics be big in 2013? 6 January 2013Last updated at 20:06 ET Mobile and social media are the driving forces of the next wave of digital change. But these advances are reducing our attention spans and creating new dilemmas for the way we live and work, says Nic Newman.

It used to be the case that British people had a reputation for buttoned-up restraint. Today we are some of the most active social networkers in the world - sharing our party pictures, our music playlists and our deepest secrets with hardly a moment's thought. Sir Tim Berners-Lee's tweet to the world at the Olympics opening ceremony was a reminder that social networking is now a key part of our national culture. And in terms of mobile, the UK now leads the world in its use of data. There is, of course, a link between the two. So what will the potent combination of social and mobile bring in 2013? Increasing amounts of our life will be controlled with our mobiles in 2013.

On the one hand this is driving convenience and greater transparency. Millions in UK 'lack basic online skills' 7 November 2012Last updated at 19:08 ET Martha Lane Fox was appointed as the UK's digital champion in 2009 Some 16 million people in the UK lack basic online skills, a survey suggests. The report, conducted by consultancy firm Booz & Company, defines basic skills as using a search engine, sending and receiving emails, completing online applications and accessing information online. Go ON UK, a charity chaired by the UK digital champion Martha Lane Fox, commissioned the report. The organisation aims to do more to improve digital literacy in the UK.

It will start by looking at how to improve skills in the workplace. "We need to make the country fit for purpose through the next decade and ensure everyone and every organisation has basic digital literacy," said Ms Lane Fox. "If the UK can supercharge itself, it could add a lot of value," said Ms Lane Fox. Low bar "This is not just about getting more people online, but about building the skills of those who are online," she said. Digital divide. The Education Alliance : Adolescent Literacy Collaboratory. Grovo | Video Training & Internet Education.