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A Prolific Female Artist in the Male-Dominated Pages of Pulp Magazines. SEINet Portal Network Home. The SEINet data portal was created to serve as a gateway to distributed data resources of interest to the environmental research community within Arizona and New Mexico.

SEINet Portal Network Home

Through a common web interface, we offer tools to locate, access and work with a variety of data. SEINet is more than just a web site - it is a suite of data access technologies and a distributed network of collections, museums and agencies that provide environmental information. To learn more about the features and capabilities available through this site, visit the Symbiota Help Pages.

Join SEINet as a regular visitor and please send your feedback to Corsaires, Ecumeurs des Sept Mers. Awkward Band Publicity Photos. Un photographe révèle la « vérité » cachée derrière les photos professionnelles, et elle pourrait vous surprendre – ipnoze. Nous avons tous déjà vu des photos parfaites de femmes enceintes dans des forêts enchantées, des couples joyeux qui se prélassent sur la plage, et des filles qui posent comme des mannequins dans des édifices abandonnés.

Un photographe révèle la « vérité » cachée derrière les photos professionnelles, et elle pourrait vous surprendre – ipnoze

Mais savez-vous comment ces portraits ont réellement été réalisés ? Le photographe Gilmar Silva a créé une brillante série de clichés « dans les coulisses » qui prouvent que les séances photo professionnelles ne sont pas toujours ce qu’elles semblent être. Le projet, intitulé LUGARxPHOTO (lieux et photo), est un petit clin d’oeil humoristique sur les efforts que certaines personnes peuvent parfois déployer pour prendre la photo parfaite. Ernst Haeckel’s Sublime Drawings of Flora and Fauna: The Beautiful Scientific Drawings That Influenced Europe’s Art Nouveau Movement (1889)

If you follow the ongoing beef many popular scientists have with philosophy, you’d be forgiven for thinking the two disciplines have nothing to say to each other.

Ernst Haeckel’s Sublime Drawings of Flora and Fauna: The Beautiful Scientific Drawings That Influenced Europe’s Art Nouveau Movement (1889)

That’s a sadly false impression, though they have become almost entirely separate professional institutions. But during the first, say, 200 years of modern science, scientists were “natural philosophers”—often as well versed in logic, metaphysics, or theology as they were in mathematics and taxonomies. And most of them were artists too of one kind or another. Scientists had to learn to draw in order to illustrate their findings before mass-produced photography and computer imaging could do it for them.

Many scientists have been fine artists indeed, rivaling the greats, and they’ve made very fine musicians as well. La forme du jour (@forme_du_jour) Area Orion. Photo Stocks. Arts. An ABC Nightline Investigation. City of Darkness: The most densely populated place on earth is now abandoned - Abandoned Spaces. Inside Hong Kong, in Kowloon City, there was a settlement known as Kowloon Walled City.

City of Darkness: The most densely populated place on earth is now abandoned - Abandoned Spaces

The settlement being largely ungoverned, was also the most densely populated in the world with around 50,000 people crammed into only a couple of blocks of buildings. It was constructed almost entirely without consultation with an urban planner, which is precisely what makes this settlement so fascinating: the atmosphere of perfect architectural chaos. Kowloon Walled City. A large solid block of ramshackle buildings varying in height, with many taller buildings and some mountains in the background. – Author: Ian Lambot – CC BY-SA 4.0 With its chaotic nature, the Walled City became a hideout for criminal activity, which eventually led to its end as a neighborhood.

Incredible Pagan-Themed Photoshoot By Polish Photographer Reveals Stunning Beauty Of Slavic Culture. When you think of Slavic culture, the first things that come to mind are probably vodka, fur hats, and the Orthodox church.

Incredible Pagan-Themed Photoshoot By Polish Photographer Reveals Stunning Beauty Of Slavic Culture

Polish photographer Marcin Nagraba, however, wanted to show the world a more ancient view of Slavic people in his dark pictures - by dialing it all the way back to Pagan times. Christianity arrived in this world between the 7th and 12th centuries, but before that, the region was a hotbed of Slavic mythology and polytheism. Though little is known to this day about the mysterious Pagan rituals, accounts by early Byzantine explorers describe the ancient Slavs as worshipers of thunder and earth - no doubt referring to Perun, the highest god of the pantheon and the Slavic equivalent of the Greek Zeus.

With the help of costume designer Agnieszka Osipa, the Warsaw-based visionary captures the breathtaking photoshoot idea which reminds us of the wonder and wisdom of ages past. Experience every cool photo for yourself below, and let yourself drift back in time for a moment. The Futurist Architect Who Inspired Blade Runner and Metropolis. Sant’Elia was not the only Futurist who fought and died in the throes of World War I—a fact that should not come as a surprise.

The Futurist Architect Who Inspired Blade Runner and Metropolis

He and several others enlisted early, believing the world should be cleansed through warfare, the old order destroyed to make way for the future. The Futurists had an obsession with newness. They saw themselves as pioneers forging a civilization from scratch. Comment préserver sa capacité d’émerveillement ? L’émerveillement n’a plus la cote, en tout cas officiellement. On lui préfère les idées de productivité, de performance immédiate, on l’écarte comme une puérilité déplacée. Soviet Star Wars – À quoi ressemblaient les affiches de Star Wars en URSS. Pavillon Noir : La Révolte. Game of Thrones – Les étonnantes couvertures des éditions japonaises. Art and Design Inspiration. Cool Retro. Book Graphics. Heck Yeah Tumblr Challenges! Anti-Art-Block. Sunni Brown : gribouilleurs, unissez-vous! Random Logline Generator. Frank Benson “Advice to Artists” Advice on Painting from F.

Frank Benson “Advice to Artists”

W. B. (Frank W. Benson) taken after criticism by his daughter Eleanor Bedford (Scanned from an original) Thanks to Mary Minifie and Paul Ingbretson for assembling and formatting the following text. Faust-lab. Sketchdaily: Your daily sketch! S Best Photos of rootstein and vintage. Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies.

s Best Photos of rootstein and vintage

All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr. Le monde ne tourne plus rond : des illustrations satiriques poignantes dénoncent les horreurs de notre société. Restez curieux.

Le monde ne tourne plus rond : des illustrations satiriques poignantes dénoncent les horreurs de notre société

Artist Creates Elaborate Non-Photoshopped Scenes in Her Small Studio. Like American artist Sandy Skoglund, Jee Young Lee creates highly elaborate scenes that require an incredible amount of patience and absolutely no photo manipulation.

Artist Creates Elaborate Non-Photoshopped Scenes in Her Small Studio

For weeks and sometimes months, the young Korean artist works in the confines of her small 360 x 410 x 240 cm studio bringing to life worlds that defy all logic. In the middle of the sets you can always find the artist herself, as these are self-portraits but of the unconventional kind. Inspired by either her personal life or old Korean fables, they each have their own backstory, which of course, only adds to the intense drama. From February 7 to March 7, 2014, OPIOM Gallery in Opio, France is proud to present a selection of Lee's ongoing body of work called Stage of Mind.

This will be her first European exhibition. Computer Dreams (1988) Bric à Brac. Fuck Yeah! Meiko Kaji! Screencap from Adventure With Him (あいつとの冒険), 1965. BadLukArt's deviantART Gallery. Trendgraphy. Schusev State Museum of Architecture. Absolutely fantastic press & OOH campaign for Schusev State Museum of Architecture Moscow. Sci-Fi-O-Rama - Welcome to Sci-Fi-O-Rama! A visual scrapbook for cataloging inspiring Art, Graphics and Illustration with a Sci-Fi and Fantasy Slant.

Virtual Art Galleries and Online Art Store, Shopping of Books, Calendars, Prints and Posters of Pin-ups Art, Fantasy Art, Comics Art, Digital Art, ImageNETion Art Store. Le pool Japanese Design. Le pool Vintage Japan. Le pool Vintage Japanese Advertising. Mondorama 2000. Design for the Modern Home. COUTE QUE COUTE.


Vintage. The source for what's happening in Illustration. Concept ships. 幻电放映. Portfolio · art by theo prins. Tumblr. 日本画家 笹本正明 公式ウェブサイト Nihonga -Japanese style painting- Masaaki Sasamoto Official Website. Médée en furie – Medea furious. Antonio Canova est le sculpteur le plus connu de l’époque néoclassique, cette période du 18ème siècle de redécouverte de l’art de l’antiquité. Ses statues de marbre sont d’une incroyable finesse et douceur, que ce soit pour les visages féminins, les doigts ou même les torses des guerriers. C’est principalement un artiste de la retenue, la délicatesse plutôt que de l’exaltation de la force physique. Janwillemsen’s albums. Artuš Scheiner : Colorful Trip — EMBASSY MADE. Adam Warren's Dirty Pair Layouts.

Tumblr. The paintings of H.C.Berann. Elisandre - L'Oeuvre au Noir. -SAKIZO-sakizo's illustration works. Futuro Finale 2088AD. 105 publicités bannies, controversées et interdites. Tout le monde le sait, la publicité est capable du meilleur mais aussi du pire. A force de chercher le client, de chercher à se faire connaître, ou à chercher à faire du buzz, bah on peut se louper. Dans cet article, il n'y aura QUE les affichages, mais les affichages les plus ... polémiques.

Cet article va comporter deux grosses catégories à savoir : publicités bannies et publicitéscontroversées. C'est plus simple pour tout le monde et au moins ça rendra cet article bien riche, un peu moins fouilli. C'est parti pour les différents thèmes interdits. 100 créations uniques à découvrir sur l'art du papier ! - graphisme. Découvrez une sélection unique qui regroupe les meilleurs réalisations, projets ou design utilisant le matériau du Papier, entre poésie et art du pliage 100 visuels qui vous feront redécouvrir le plaisir de la simplicité.

L'art du papier. BDFI / ImaginE : la Base de Données Francophone de l'Imaginaire. Projet Jabberwocky. Le forum des Chateaux d'eau de France.