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Berlin startup scene

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Max flows in O(nm) time - James B. Orlin, MIT Sloan.


Agora Collective. AFFECT – Agora’s Program for Collaborative Artistic Practices AFFECT provides the opportunity for a comprehensive research to determine the artist’s position in an ever-fluctuating sociopolitical landscape.

Agora Collective

This program at Agora is a catalyst for participating artists to investigate established views on communities, movements and networking. The Local - Germany's news in English. Berlin Tech Community: Current VC Perspective. Toytown Berlin. Discussion forum overview Naturalisation as a German citizen German citizenship may be acquired by naturalisation by those with permanent residence who have lived in Germany for 8 years.

Toytown Berlin

Additional requirements include an adequate command of the German language and an ability to be self-supporting without recourse to welfare. Applicants for… Processing berlin. Processing Berlin What P5_Berlin is an initiative started to establish a regularly meeting in Berlin for everybody who is interested in creative coding, generative art and design, designing with code or just programming.

processing berlin

P5_Berlin is the right place if you want to share some of your latest projects and ideas, look out for collaborators, ask for help or just want to talk with like-minded people and to get to know each other a bit better. Beside the regular meeting and depending on the interest we would also like to take the chance and expand the idea of P5_Berlin to host some workshops and exhibitions later this year. Who. Interface. Saint Elmo's. Supermarkt. 10 Tips for Moving to Berlin.


The 5 golden steps to getting started in Berlin. Berlin has become a city of opportunity for many a wide-eyed hopeful.

The 5 golden steps to getting started in Berlin

A massively creative atmosphere, cheap rents and a burgeoning startup scene means that every year more and more internationals are making their way to the German capital. But moving to Berlin is not without its challenges to the uninitiated – the language, the bureaucracy, the hunt for those golden startup positions. Here, Tia Robinson of relocation service Expath explains the opening moves you should make on coming to Berlin… And special thanks to Josh Bauman of Caffeinated Toothpaste for creating the awesome illustrations to match… Make yourself a game plan In Berlin, bureaucratic decisions about what you can and can’t do often seem to be made on a whim, depending on which side of the bed the bureaucrat woke up on.

Be willing to do whatever it takes to get started at first (but keep your eye on the prize!) Seriously. Use that time to get a lay of the land, meet people, and feel out Berlin’s opportunities and options. Cost of Living Comparison Between Berlin, Germany And Dublin, Ireland. Berlin Coworking Space - co.up. Startups in Berlin: Which startups in Berlin are hiring. Berlin Startup Jobs. Prevent with the Startup Manifesto against the tax entrepreneurship. Die deutsche Startup- und Internetszene ist im Aufschwung.

Prevent with the Startup Manifesto against the tax entrepreneurship

Kreative Ideen treffen auf technisches Know-how, talentierte Gründer auf international agierende Investoren. Das Ergebnis: Innovation im globalen Wettbewerb der Länder und die Schaffung zehntausender Arbeitsplätze in Deutschland. Das Internet ist zum Wirtschafts-, Job- und Innovationsmotor gereift. In Deutschland trug die Internetwirtschaft 2010 bereits mit 75 Milliarden Euro zur Gesamtwirtschaftsleistung bei – das entspricht drei Prozent des BIP. Und neben einem prognostizierten jährlichen Durchschnittswachstum von acht Prozent besitzt die deutsche Internetwirtschaft schon jetzt eine höhere Wirtschaftskraft als die Branchen Bergbau oder Hotel und Gastronomie. Streubesitzanteile besteuern heißt Innovation bremsen Dieser Aufschwung wird nun akut durch eine Empfehlung des Bundesrates zum Jahressteuergesetz 2013 berührt.

Ein schädliches Gesetz für den Innovationsstandort Deutschland Rating: 5.0/5 (33 votes cast) The Machine. The Next Silicon Valley? Berlin Startups Catching Up With The Hype. Hide captionSimon Fabich (center) is CEO and co-founder of the Berlin-based online shopping startup Monoqi.

The Next Silicon Valley? Berlin Startups Catching Up With The Hype

Artsy and relatively inexpensive, Berlin is an up-and-coming city for European tech startups. Courtesy of Monoqi Simon Fabich (center) is CEO and co-founder of the Berlin-based online shopping startup Monoqi. Artsy and relatively inexpensive, Berlin is an up-and-coming city for European tech startups. California's Silicon Valley remains by far the dominant arena for high-tech startups and venture capitalists looking to back innovative projects. But Europe is starting to make its mark on the startup scene. A 'Crazy Green Field' For Creative Types Sometimes it seems like the entrepreneurial spirit of young Berliners is confined to slacker hipsters selling used clothes to each other. "The guy making my coffee said, 'Hey, aren't you a [venture capitalist]?

' The barista then proceeded to hand it over. Maybe that's a sign the startup scene here is overheating. "It's this crazy green field. Berlin’s Startup Scene Is Great For Traveling Entrepreneurs. Sharebar Berlin has all of the ingredients of a dynamic entrepreneurial city and is fast using those ingredients to generate some really interesting startups.

Berlin’s Startup Scene Is Great For Traveling Entrepreneurs

Given our love of startup culture and passion for travel, Berlin was the perfect mix of locals and expats all working on creating something new. Berlin is already being discussed as the new startup capital of Europe (previous title holder: London) and is quickly making a name for itself worldwide. Berlin’s rise is due to a mix of factors, including: the cheap cost of living compared to the rest of europe, the young and dynamic population working hard on new ventures, the proximity to great pools of talent in Eastern Europe, and a tradition of subversive culture similar to San Francisco in the 60’s. Plus a complete list of startup events, news and jobs. The Needle: Berlin » —> Guide for Moving to Berlin (2012) By Joseph PEARSON (the author asserts his right to copyright, partly revised 12/2013) This guide has proved immensely popular, much more than I ever expected.

The Needle: Berlin » —> Guide for Moving to Berlin (2012)

I have revised now the most important sections: esp. how neighbourhoods have changed, how much your monthly costs might be, and what property prices now stand at. Some material (costs of mobile phones, etc.) have not changed significantly and have not been thoroughly revised. Please check on what might have changed in the red tape section: to my knowledge most of what is written remains the same (although you may wish to read the comments which nuance what I say below). Photos below: a visit to see a Berlin apartment, with the competition!