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The summer list. Life is in the Details. There is an alchemy is baking bread.

Life is in the Details

A magic that transcends the mundane, quiets and focuses the mind, connects us with our ancestors and the most basical primal need to feed our loved ones, and warms the soul. I don't think I'm exagerating when I speak of the magic and meditation of baking bread. It's what keeps drawing me in even though I don't eat bread as often as I used to. Still I find myself drawn to the hearth to bake and coax the dough into an edible loaf and learn about life from it. I am learning to be observant, to my surroundings and the weather and the needs of my dough. Ready for it's second turn. I am learning to be patient because the secrets of this world don't just unfold at the snap of your fingers.

Ground seed mixture was added during 3rd turn. I am learning that it takes practice and dedication, as anything does, if you want to get improve and evolve. Divide and bench rest. Close-up on the bench rest. After the initial steam bake. Make the levain Make the dough 1. 2. 3. RANTS FROM MOMMYLAND. Managing the Chaos of Modern Motherhood. Barb Has A Soapbox Moment. I am having a MOMENT.

Barb Has A Soapbox Moment

Well, okay, I've BEEN having a few moments and now I must express myself and get this off my chest so that I can go back to obsessing over my own failures, which is what I normally spend my time doing. Here's the thing: the nice weather has arrived and I see more and more kids on the roads on bikes, biking to school or for fun or with friends. It breaks my heart how few of them are wearing helmets. I know, I know, a lot of people just hit the delete button but just in case you're still with me, I have to tell you that I worked for four years in my Life Before Children for Goodwill Industries of Central Texas, raising money for people with disabilities. Many of the people I was trying to help were people with head injuries that caused permanent loss of faculties-- both physical and mental. It's a pretty simple thing, wearing a helmet. Please. What could possibly be more beautiful? South Charlotte : Macaroni Kid. Photographers Prepare for a Moment in May.

Ivan Minic - My 0.02$ on life, love and friendship. For the love of all that is Healthy! Dooce® Tales of a Recovered Disordered Eater. Because I Said So- The official Blog of Author and Mom Blogger Dawn Meehan. Grumpy Llama! Right Now. I have turned thirty two, and I'm inviting you to help me celebrate!

Right Now

Before anything, you'll want to check out this amazing freebie! Offered only for 24 hours! Be sure to let your friends know too! Click here to start downloading now. I have just released Bohemian Chic too... You might remember when I asked everyone to vote on dresses for inspiration a while ago, and it was a close one between dress A & B, and B one. Designing with geometric elements became a challenge for me, as I usually stick with florals and curvier elements, I really had to get resourceful with this collection. These transfers are also a must for playful geo pages... To check out more of what's inside this inspiring collection click here! Be sure to check out the Retiring Now Section, and have fun spotting all the 100% off items! Enjoy the rest of your week! Sparkle Designs. What little girl (and big ones, too) wouldn't love a pink, Paris-inspired birthday party?

Sparkle Designs

I know I would! Here is the front of the invitation. Wait until you see what is inside!! *giddy* You can also see the cute little cupcake toppers. You gotta have a boarding pass to get to Paris!! The entire design of this party began with the the thank you card. Banners are so easy to make that you make one for any occasion or just with your child's name on it for their room! I hope you enjoyed this little party. Stamps: ooh la la! Paper: bubblegum, grass, slate, bubblegum gingham Ink: bubblegum, slate, Momento black, Versamark. TGF Day: A Hippie and a Bear. My Anyas haven't seen a lot of love lately.

TGF Day: A Hippie and a Bear

My friend's daughter wanted to make a card for her friend's birthday, so she came over and I gave her a little tutorial about coloring. She picked Hippie Anya, and I am embarrassed to say that this little cutie had never seen ink. I colored the image alongside my friend's daughter, and the image sat for a few days while I gathered my ideas. Well, the ideas in my head were a little better than the execution, but I can live with it. The leather is a little cumbersome to work with, but you probably get the idea with where I was going! The above card was the little cutie Toby Cub that was a freebie from the CHA relay on TGF's blog.

Above is the picture of the Copics I used with the Toby Cub card. Simply Tiffany - Studio. KWernerDesign. Grow Your Skills. Simple things. Aperture 1.4 {focused blur}