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Law schools and empirical research

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Empirical Research and Clinical Education « Best Practices for Legal Education. The following is an email sent over a law clinic listserve from Professor Amy Applegate, Clinical Professor of Law at Indiana University Maurer School of Law, and is reproduce here with her permission: Dear All: I was quite intrigued by this chain of e-mails, and am following up on Judith Welch Wagner’s suggestion about engaging in more in-depth, rigorous research, perhaps conducted by the Law School Survey of Student Engagement (LSSSE). I wanted to bring to everyone’s attention the attached article written by Carole Silver (and two others) here at Indiana University Maurer School of Law. Carole teaches one of the sections of our first year Legal Professions course and is the Director LSSSE. Carole is also presenting at the 2011 Conference on the Future of the Law School Curriculum in mid-June – she is a presenter on the Sunday Plenary about Forces from Outside the Academy.

Here are some of the highlights: At the bottom of page 15: At page 21: At page 21-22 III. Like this: Like Loading... Home - Empirical Research - LibGuides at Fordham Law School. Empirical Research Design Workshops offered by Northwestern Law School | elslibrarians. If your institution has researchers interested in additional training on research design, information on workshops offered by Northwestern Law School may be of interest. Research Design for Causal Inference: Summer Workshops at Northwestern MAIN WORKSHOP (MONDAY – FRIDAY, AUGUST 15-19, 2011): FULL-WEEK INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH DESIGN FOR CAUSAL INFERENCE: Overview of the core methods for credible causal inference from observational data, where part of the sample is “treated” in some way, the control group is drawn from the rest of the sample, but the researcher controls neither the assignment of units to treatment nor administration of the treatment.

Registration deadline: August 2, 2011. For a day-by-day outline of topics covered, please use the links above. Most empirical methods courses begin with the methods. Like this: Center for Empirical Research in the Law : Training : Conducting Empirical Legal Scholarship 2011: The Advanced Course.