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MOOC, what’s in a name? After spending considerable time and effort on MOOCs in the past the Coursera / University of Edinburgh eLearning and Digital Culture MOOC (#edcmooc) was the first have been able to complete. How I did this was quite simple … I knew I’d fade out after a week or so so I set a goal of one blog entry per week’s activity, including a pre-MOOC post and post-MOOC ‘submission feedback’ post. Now I had set myself this public goal I needed to follow and live up to it. It worked. This may not be to everyone’s taste or motivational style, but after 3 other failed MOOCs I wanted to finish one, just one. MOOCs were also presented at the 2013 Blackboard Users Conference (#durbbu) by Jeremy Knox: MOOC Pedagogy Which now brings me to the nature of the different MOOCs available.

The difference between these two types of MOOCs is defined as: Here’s a question for you … how does the newly created FutureLearn fit into this? Fingers crossed. References: Hoyle, M. Image: Die Bildungsschlange (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) The 'Course' in MOOC. A discussion taking place on the OER-Forum Discussion List. Posts by other people in italics. Abel Caine wrote, "I have to intervene with the developing country perspective. Millions of smart, motivated children/students for many reasons do not complete regular school or university. Given the opportunity, these learners have a burning desire to 'complete' the course. "Well-designed and smartly-delivered" MOOCs with a valid, transferable certificate of completion (learning experience) may be 1 viable solution.

I hope new global initiatives such as Education First will take this into account. " Andy Lane wrote, "Yes participants whether they complete or not can gain from the experience but we also know that many can be adversely affected by the experience through a sense of failure or lack of esteem. With respect to cMOOCs, the student experience is more like joining a community than working their way through a body of content. Here's why the C in MOOC continues to stand for 'Course'. The MOOC Model: Challenging Traditional Education (EDUCAUSE Review. Key Takeaways A turning point will occur in the higher education model when a MOOC-based program of study leads to a degree from an accredited institution — a trend that has already begun to develop.

Addressing the quality of the learning experience that MOOCs provide is therefore of paramount importance to their credibility and acceptance. MOOCs represent a postindustrial model of teaching and learning that has the potential to undermine and replace the business model of institutions that depend on recruiting and retaining students for location-bound, proprietary forms of campus-based learning. MOOCs represent the latest stage in the evolution of open educational resources. First was open access to course content, and then access to free online courses. Accredited institutions are now accepting MOOCs as well as free courses and experiential learning as partial credit toward a degree.

A number of converging trends pose a challenge to brick-and-mortar institutions: MOOCs: Quality Matters. Professor studies effectiveness of massive open online courses. By Asha Omelian, GW Hatchet Assistant professor Raluca Teodorescu will use a $10,000 grant to examine the effectiveness of online learning as the University prepares to roll out a set of massive open online courses. The funds given Teodorescu mark GW’s first investment to examine the effectiveness of massive open online courses, or MOOCs, which have splashed across higher education this year, offering ways for universities to brand themselves and show off innovative learning tools. The University started working last month toward launching a set of pilot MOOCs later this year, but some deans and program directors have doubted their academic credibility.

With universities like Stanford, Northwestern and University of Illinois spending an estimated $50,000 for each free course, Teodorescu’s work will try to show if that hefty cost is worth the investment. Five Courses Receive College Credit Recommendations. A Financially Viable MOOC Business Model. Type “MOOC” (massive open online course) into Google, and you get 2.7 million hits. Type in “MOOC business model,” and you get about 110,000 hits, most of them considering what a viable business model will or should be. More concretely, referring to the websites of the most popular online course providers—Coursera, Udacity, or edX—one is hard pressed to find a clear business model that works, in particular for the institutions that provide the course content. At present, the institutions producing MOOCs (MIT, Stanford, Harvard, and others) have relatively healthy balance sheets, sizeable endowments, and minimal competition. There is no business model that clearly indicates a viable revenue stream for these institutions or the companies that offer the courses.

Yet we believe there is a business model that can work for institutions that intend to benefit financially by offering large-enrollment online courses. The simplest business models usually win the day. Why Openness Matters: From MOOCs to FlashMobs and Shared Spaces. Whilst I've been quite critical of them, MOOCs are clearly 'happening'. If the learning technologists from 10 years ago could see where we have got to with learning technology (some of them can, but they've got short memories!) , they'd probably be quite impressed by the emergence of large-scale open courses - particularly the institutional buy-in they have gained. Where my worries begin is that we lose perspective in the MOOC debate: not just from the anti-MOOC crowd, but from the pro-MOOC crowd. There is a need for us to say "What is this really about?

" In a word (or 5) it is about "access to the education system". Where the anti-MOOC people and the pro-MOOC people disagree is precisely what 'access' and 'education system' really mean. Access? Regarding access, the education system has been and continues to be a closed system. The fact that the education system has embraced technology as a way of addressing its own closure is interesting. #MOOC disasters are human and part of educational innovation and why sandboxes are good. With the Coursera course on the Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application being temporarily shut down due to a mix of unfortunate events (human miscalculation, limitations of technology, chaos...), sceptics of MOOC's feel strengthened.

But my heart really goes out to Fatimah Wirth, for she dared to test new approaches but ... fell into the trap that all of us tend to fall into at one time or another: dreaming and as a result wanting to go too far, too quickly. Fatimah, the way I see it you took a blow for all of us explorers. And ... you sure got all of our minds going, including mine. From all the talk on the Web I have read on the subject, I like this blogpost by Debbie Morrison the best, it focuses on the learner, linking it to learning theory and overall needs from a learner.

I totally agree with her observation that institutions should stop thinking from what was (classroom teaching, teacher in front...) and focus on how to make optimal use of what is. Comment financer des cours gratuits ? Publié par Projets ENT le 4 janvier 2013 Le succès des MOOC est incontestable mais leur modèle économique reste balbutiant et pour le moins incertain. Avec des cours systématiquement gratuits, mieux vaut se montrer inventif pour que le processus attire de nombreux étudiants et s’avère rentable. Monter un MOOC, cela coûte cher ! « Il faut d’abord construire la plate-forme pédagogique puis donner du temps au professeur afin qu’il redéfinisse le moyen de transmettre son savoir via de nouveaux outils. Ensuite il faut filmer, monter, produire le contenu et son environnement numérique, etc. ». Cyril Bedel (lire l'entretien du Directeur associé de Neowebia et co-fondateur de Edunao, un des premiers MOOC européens) estime par exemple qu’un cours se déroulant sur un trimestre demande au professeur un mois de travail… Et il n’est pas seul !

Mais puisque tout le principe repose sur la gratuité des cours, comment les investisseurs s’y retrouvent-ils ? Who is giving credit for MOOCs? Online learning goes official as five Coursera courses get approved by the American Council on Education. In other words, students who complete select courses on Coursera’s online platform will be able to potentially apply their credit toward a college degree. The word “potentially” is in there because the company can’t guarantee that each college will approve the credit. That being said, more than 2,000 colleges and universities consider ACE CREDIT recommendations in determining the applicability to their course and degree programs, according to Coursera.

The five courses in question were chosen for evaluation in November 2012 and have been approved as of today, February 7. The courses include four undergraduate credit courses and one vocational credit: Pre-Calculus from the University of California, Irvine.Introduction to Genetics and Evolution from Duke University.Bioelectricity: A Quantitative Approach from Duke University.Calculus: Single Variable from the University of Pennsylvania.Algebra from the University of California, Irvine. Big MOOC Coursera Moves Closer to Academic Acceptance. Vorab-Veröffentlichung: Web Literacies und offene Bildung – Web Literacy Lab. Sommet de l'éducation: la CAQ pense que la gratuité doit être abordée, même si elle n'y croit pas. Québec — Même s'il s'agit d'un cul-de-sac, la gratuité scolaire devrait figurer au menu des discussions au Sommet de l'enseignement supérieur, a estimé mardi la Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ).

La formation de François Legault s'oppose à la gratuité, mais croit néanmoins que «tout doit être sur la table» lors de la rencontre qui se tiendra à Montréal les 25 et 26 février. Lundi, l'Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ) a prévenu le ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur, Pierre Duchesne, qu'elle claquera la porte du Sommet si la gratuité scolaire est écartée des débats.

Elle a aussi brandi la menace d'une «escalade des moyens de pression» si les participants optent pour l'indexation des droits de scolarité. Le ministre doit répondre mercredi à l'ultimatum lancé par le regroupement étudiant le plus radical. Il y a un peu plus d'une semaine, il avait toutefois signifié que la gratuité est un «idéal à long terme» et non une option envisageable «dans le contexte actuel». Open Content: Licensing, Attribution, and Reuse. Nearly every time we talk about open content, we are asked about licensing, reuse, and the possible risks of reuse.

It's a complicated issue, but it is definitely worth noting that using Creative Commons licensed material is significantly less complex than traditional copyright. With authoring events coming up in Portland and San Francisco, we wanted to look at the resources that already existed to explain licensing, and come up with as simple a guide to licensing and reuse as possible. This post is not intended to be a comprehensive review of either Creative Commons or traditional copyright. The purpose of this post is to provide people writing open content with some sound guidelines for using and remixing content.

Creative Commons Licensing: An Overview Every one of the six Creative Commons license requires attribution of the original source, and we will look at attribution later in this post. Remixing Work and License Compatibility Attribution List of works remixed List of works consulted. Open Data: die nächste Runde | WK-Blog. Berliner Bauakademie Von Open Data spricht man, wenn Daten des Staates für den Bürger geöffnet werden. „Dies betrifft insbesondere Abwesenheit von Copyright, Patenten oder anderen proprietären Rechten. Open Data ähnelt dabei zahlreichen anderen „Open“-Bewegungen, wie zum Beispiel Open Source, Open Content, Open Access, Open Government und Open Education“ sagt Wikipedia.

Weltweit sind dazu zahlreiche Initiativen gestartet worden, im deutschsprachigen Raum ist dabei man noch eher verhaltener. Um dies zu ändern, soll hier ein Vorschlag gemacht werden, der weit über den Nachweis öffentlicher Toiletten (Wien), den Aufstellungsort von Behältnissen für Hundekot (Bremen) oder Auszügen aus dem Branchentelefonbuch (Leipzig) hinaus geht – auch in Deutschland – aber nicht nur da. Inhalt Der eilige Leser kann hier schnell zu den einzelnen Abschnitten springen: Welche offenen Daten braucht man (am Beispiel eines Umzugsszenarios einer Familie)? ). Wo finden wir eine Wohnung? Wohnungen Wohnung zur Miete. The future of academic certification: universities, MOOCs, aggregators, and peer reputation.

This morning I gave the opening keynote at the Virtual Universities: Impact on Accounting Education Thought Leadership forum in Adelaide, organized by the Centre of Accounting, Governance and Sustainability at University of South Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia. The audience was an invitation-only group of the most senior accounting academics and industry practitioners in the country. My keynote was on the broad global context for the current changes in education. After looking at major technological, social and structural changes, the future of work, and shifts in learning, I turned to the role of certification and credentials. The rise of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has helped bring into focus that universities have to date always bundled together three things:- Education;- Certification; and- Networking. The rise of Open Courseware and more recently services such as Coursera, Udacity and edX has now broken out (part of) the education piece.

Früherer Bitkom-Chef will MOOCs populärer machen - Campus. The MOOC Honeymoon is Over: Three Takeaways from the Coursera Calamity. The honeymoon with MOOCs is over. The reality check has finally arrived which was inevitable. MOOCs will not solve all the woes of higher education. It is unfortunate it had to be a class on how to design an online course; it was the Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application [FOE] offered through Coursera that brought things to a screeching halt.

But this experience can provide an opportunity for institutions to re-focus—identify the role and purpose of MOOCs and move forward with a thoughtful, purposeful strategy. In my last post I discussed the MOOC disaster with Fundamentals of Online Education, which generated a rich dialogue on the purpose and role of MOOCs. The Three Takeaways Below I’ve outlined the key takeaways from the FOE experience. 1) The instructional model is shifting to be student-centric, away from an institution or instructor-focused model.

This new paradigm highlights an existing tension where the control is moving away from the instructor. Resources. Coursera forced to call off a MOOC amid complaints about the course. Maybe it was inevitable that one of the new massive open online courses would crash. After all, MOOCs are being launched with considerable speed, not to mention hype. But MOOC advocates might have preferred the collapse of a course other than the one that was suspended this weekend, one week into instruction: "Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application. " Technology and design problems are largely to blame for the course's problems.

And many students are angry that a course about online education -- let alone one offered by the Georgia Institute of Technology -- wouldn't have figured out the tech issues in advance, or been able to respond quickly once they became evident. Among the comments on blogs and Twitter: "Wowzers, 40,000 students signed up for considering google spreadsheets limit of 50 simultaneous editors ... not a good choice! " Those comments weren't coming from random undergraduates. Some students posted detailed descriptions of what went wrong on blogs. E-Learning : Die ganze Welt trifft sich im virtuellen Hörsaal - Nachrichten Wirtschaft - Karriere. Peter Addor - Google+ - Ein cMOOC könnte auch als Projektmanagementmethode nützlich… (1) Anna Maria Zehentbauer - Google+ - N o m a d e n - E r l e b n i s  einschließlich Sprachkurs… MOOC ist nicht gleich MOOC | eLearningWelt. Mit vernetzten Ansichten und verknüpftem Wissen Komplexität verstehen. #OER: Lehr- und Lernmittelfokussierung.

Jörn Loviscach - Google+ - Mein Vortrag aus St. Gallen darüber, was ich an massiven… Essay on what professors can learn from MOOCs. Why I think (OPEN) courses should be about content creation. How Free Online Courses Are Changing Traditional Education | Watch PBS NewsHour Online. Open education - drop in rather than drop out. Re:Booting CA Higher Education – Transcript of Phil Hill Presentation.

Me? A lurker? How ignorant of you! I am an empowered listener! The 30 Biggest Myths About Online Learning. Measuring the Success of Online Education. MOOCs: Why Do We Need Instructional Design? About MOOC Completion Rates: The Importance of Student Investment « the augmented trader. Der Cargo Cult in der empirischen Bildungsforschung | markusmind. The MOOCs fad and bubble: please tell us another story! When is a MOOC not a MOOC?

Researchers, MOOCs, and Online Programs. If you want to make it with Moocs, you must stand out from the crowd. - Konferenzen. I’m leaving academia | is it just me. Education as Platform: The MOOC Experience and what we can do to make it better. Why a MOOC? 6 Reasons. What sort of MOOCs would emerge in the coming future. Universities seek copyright law reform to enable MOOCs. Erfahrungen mit Mooc » Mooc, Teilnehmer, Stanford, Moocs, School, University » Infoport-Blog. Massive Open Online Courses. DIE Zeitschrift „Erwachsenenbildung 2.0“ – Einladung zur Diskussion im Internet. MOOCS, Online Learning, and the Wrong Conversation. What would be the implications of MOOCs on Higher Education? Part 2.

(1) Stephen Downes - Google+ - MOOCs and Negotiation Responding to an enquiry... Just… Reuse is Key to Positive MOOC and OER Impact. Millions of Lessons Learned on Electronic Napkins. MOOCs and other ed-tech bubbles. Developing a MOOC-Inspired Course.