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Apache Aries - Index. Gemini Home. What is Gemini The Gemini project is all about modular implementations of Java EE technology. It is a collection of implementations of some of the OSGi Enterprise specifications. Each sub-project is a separate and standalone project that provides unique functionality. They can be used in isolation, in combination or with other OSGi bundles to compose a desired OSGi runtime. Brief outlines of each sub-project are below, please visit the sub-projects' pages for more detailed information. Gemini Blueprint The Reference Implementation of the OSGi Blueprint Service defined in chapter 121 of the OSGi 5.0 Enterprise Specification. Gemini Management Implements the JMX™ Management Model Specification version 1.1 defined in chapter 124 of the OSGi Enterprise Release 5 Specification.

Gemini DBAccess Provides modularised distributions of JDBC™ drivers suitable for running in OSGi. Gemini Naming Gemini JPA Gemini Web. Alliance | Main / OSGi Alliance. We are excited to announce that OSGi DevCon 2014 will be taking place in New York, June 11 to 13, 2014. This year we are co-locating with QCon New York which not only gives us the opportunity for a new location but also the chance to share OSGi DevCon with the QCon attendees. The Call For Presentations (CFP) is now closed and we expect to announce the conference program in early April. Registration is open. The price for attending increases each month in the run up to the event so its best to secure your registration as soon as you can. The next price increase is on March 15. Further details about the event including location, hotel, registration and questions are available from the DevCon home page. Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with OSGi DevCon 2014 and all other OSGi news.

THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING THE OSGi COMMUNITY EVENT 2013 The OSGi Community Event 2013 was held Oct. 29-31, 2013 in Ludwigsburg, Germany and was co-located with EclipseCon Europe. Eclipse Web Starter Kit. OSGi. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Étendue du framework OSGi[modifier | modifier le code] Le framework implémente un modèle de composants dynamique et complet, comblant un manque dans les environnements Java/VM traditionnels. Les applications et composants (se trouvant sous la forme de bundles pour le déploiement) peuvent être installés, arrêtés, démarrés, mis à jour et désinstallés de manière distante sans nécessiter de redémarrage ; la gestion des classes/paquetages Java est spécifiée de manière très détaillée. La gestion du cycle de vie est effectuée à travers une API en appliquant une politique de gestion des téléchargements distants.

Le répertoire (registry) de services permet aux bundles de détecter l’addition de nouveaux services, ou la suppression de services et de s'y adapter. Processus de spécification[modifier | modifier le code] Organisation[modifier | modifier le code] L’OSGi Alliance a été fondée par Ericsson, IBM, Oracle, Sun Microsystems et d’autres en mars 1999. Felix - Index. Apache Felix is a community effort to implement the OSGi R4 Service Platform and other interesting OSGi-related technologies under the Apache license. The OSGi specifications originally targeted embedded devices and home services gateways, but they are ideally suited for any project interested in the principles of modularity, component-orientation, and/or service-orientation.

OSGi technology combines aspects of these aforementioned principles to define a dynamic service deployment framework that is amenable to remote management. The Apache Felix SCR Generator 1.3.0, Maven SCR Plugin 1.9.0, and SCR Ant Task 1.3.0 releases are now available from the downloads section and from the Maven repository. (December 07, 2012) The UserAdmin 1.0.3 release is now available in the downloads section and from the Maven repository. (December 06, 2012) The UserAdmin file-store 1.0.2 release is now available in the downloads section and from the Maven repository. Refer to the news archive for all news. Karaf 2.2.5.