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Locust. Locust. 4 Amazing Facts About Locusts. 1.These insects are famous for their catastrophic invasions, mentioned even in the Bible as the eighth plague. Locusts are divided in about 10,000 species grouped in 10 families. All plague locusts belong to the family Acrididae. The biblical locust was the Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria), which has been threatening agricultural production in Africa (Sahara and the arid area south of Sahara called Sahel), the Middle East and Asia up to India for centuries. For starting its invasions this species needs a body temperature (depending on that of the environment) of 22-40' C. They are 7-8 cm (3 in) long; males weigh 2.2 grams while the females 3.5 grams. The females lay 100 eggs, and the larvae, wingless miniatures of the parents, get to the adult state in 15-20 days. In a little cloud of invading locusts, covering 100 square kilometers (40 square miles), there are about 70,000 tons of insects, thus several tens of billions of locusts.

Locust fact. Locusts, Locust Pictures, Locust Facts. A plague of locusts is a devastating natural disaster. These infestations have been feared and revered throughout history. Unfortunately, they still wreak havoc today. Locusts are related to grasshoppers and the two insects look similar. However, locust behavior can be something else entirely.

Locusts are sometimes solitary insects with lifestyles much like grasshoppers. But locusts have another behavioral phase called the gregarious phase. When environmental conditions produce many green plants and promote breeding, locusts can congregate into thick, mobile, ravenous swarms. Locust swarms devastate crops and cause major agricultural damage and attendant human misery—famine and starvation. The desert locust is notorious. A desert locust swarm can be 460 square miles (1,200 square kilometers) in size and pack between 40 and 80 million locusts into less than half a square mile (one square kilometer). <i>Science</i>Shot: Locust Legs Show Super Strength. Rats. Owl. Owls. 20 Fun Facts About Owls - Owl Trivia.

Fun Owl Facts for Kids - Interesting Information about Owls. 10 Most Amazing Facts about Owls | shugal. Owls are awesome. It's an undeniable fact. They are expressive, they are diverse, they are stealthy and their heads are on a swivel. Below you will find 10 interesting facts and a collection of photographs that capture these beautiful creatures. 1.

Where are they found? Owls are found in all regions of the Earth except Antarctica, most of Greenland and some remote islands. 2. The structure of an owl's foot is referred to as zygodactyl. 3. Owls are birds of prey. 4. Owls cannot chew their prey since, like all birds, they do not have teeth. 5. Most owls are nocturnal. 6. Owls' eyes are fixed in their sockets. 7. Many species of owls have special flight feathers adapted for silent flight. 8. Owls create a variety of vocalizations. 9. Though owls are typically solitary, the literary collective noun for a group of owls is a parliament. 10. Owls are farsighted and are unable to see anything clearly within a few centimeters of their eyes. Keep sharing for more fun! Armadillo. Armadillo. Armadillo Facts | Animal Facts | Animal Facts.

Armadillo Facts Check out these fun facts that makes armadillos simply amazing! Armadillos are one of the few animals who consume fire ants as part of their diet. Such an ability can make armadillos very beneficial to humans. Armadillos have four babies at a time, always all the same sex. Armadillos are crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside. Armadillos get an average of 18.5 hours of sleep per day. Armadillos can walk underwater. Armadillos can inflate their stomachs and intestines with air and float across the water. Armadillos are the only animal besides humans that can get leprosy. There are twenty different species of armadillos. If disconnected, the sex organs of an armadillo are still active. Most armadillos seen dead on the road did not get hit by the wheels. When an armadillo is frightened it jumps straight into the air. Armadillos can be housebroken. Armadillos have a very low need of oxygen. The regulation of the body temperature of about 32°C is a big problem.

Facts about ARMADILLOS. Ten Interesting Armadillo Facts For Your Reading Pleasure. Found in the Western United States, Mexico, and South America, armadillos (also known as "little armored one") - although strange looking - are truly fascinating creatures. Here are ten neat armadillo facts for your reading pleasure: 1.) Armadillos are true mammals. They have hair; give birth to live young (which are called pups); and the females produce milk for their babies. 2.) Contrary to their appearance, armadillos are neither fierce nor dangerous. 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) These ten facts are just a taste of how amazing the armadillo really is. It's no wonder then, that the "little armored one;" although strange looking; is truly a fascinating creature! Armadillo. Nine-banded armadillo skeleton About 10 extant genera and 20 extant species of armadillo have been described, some of which are distinguished by the number of bands on their armor. Their average length is about 75 cm (30 in), including tail.

The giant armadillo grows up to 150 cm (59 in) and weighs up to 59 kg (130 lb), while the pink fairy armadillo is a diminutive species, with an overall length of 12 to 15 cm (5 to 6 in). All species are native to the Americas, where they inhabit a variety of environments. Like all other xenarthran lineages, armadillos originated in South America. Today, all extant armadillos species are still present in South America. Habitat and anatomy[edit] Paws of a hairy and a giant armadillo In common with other xenarthrans, armadillos in general, have low body temperatures (33–36°C) and basal metabolic rates (from 40–60% of that expected in placental mammals of their mass).

Classification[edit] Family Dasypodidae † indicates extinct taxon In science[edit] Fun facts about the Armadillo - Armadillo Facts and Information - The Jungle Store. Armadillos belong to the order Cingulata of the family Dasypodidae and are most closely related to sloths and anteaters. Their distinctive armor plating is made up of actual bones, making the armadillo rather inflexible. This outer “armor” is used more as a deterrent to predators, rather than an actual means of defense. Only the 3-Banded Armadillo can roll itself into a ball for protection, all of the other 19 species use their speed and incredible digging abilities to escape becoming a meal.

With their stubby, powerful legs and strong claws, armadillos are designed for digging and do so constantly. They dig numerous burrows and bolt-holes and can interlink them with an extensive network of semi-permanent tunnels. Armadillos also dig for food, probing the ground and rotting trees for insects, grubs, and other invertebrates, including ants. Armadillos will eat carrion, eggs and even baby birds or other small mammals if the opportunity presents itself.

Fun Armadillo Facts References. Armadillo Fact File. Armadillo Fun Facts. Common brown bat. Bats. 13 Incredible Bat Facts: Animal Planet. Amazing Bat Facts | Strange Bat Facts | Funny Bat Facts. Bats use their wings for more than just flying. They can wrap their wings around insects or fruit to hold it while eating. But bats are very special mammals. They are the only mammals that can fly (without an airplane!) Flying squirrels are mammals too, but they don't really fly. They jump from high in a tree glide through the air like a kite. Bats flap their wings and fly like a bird. The smallest microbat, the Pipistrellus nanus of Central Africa, is only 4 cm (1.5 in) long and has a wingspan of only 12.5 cm (about 5 in). Bats always turn left when she or he leave their particular caves. Bat droppings in caves support whole ecosystems of unique organisms, including bacteria useful in detoxifying wastes, improving detergents, and producing gasohol and antibiotics.

The collective name for a group of Bats is a colony Giant flying foxes (fruit bats) that live in Indonesia have wingspans of nearly six feet. The bat's fingers are very long compared to its body. Bats eat all types of food. Vampire bat saliva breaks up blood clots. Vampire bats. Draculin. [Tell me your best fang joke.] A new national study is underway to see if a compound extracted from their saliva can actually help patients survive a stroke. Someone in the US suffers a stroke every 40 seconds. Right now, doctors only have a 3-hour window to treat stroke patients before blood clots clog blood vessels in the brain. Blocking blood and oxygen flow can cause permanent brain damage, paralysis, speech problems, and even death. A blood-clot buster called rt-PA has to be administered during those 3 hours or else it would cause brain damage.

Lo and behold, vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) saliva could extend that treatment window, reducing the severity of a stroke. Doctors at Ohio State University hope to extend it up to 9 hours by using a chemical isolated from vampire bat saliva that can quickly dissolve clots. Vampire bats feed off the blood of their prey, and their little trick for keeping the blood thin and flowing is an anti-coagulant in their bite. My Little Brown Bat. Last October, when we went up to the birding tower for the Big Sit, Bill went to flip on the light in the tower room below.

He lifted the swinging lid on the switchbox and jumped. It was inhabited. October 4, 2012: Inhabited by a bat. When Bill lifted the lid and sort of shrieked, it huddled closer into itself but didn't fly. He left it be and called me. We took to going up to the tower to wait for it to emerge in the evening.

As most of my stories do, it just gets better. I was pretty sure the autumn animal was a big brown bat. Compare now to the spring 2013 bat in the same box. Science Chimp had to know. Because this is how I feel about this bat: Itty bitty Battafitty hangin' on a switch Makes my day with sweetness His ears rotate and twitch I think he knows I love him He made his way to me Someone who is thrilled to find A switchbox full of pee. May 15. Fur's kind of mussed up--maybe an old injury?

Wow. Wait. I shoot his foot and blow it up. He's a little brown bat. Bat toes. King cobra. Interesting Facts About the King Cobra Snake. Cobra Fast Facts. Facts About Cobra - Interesting & Amazing Information on Cobra Snakes. The very mention of a snake can bring uncomfortable feelings in many people. On top of that, if the discussion is about cobras, you can expect people to break into a cold sweat or at least have goosebumps all over! The Cobra is not a single snake; rather it is a common name for the members of the family of venomous snakes known as Elapidae.

The cobra is found in places that experience hot tropical climate like Philippines, Southern Asia and Africa. There are almost 270 different types of cobras that are found and all have short venom fangs and are considered to be extremely dangerous. Though they don’t attack without a cause, when provoked, they can be extremely dangerous and a bite may prove fatal. The cobras are usually brown, brownish-black or a dull grey in color.

Facts About Cobra Class: Reptilia Order: Serpentes Family: Elapidae Diet: Lizards, Fish, Frogs and other Snakes Natural Habitat: Warm-climate habitat, usually inhabiting on land, trees and also in water Age: About 20 years. Goat. Goat. 12 Strange Things About Goats: Accents, Mayors and More (Photos) 10 Interesting Facts About Goats | Regretful Morning. Fact: Goats are awesome. Also, they are fun to look at. That being said, here are ten interesting facts about goats that you may not have known. Facts%20About%20Goats. Random Goat Facts. An intact adult male goat is called a buck. A castrated male goat is called a wether. An adult female goat is called a doe. Immature goats collectively are called kids. Male goats under one year of age are called bucklings, while female goats under one year of age are called doelings.

The terms "Nanny" (female) and "Billy" (male) to differentiate the sexes are in general disfavor in "official" goat circles. Don't get caught saying these terms or you will be labeled an amateur. Goats were the first animals domesticated by man somewhere are 7,000 -10,000 B.C.E. The ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Cephranes was buried with more than 2,000 goats. Goats live 8 to 12 years. There are over 200 recognized breeds of goat Goat size is extremely variable based on breed. Both male and female goats can have horns and beards. Goats much prefer "browse" (leaves of woody plants) to grass. Goats can have 1-6 kids per litter. There are approximately 500 million goats in the world. Goat should not be kept alone. List of goat breeds. List[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] Bibliography[edit] Ant. Ants. Diversity of Ant Mandibles. Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window Introduction Mandibles ("jaws") are a crucial tool for many insects, but perhaps in no insect group are they more highly utilized than in the ants (Formicidae).

Ants use their mandibles for a diverse array of activities, and are thus constrained by the need to have mandibles which can fulfill a number of functions. Despite these constraints, ants have evolved a spectacular diversity of mandible shapes. Role of Mandibles Manipulation of objects Like most insects, ants lack grasping forelegs (such as those found in the Mantodea and Mantispidae) and compensate for this by using their mandibles as "hands. " Food processing In addition to being used to transport food items, mandibles are also used to process the food.

Hunting and defense Mandibles are also crucial to the hunting success of predatory ants. Despite a common misconception, most ants lack painful bites (being too small to have any effect on human skin). Basic Morphology. 10 Frightening Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Ants. ANTS: Facts about ants. Dog. Dogs. #1 #8 10 Weird Facts About Dogs. 21 Facts About Dogs That Will Blow Your Mind. #8 10 Things You Didn't Know About Dogs | Animals and Pets.

Dogs' Dazzling Sense of Smell. Koala. Koalas. Koalas, Koala Pictures, Koala Facts. Amazing and Interesting Facts about the Australian Koala. Learn how they care for their little baby cubs. Koala Fun Facts. Look at fact #1. Interesting Koala Facts - hunter koala. Giraffe. Giraffes. 11 Facts About Giraffes. Giraffe Facts | Interesting Fun Facts about Giraffes | Animal Facts | Animal Facts. Better: Top 10 Funny Interesting Facts About Giraffe Giraffe Dragonfly. Dragonfly. 10 Cool Facts About Dragonflies. Mole. Star nosed mole. Star-Nosed Mole. AskNature Nugget Ep. 9: Star-Nosed Mole. Animal Guide: Star-Nosed Mole | Nature. Facts About Mole - Interesting & Amazing Information On Moles. How the Star-Nosed Mole ‘Sees’ With Its Ultra-Sensitive Snout | Science.