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Cocoa Dev Central: Learn Objective-C. Objective-C Objective-C is the primary language used to write Mac software.

Cocoa Dev Central: Learn Objective-C

If you're comfortable with basic object-oriented concepts and the C language, Objective-C will make a lot of sense. If you don't know C, you should read the C Tutorial first. This tutorial is written and illustrated by Scott Stevenson Copyright © 2008 Scott Stevenson Calling Methods To get started as quickly as possible, let's look at some simple examples.

[object method]; [object methodWithInput:input]; Methods can return a value: output = [object methodWithOutput]; output = [object methodWithInputAndOutput:input]; You can call methods on classes too, which is how you create objects. Id myObject = [NSString string]; The id type means that the myObject variable can refer to any kind of object, so the actual class and the methods it implements aren't known when you compile the app. In this example, it's obvious the object type will be an NSString, so we can change the type: NSString* myString = [NSString string]; Beginning Objective-C Programming. A little over ten years ago, I had just started learning object-oriented programming after spending a few years as a mental health counselor (yes, really!).

Beginning Objective-C Programming

What I had initially thought would be a dry and technical topic based on my days at the university turned out to be the key to an intriguing hidden world of codes and virtual universes. Programming is the key to an intriguing hidden world of codes and virtual universes What was really cool was that since computers had become so powerful and could be found everywhere in our world, programmers had suddenly become creators. Learning object-oriented programming quickly opened up my career while I was working at my 9-5 in ways a psychology major would never expect. Programming also served as my escape route once I decided to leave my 9-5 job and start my own company. What is Beginning Objective-C Programming? Beginning Objective-C Programming is my book that I’ve self-published originally on the How to Make iPhone Apps blog. Like this:

Objective-C 2.0, Le langage de programmation iPhone et Cocoa sur Mac Os X. La programmation iPhone / Tutoriel n°1 : Pour commencer ... En guise d'introduction de notre série de tutoriels, j'ai la lourde tâche de te donner l'envie et les outils qui feront de toi un développeur iPhone de génie, un Mac Addict.

La programmation iPhone / Tutoriel n°1 : Pour commencer ...

Et qu'on se le dise tout de suite, quiconque entre dans l'univers Mac, de prêt ou de loin, tombe instinctivement sous le charme de la célèbre firme à la pomme croquée. Trêve de propagande, attelons nous aux pré-requis du parfait développeur iPhone. 1) Le matériel : un Mac, Xcode et le SDK d'Apple ° un MacSans aucun détour je t'annonce que pour programmer sur iPhone, il te faut absolument un Mac qui soit au minimum basé sur une architecture Intel.

(amateurs de PC passez votre chemin ou faites comme moi et faites vous offrir un Mac :cool:) . ° XcodeMaintenant que tu as ton Mac entre les mains, tu auras besoin de XCode. . ° SDK AppleGénial tout ça, mais sans un bon SDK tu ne peux toujours pas coder . Deux options s'offrent à toi. La programmation iPhone / Un peu de lecture... Les classes. Programmez en Objective-C ! Les meilleurs cours, tutoriels concernant le Mac, Mac OS X, Cocoa, Objective-C. Xcode 4 User Guide: Writing and Editing Source Code. Develop iOS and Mac apps with Xcode, Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE).

Xcode 4 User Guide: Writing and Editing Source Code

Xcode provides tools to manage your entire development workflow—from creating your app, to testing, optimizing, and submitting it to the App Store. At a Glance Xcode is built to help you build great apps for iPad, iPhone, and Mac. Use the App Store app on your Mac to download Xcode. It’s free. Single-Window Interface The Xcode interface integrates code editing, user interface design, asset management, testing, and debugging within a single workspace window. You can focus on a task by displaying only what you need, such as only your source code or only your user interface layout.

Assisted Source Code Editing Xcode checks your source code as you type it, and when Xcode notices a mistake, the source code editor highlights the error. Graphical UI Design Interface Builder is a visual design editor that’s integrated into Xcode. Integrated Debugging Unit Testing and Continuous Integrations Integrated Documentation.