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Paypal. CDN. Why Amazon's CDN Offering Is No Threat To Akamai, Limelight or C. As expected, I've already read half a dozen posts this morning from those who are saying Amazon's new CloudFront CDN offering is either going to challenge CDNs such as Akamai and Limelight for business or will force CDNs to cut their pricing in the market.

Why Amazon's CDN Offering Is No Threat To Akamai, Limelight or C

This assumption could not be further from the truth and people should look at the facts of what the Amazon service is and how that compares to Akamai or Limelight. For starters, have any of these writers spoken to Amazon about their offering? Because if you ask Amazon directly, even they agree that they are not trying to compete directly with Akamai or Limelight. Today, they are going after different sized customers with very specific needs, who only need HTTP delivery. Sure, there are a lot of those kinds of customers out in the market but that is not who the major CDNs are going after.

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