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Framework 4.5

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Things You Need To Know About SQL Data Sync Service. The following is a collection of the things I’m usually asked, things that I usually encounter and clarify in forums and some other little known facts.

Things You Need To Know About SQL Data Sync Service

So, I thought I’d post it here and just update it from time to time. 1. Provisioning Before a member database can participate in synchronization, the Data Sync Service needs to create database objects to track, enumerate and apply changes. This step is what is commonly referred to as Provisioning. Provisioning is the process of preparing the databases to participate in the sync community.

Adding a table to more than one sync group also increases the number of these objects. Provisioning also initially populates the tracking tables with metadata for existing rows. Since Data Sync Service is largely based on Sync Framework, this blog post Sync Framework Provisioning, more or less describes what gets provisioned, except the Data Sync Service created object has a different naming convention.

More information: Provisioning Destination Databases. Framework unity [MyDependencyAttribute] Aussi bien pour nos composants techniques (logger, configuration, cache...) que applicatifs (DAL, BAL...), il convient d'adopter une démarche une démarche de couplage faible (ou lâche) pour les interactions entre nos différents composants techniques et applicatifs.

framework unity [MyDependencyAttribute]

Certains développeurs ou architectes nous diront que ce type d'approche ne s'applique pas forcément à tous les projets notamment les 3 tiers classiques car cela rajoute de la complexité et du temps de développement. Ce n'est pas mon avis. Pourquoi ? Car en se dotant des bon outils à côté (framework IoC pour éviter à avoir à gérer des factory dans tous les sens, outils tels que Resharper pour faciliter le fameux "Go to Definition" entre ses interfaces et implémentations), ce type d'approche ne rajoute pas de complexité et au contraire va rendre votre solution plus flexible et plus modulable sans avoir à refactoriser votre code en cas de remise en cause de tel ou tel composant.

[Dependency] public IJobDal JobDal { get; set; } Query Composition using Functional Programming Techniques in C# 3.0 - Eric White's Blog. Functional Programming (FP) has the potential to reduce program line count by 20% to 50%, reduce bugs and increase robustness, and move us in the direction of taking advantage of multiple core CPUs.

Query Composition using Functional Programming Techniques in C# 3.0 - Eric White's Blog

But perhaps due to the learning curve, and unfamiliarity, many developers are not taking advantage of the potential that LINQ and FP offers. This blog is inactive.New blog: TOCThis is a tutorial on using Functional Programming (FP) techniques for constructing LINQ queries. It is certainly possible to write simple LINQ queries without using these techniques, but as soon as you start writing more complicated queries, you need to understand these techniques. Learning about functional programming made me a better and faster coder. The tutorial is written in a granular fashion so that if you already understand a topic, you can skip it. 1. Presents the case for why you want to learn functional programming. Apprentissage framework 4.5.