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Pricing | Heroku. Deploy a Laravel 5 app to Heroku. Heroku is an awesome platform originally built on top of AWS and currently owned by Salesforce. Laravel is a powerful PHP web framework for building applications. In this short tutorial we're going to generate an app from laravel-5-boilerplate and deploy it to Heroku. By the end of the tutorial we will have a user management and permission system built with Laravel, Bootstrap and live to the internets powered by Heroku. If you prefer to have a generic Laravel 5 app instead of a massive boilerplate follow this gist. Without further ado, let's get started. Steps: Download Laravel 5 Boilerplate according to the Quick Start Documentation. . $ mysql -uroot -p > create database MY_DATABASE_NAME; Ctrl-C to exit Create a Procfile to teach Heroku how to boot up our app: $ echo web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/ > Procfile Create a Heroku app.

. $ heroku create YOUR_APP_NAME Add a PHP buildpack: $ heroku buildpacks:set Add MySQL to our Heroku project: <? Cloud Application Platform | Heroku. Laravel on Heroku | Codecourse. Deploying Applications with Heroku | Udacity.