Dicker Reading Method
No matter what your Age or Ability Level is, The Dicker Reading Method works for everyone.
12th Grade Reading Tutoring in Westchester, NY. For many high school seniors, this year marks the transition to university-level studies, and frankly, college is hard.
In college, you’ll need to read high-level texts, from great American novels to peer-reviewed journal articles, and you’ll need to write comprehensive, articulate papers discussing what you’ve read, no matter your field. For someone who struggles with reading, this is definitely a daunting prospect. At Dicker Reading, we can help prepare you for whatever comes next. 11th Grade Reading Tutoring Program in Westchester, NY. There is a great assumption that 11th graders are fluent, smooth readers.
In every distinct academic subject area, students are expected to learn, not only from classroom lectures but also from reading assignment homework. 7th Grade Reading Tutoring in Westchester, NY. By 7th grade, adolescence is in full swing.
Your child is in a transitional period between childhood and adulthood and faces pressures from school, peers, and even from you, their parent. When 7th graders have difficulty with reading, these pressures are dramatically amplified, leading to a struggle at home and at school. Academic demands in 7th grade are much greater than ever before, and 12- and 13-year-old students need to sharpen their study skills. There are higher expectations, and students will have longer, more independent assignments and more challenging materials. 7th grade Language Arts students will now have to go outside of the text, using additional sources, to be able to answer deeper inference questions on reading assignments.
If they haven’t already, any reading comprehension difficulties that your child may have will quickly reveal themselves under the added stress of these heightened expectations. By 7th grade, adolescence is in full swing. Pre-K Reading & Learning Tutoring Program in Westchester. Small children are like sponges, easily able to absorb tremendous amounts of information.
They thirst for knowledge about the world and have a monumental desire to learn. And as we know, 3, 4, and 5-year-olds have lots of energy. At The Dicker Reading Method our early childhood education program, the Pre-K Learning and Reading Tutoring Program is one of our most popular offerings. 4th Grade Reading Tutoring and Help in Westchester. For students, the 4th grade is a significant transition period. 4th-grade teachers spend less time teaching students how to read and devote more classroom time to developing greater comprehension and language skills. 4th-grade is also when teachers begin to get serious about vocabulary and it is usually the time where children have to start memorizing definitions.
This adds yet another layer of complexity to an already complicated subject. With the introduction of more sophisticated vocabulary coupled with definitions, it’s an easy place for these 9- and 10-year-old students to fall behind. So it’s important to note that just because your child got past 3rd grade the rest of it won’t come automatically. 9th Grade Reading Tutoring Program in Westchester. If a 9th grader never formed a solid foundation in reading skills, or missed out on the vocabulary they now need, they will never be able to meet the demands of their new and challenging classes.
If a 9th grader misses or misunderstands as few as 7 words in a paragraph, that paragraph may become impossible for them to comprehend as a whole. If your student can’t understand their readings, how are they going to succeed in high school? It’s not too late, though, for a high school freshman to gain the skills they need. For the past 35 years, Dicker Reading Method has developed custom-tailored, one-to-one, 9th-grade reading tutoring programs for children. We have created a time-tested, proprietary method that introduces students to 20,000 words developmentally. 5th Grade Reading Tutoring in Westchester, NY. Fifth grade is the last year before 10- and 11-year-old students are thrust from the safety of elementary school into more demanding middle school.
In order for teachers to best prepare their students for this transition, 5th graders get a larger workload, and their assignments become significantly more challenging. Unfortunately, many 5th graders struggle with reading. Most of these students have had reading difficulties from the beginning and haven’t been able to catch up, and others may have hit a steep academic decline when vocabulary development was introduced in 4th grade.
6th Grade Reading Tutoring Program in Westchester, NY. There is a universal assumption that 6th graders will be fluent, comfortable readers.
In every distinct academic subject area, students are expected to learn, not only from classroom lectures, but also from take-home reading assignments, not only English Language Arts, but also for Science, Social Studies, and Math. If a student is unable to read, and most importantly, understand these reading assignments, they will struggle in school and it will destroy their self-esteem and their confidence right alongside their GPA. That is why it is so important to get them on the right track with The Dicker Reading Method. For the past 35 years, The Dicker Reading Method has developed custom-tailored, private tutoring programs for children.
We have created a time-tested, exclusive method that introduces students to 20,000 words developmentally. 10th Grade Reading Tutoring Program in New York. Adult Tutoring and Reading Classes for Adults. Enhance Your Child’s Reading Fluency with Reading Fluency Programs. While many parents think that their children can cope up their syllabus in the school itself, there are also some of the parents that prefer to provide their child extra help by hiring professional tutors.
On the other hand, some parents provide their time to help their children with their academics. Whatever the way you choose to help your child, it should be productive and effective for your child’s growth and strong foundation. Today, parents are believing in professional tutors which is somewhat helpful and effective. Many parents stated that they have seen tremendous growth in their child’s wisdom by providing them a professional’s assistance. Develop Reading Habit in your Child with reading programs for kids. Why You Need To Develop Reading Habit In Your Child Keep the basics right, that’s what makes you strong!
This phase goes with almost every aspect, even for ensuring your child’s academics. The two strong pillars of basics are reading and writing. Solve your children's Reading Problem with our Exclusive Dicker Reading Method. What is the best technique to guide children how to read effectively? Why You Need Tutoring Help For Your Children? What Are The Various Ways To Improve Your Reading Fluency. Reading fluency is another factor that helps in enhancing academics and strengthens the communication skills. Having an active practice of reading faster means, the kid is familiar with a plethora of words and know almost every type of sentence structure.
Besides, they also know about different expressions while reading. As all we know, perfect reading is an art and regular practice can only polish it. What You Need To Consider When Choosing A Tutor For Your Kid? It’s about your child’s academic growth and you don’t want to compromise on such grounds., anyhow! And one of the responsibilities is to appointing a well-versed home tutor for your kid.
This requires a comprehensive research so that you can ensure the tutor you are going to hire can best assist your kid with his/her difficulties in respective subjects. Though there is an online platform that has made the research even easier, it’s also important to keep your pace on right track to ensure the authenticity while researching When you are searching for a tutor, it’s essential that the individual is well-versed in the areas of qualification and experience.
Whether your kids are doing good by learning in the school itself, but having a tutor will make him/he able to have a continuous study practice. ADHD and Its Impact On Your Child’s Reading. The Challenge Of ADHD And Learning To Read One of the biggest challenges for both teachers and parents of children with ADHD also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Dyslexia is teaching and developing their reading skills. Reading as with other primary education subjects such as math, english, etc.. requires a certain level of concentration that the disorder affects. This article is intended to inform and educate you on the challenges you may face and some tips on how to overcome them. 5 Common Mistakes Parents Attempt With Their Kids Homework. One of the great ways to reinforce your child’s academics is to make a regular practice of help kids with their homework. This not only helps to conduct a great work but also builds a sense of discipline in kids.
Apart from these factors, helping your kids with home enhances their concentration level. Many parents prefer to assist their kids with their homework by monitoring, answering questions, and ensuring the kids complete the homework. As kids don’t like homework, parents try to put some effort to make it interesting for kids, which is good. Enhance Your Child’s Confidence With Spring Reading Help. When it comes to getting a head start on education there’s no better place to focus than on reading. With a strong background in reading your child will not only have a better sense of confidence and pride in their work, but also the tools necessary to gain information. How To Make Homework Fun For Your Child. Let’s face it, most kids aren’t exactly excited about doing their homework. 5 Things to Consider When Hiring a Reading Tutor for your Child.
All parents want the best for their children. It is the responsibility of a parent to ensure that his/her child can get acquainted with kids learning programs. Children have different needs. Children may learn at different speeds or require more repetition. 5 Effective Reading Strategies for an Autistic child. Autism is a condition that affects how a child approaches language, how he communicates and how he relates to others. Autistic children usually have difficulty learning in traditional ways because their brains process information differently.
Even though learning to read can be hard for children with autism, with the right teaching approach they can learn how to read. If you opt for learning disabilities tutoring, here are 5 strategies they will probably use to help your child reach this important educational milestone. 1. Direct Instruction When using direct instruction, ensure that the lessons are carefully sequenced. The Top 6 Spring Reading Goals to Help Your Child Read More. Reading is a skill that can help the children expand their knowledge and improve the wisdom vastly. How To Solve Reading Problems By Having an Elementary School Reading Tutor. When children enter into Elementary school they quickly learn that they are not in kindergarten anymore. They have officially moved from “playing” to learn to an environment of concepts and symbols. The Importance of Vocabulary For Kids. Humans use language to describe their feelings, express their intentions and understand the ideas of other people.
It is a skill that people take for granted, yet as a parent, you have the privilege of watching this amazing language growth occurring from birth through your child’s early years. 8 Reasons You Should Invest in Individual Tutoring Services near You. Parents want the best for their children. This has led some parents to look into the option of individual tutoring services. Here are some of the benefits that come with it and why every parent needs to invest in it. 1. 7 Quick Tips About Reading Programs for Kids. Learning to read is a wonderful milestone in a young kid’s life, but if your son or daughter struggles with the process, there is help available. Reading programs for kids can make it easier and more comfortable while boosting comprehension overall. These 7 tips can help you find the right kids learning programs for your family. 1. Reasons Why Your Child Should Attend Early Learning Centre.
Things To Keep in Mind Before Appointing A Tutor For Your Child. 10 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Elementary School. Parents are the first and the most important teacher for their child. Support from parents is essential to help children perform well academically. 7 Ways To Improve Your Vocabulary. Whether you are going for a job interview or to meet someone very important to you, obviously you want to impress them with your eloquence, vocabulary and sophistication. How to Find Best Dyslexia Tutor. Best 5 Amazing Benefits Of Fast Reading. Important Things Your Child Needs from their Reading Tutoring Classes. Why it’s Smart to Invest in Learning Tutor. 3rd Grade Reading Tutoring and Help in Westchester. 5 Tips to Remember While Treating Special Child. 1st Grade Reading Tutoring and Help in Westchester. The Dicker Reading Method Assessment. 2nd Grade Reading Tutoring and Help in Westchester.