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Why Developers Aren’t Interested In Your Startup. A few months after we launched Circle of Moms, I hired my first superstar senior back-end developer.

Why Developers Aren’t Interested In Your Startup

Brian had it all: his coding practices balanced speed and scalability, he’d been around the startup block as a founder and employee, and he had a quiet but kickass work ethic that would set the right tone for the team. Over the years, he’d re-architect our (messy) core technology, build many of the features most responsible for our growth, and patiently mentor younger employees. Hiring Brian may have been the best move I made at Circle of Moms. I spent the next three years trying to find someone else like Brian. It never happened, for a variety of reasons: some people weren’t the right fit for us, some weren’t interested in building a product for moms, others wanted big-company salaries we couldn’t afford. The experience underscored the importance of a strong team on a company’s success. In the current developer-constrained world, hiring becomes a product marketing problem. Top Companies. Hiring Hustle: 5 Tips for Building a Killer Startup Team.

Mashable's new video series, Behind the Launch, follows Vungle on its startup journey toward a June launch. Each week on Mashable, the Vungle team will offer our readers some tips and lessons learned from their own startup experience. This week, we met Vungle, and it brought on "a closer" to try and accelerate the company's development, so co-founder Jack Smith offers a few recruitment tips. Watch the episode above, and be sure to tune in to Behind the Launch every Monday and Wednesday. Hiring, especially in Silicon Valley, can be one of the toughest challenges of running a startup, as there’s so much competition — especially for engineers. When trying to run a lean startup, the prospect of spending 20% or more of a hire’s salary on recruiter fees is not exactly appealing.

Missed the premiere of Behind the Launch? 1. It’s good practice to come up with a structured recruitment process, which you can evolve over time and bypass only for exceptional candidates. 2. 3. 4. 5. Solving Business Problems with Dogfights and OODA Loops. In Left of the Dateline we have been discussing topics ranging from the evolving role of the CIO, to the skills and competencies that organisations need to be successful in utilizing business analytics to compete with their rivals.

Solving Business Problems with Dogfights and OODA Loops

I was recently at SAS Global Forum in Orlando FL, listening to Thornton May. He mentioned something that really hit the mark when it came to decision making. He mentioned something called an OODA Loop. I had never heard this term before, so off I went and did some research. The OODA loop is a concept that was developed by Colonel John Boyd of the US Air Force and is really a cycle of events that surround the decision making process in military dog fighting The OODA Loop Colonel Boyd suggested that those who could get inside the rival's decision cycle can gain the advantage.

O - Observe Decisions are made on observations. O - Orient D - Decide One simple piece of advice I would offer is to decide to decide. Tech recruiting is ruthless! Here’s how tiny startups can bait the perfect engineer. This is a guest post by tech recruiter Megan Hopkins Recently, all of us at my company, VigLink, signed a birthday card for one of our engineers.

Tech recruiting is ruthless! Here’s how tiny startups can bait the perfect engineer

While this might sound like pretty standard office culture, this engineer wasn’t in the office. He was halfway across the country, he hadn’t even started working for us yet, and wouldn’t start for another two months. It’s not that we go especially crazy for birthdays around here, it’s that we go especially crazy for great engineers. While many employers consider a signed offer letter the end of the hiring cycle, I’ve learned that there are no guarantees in the business of tech recruiting, and anything can happen at any time. Tech recruiting is ruthless these days, and if you want to succeed, you have to know how to compete. Discover interesting people with open office hours. Hiring for Lean Startups: The First Few Hires. This article is sponsored by Flow Ventures, a technology consulting firm and proud sponsor of the NextMontreal community.

Hiring for Lean Startups: The First Few Hires

I was having coffee with a founder the other day and we started talking about his hiring plans. Since he’s a non-technical founder (which Ben Yoskovitz claims is a dead-end to begin with) he had several top coders in mind, all of whom were earning big bucks with larger companies. “I’m paying them a little bit of money but they’ll join full time once I can raise money,” said the founder. It’s something I hear a lot, especially from non-techie founders. I went back to review some blog posts on Lean hiring, and I came across Eric’s post “Lean Hiring Tips” and Mark MacLeod’s “Fat Hiring for Lean Startups“. Companies always take on the characteristics of their founders and in the rush to scale, I find many startups don’t stop to consider how they’re establishing the DNA of their company.

In the end, I guess “hiring” is the wrong word to begin with. Developers - Irish Mobile Applications. Have a project and need an Irish mobile developer?

Developers - Irish Mobile Applications

Well here are contact details for some of the developers of apps on available for contract work.