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Fitting Guidelines. These are basic guidelines for fitting ships.

Fitting Guidelines

These are not rules: EVE University only uses rules about what modules you can fit and which ships you can fly during wartime. (Note that although they only apply during wartime, they are strictly enforced when they do apply. You can find them here.) Unlike the rules about wartime fitting, these are just guidelines. Tanking skills. This is a list of skills that are of use for tanking.

Tanking skills

General Energy Management - 5% bonus to capacitor capacity per skill level. Support Skills. Support skills are those affect your proficiency at fitting and flying ships.

Support Skills

While not necessarily being directly required to use particular modules or sit in certain ships, they are invaluble and can give you the edge you need to get the kill or survive the mission. For example, you don't need to train Controlled Bursts, Energy Management and Capacitor Systems Operation to put large lasers on an Amarr battleship, but, if you do so without training them you will find you swiftly run out of capacitor. 'Good Support Skills' The need for 'good support skills' is often emphasized because a skilled pilot can easily be twice as effective as an unskilled pilot flying exactly the same ship. This concept can seem counterintuitive.