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8 Awesome New Features in Sublime Text 3.1. Sublime Text 3 Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts. Sublime Text 3 (ST3) is the latest version of one of the most commonly used plain text editors by web developers, coders, and programmers. It’s available for Mac, Windows, and Linux, and free to download and use. Make the most of ST3 with the 25 tips and tricks in this ultimate guide for web developers. Learn about must-have packages, useful keyboard shortcuts, and more. 1. User Preference Settings By default, ST3 uses hard-tabs that are 4 characters long. This can result in hard-to-read code, as large tabular indents push your work to the right.

This setting converts hard-tabs to spaces, makes indents only two characters long, puts a ruler at the 80 character mark (to remind you to keep your code concise), and adds white space markers. 2. ST3’s command palette will let you run toolbar actions (e.g. setting the code syntax for an opened file) without having to lift a finger from the keyboard.

Screenshot of the Command Palette in Sublime Text 3 3. 4. Must-Have Sublime Text 3 Packages 5. 6. Sublime Text 3 Cheat Sheet | ShortcutFoo. Skuroda/PackageResourceViewer. Filipelinhares/vuejs-snippets-sublime: Vuejs Snippets for Sublime Text. Sdras/vue-sublime-snippets: Simplify and supercharging my workflow with snippets for Vue.js that help me spin things up quickly. GitHub - BrainBuzzer/vuejs-sublime-complete: Better Vue.js completions for sublime text with syntax highlighting.


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