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Laravel Packages

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GitHub - Kyslik/column-sortable: Package for handling column sorting in Laravel 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. Backup-manager/laravel. This package pulls in the framework agnostic Backup Manager and provides seamless integration with Laravel.


Watch a video tour to get an idea what is possible with this package. Note: This package is for Laravel integration only. For information about the framework-agnostic core package (or the Symfony driver) please see the base package repository. Table of Contents Stability Notice It's stable enough, you'll need to understand filesystem permissions. This package is actively being developed and we would like to get feedback to improve it. Requirements PHP 5.5LaravelMySQL support requires mysqldump and mysql command-line binariesPostgreSQL support requires pg_dump and psql command-line binariesGzip support requires gzip and gunzip command-line binaries Installation Composer Run the following to include this via Composer composer require backup-manager/laravel Then, you'll need to select the appropriate packages for the adapters that you want to use.

Laracogs: Prepare your Laravel apps incredibly fast. Laracogs. Welcome to Laracogs a provider of cogs to build your next amazing application including: a starter kit, form-maker, CRUD builder, documentation builder, and cryptography tool.


Laracogs is a package which can be added to any Laravel 5.1+ app. It's best to integrate it early and utilize the starter kit to hit the ground running. Installation Start a new Laravel project: Then run the following to add Laracogs composer require "yab/laracogs" Add this to the config/app.php in the providers array: Yab\Laracogs\LaracogsProvider::class Time to publish those assets! Php artisan vendor:publish or. 20 Useful Laravel Packages Available on CodeCanyon. Shot and to the point, the Laravel homepage describes the framework as: The PHP Framework For Web Artisans Short, sweet, and to the point.

20 Useful Laravel Packages Available on CodeCanyon

That is, if you're already familiar with PHP and other frameworks, of course. If you're not, then we've got plenty of material for you to read. For example: If those don't satiate your desire, we also have a few courses available, as well. After you've taken the plunge and gotten familiar with the framework, you may find yourself curious about the tools and packages that are available for you to incorporate into your work. To help, here's a rundown of the top 20 most popular Laravel packages currently available in the Envato Marketplace.

Sximo aims to add basic CRUD (create-read-update-delete) functionality to your MySQL database-backed Laravel application. It offers the following features:


Getestet mit Details. Verwenden. Packagist. InfyOm Laravel Generator Documentation : Laravel Generator Features. GitHub - rappasoft/awesome-laravel: A curated list of bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Laravel ecosystem. Josh - Laravel Admin Template + Front End + CRUD by jyostna. Starter projects. On open sourcing Blender - Every two weeks I send out a newsletter containing lots of interesting stuff for the modern PHP developer.

On open sourcing Blender -

You can expect quick tips, links to interesting tutorials, opinions and packages. Want to learn the cool stuff? Then sign up now! At Spatie we use a homegrown Laravel template called Blender. It’s being used on nearly all our projects. A few weeks ago I put the source code of Blender in a public repo on GitHub. Because the quality of the code is directly reflecting on our company, there is a extra incentive to deliver quality.Potential clients can inspect our code before trusting their projects to us.

This is how the login screen and back-section look like: If you need a good Laravel based CMS that is well documented and intended for public use take a look at Asgard CMS, October CMS or one of the many alternatives. Some interesting tidbits on how Blender works: Putting the code on GitHub is just a first step. GitHub - Zizaco/entrust: Role-based Permissions for Laravel 5.