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Free Article Writing Resources. Landing Page and Conversion Optimization Blog. Landing Page Examples Built With Unbounce - Unbounce | Landing Pages: Build, Publish & Test Without I.T. Products I Love - Make A Living Writing. This is a funny page for me to be writing. I never thought I’d sell anything to anyone! I was a reporter, y’know. But as I’ve gained experience as a freelance writer and blogger, I’ve encountered some great tools and training opportunities that can really help writers earn more in today’s new-media world.

Since that’s what this blog is all about, I’m proud to recommend the products below. (Click here to see the books I recommend.) My policy: I never recommend a product unless I have personally used it or have thoroughly reviewed it. With everything it takes to be a successful writer online today, you need really useful, affordable tools that make you look professional. If you click on the product links below, I will get a commission. Jon Morrow’s GuestBlogging Program My experience: In 2010, Jon Morrow noticed one of my articles on Twitter and asked me to guest post on Copyblogger, where he’s associate editor. He literally wrote the book on how to write Internet headlines? OutstandingSETUP. Content Type Seminars. How to build a portfolio from scratch (with little experience) You can’t get clients without a portfolio...but you don’t have a portfolio because you don’t have clients.

Are you a new freelancer stuck in a no-gig rut? The truth is that almost no paying clients will hire you without a portfolio or resume of some kind. The good news is that you can build your portfolio from nothing -- thousands of people have done it before you. Here are a few ways you can do it. Shift your mindset 1. Your relationship to clients is not like your relationship to an employer. This is something that’s hard to understand for new freelancers. 2. 3. Most freelancers get jobs through word of mouth. The main point is: the smartest new freelancers don’t just take advantage of good opportunities. 4. Make a list of all the things that you have particular knowledge of. Get your first clients There are two common options: Do low-cost (or free) work to build up your portfolio Complete your own projects There are undoubtedly more solutions, but these are the most widely used. 1.

Pros: 6 Simple Steps to Writing Seductive Web Copy. Whipple Squeeze This - A Guide to Creating Great Ads - 0470190736.PDF. Atlanta Freelance Copywriter, SEO Writer, Expert Marketing Writer, Marketing Copywriter Atlanta | Atlanta, GA, Charlotte, NC, Nashville, TN. Business Networking Referral Organization Groups | Business Network International | BNI America (USA) BNI's (Business Network International) mission is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive and professional word-of-mouth program that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals.Click here to find a chapter. BNI's philosophy is built upon the idea of "Givers Gain". BNI offers members the opportunity to share ideas, contacts, networks and most importantly, business referrals.

Being a member of BNI is like having sales people working for you every day who market your product or service. If referrals are an important part of your business, then BNI is the organization for you.Click here to find out more. The best way to find out about BNI is to visit a chapter. If you are a first time visitor, please click here to find out more about how to visit and join a chapter. If you are interested in starting a new chapter, you will also find the information on the process and who to contact. How I Made 6 Figures as a Freelance Writer in 2011. 7inShare If you’re like me, shortly after 2011 ended you wondered: “How much did I earn from freelance writing this year?”

Last year I did a marketing analysis…and this year I wanted to take it a step further and do an income analysis. Not because I dream of being inundated by people who’d like to sell me products and services because they think I’m rolling in dough (ha! Three kids…college tuition…). No. It’s because looking at where your writing income is coming from is a very important exercise. You learn a lot about how to improve your business for the next year. I had a goal of cracking six figures because I had narrowly missed that level in 2010, and that pissed me off. A quick glance at the reports in my handy Freshbooks invoicing system tells me this year I made it.

Just to be clear, I’m talking about what I earned from freelance writing — not including income from my work here helping other writers earn more. How’d I do it? Takeaways: Social media is increasingly important. Professional Web Content Writing - The True Cost of Hiring Someone Else To Handle It. Judging by the popularity of our recent blog about how much social media marketing costs, people are really interested in the rates of online PR services.

Since we're really interested in increasing our website traffic, we figured we'd write a similar post about how much professional web content writing costs. Win/win! There are many different types of web content writing, each with different price points. Most of our web content writing services involve one of the following: Landing pages – Involves writing content like you see on our home, about and services pages. So, how much does all this web content writing cost? How much do landing pages cost? Landing page content is where you want to drop your money, since it acts as your website's salesman. This is one instance where it's difficult to tell what companies really charge for landing pages. From the forum: Now, I'm not going to argue that there isn't a ton of time involved with creating landing pages that convert.