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Zend Framework 2

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Packagist. Zend Experts. Db_Adapter - Zend_Db. Zend_Db and its related classes provide a simple SQL database interface for Zend Framework.

Db_Adapter - Zend_Db

The Zend_Db_Adapter is the basic class you use to connect your PHP application to an RDBMS. There is a different Adapter class for each brand of RDBMS. The Zend_Db adapters create a bridge from the vendor-specific PHP extensions to a common interface to help you write PHP applications once and deploy with multiple brands of RDBMS with very little effort. Generating Query Results. There are several ways to generate query results: result() This function returns the query result as an array of objects, or an empty array on failure.

Generating Query Results

Typically you'll use this in a foreach loop, like this: $query = $this->db->query("YOUR QUERY"); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { echo $row->title; echo $row->name; echo $row->body; } The above. Zend Framework - ZF2: One Route to rule them all. Programmer’s Reference Guide of Zend Framework 2 — Zend Framework 2 2.0.5 documentation. Edit this document The source code of this file is hosted on GitHub. Everyone can update and fix errors in this document with few clicks - no downloads needed. Login with your GitHub account. Go to Programmer’s Reference Guide of Zend Framework 2 on GitHub. Edit file contents using GitHub's text editor in your web browser Fill in the Commit message text box at the end of the page telling why you did the changes.

Time zone abbreviations. Time Zone names, codes and abbreviations for Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time (DST) around the world. Zend Framework » \Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGatewayInterface. Zend Framework. The database Now that we have the Album module set up with controller action methods and view scripts, it is time to look at the model section of our application.

Zend Framework

Remember that the model is the part that deals with the application’s core purpose (the so-called “business rules”) and, in our case, deals with the database. We will make use of the Zend Framework class Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway which is used to find, insert, update and delete rows from a database table. We are going to use MySQL, via PHP’s PDO driver, so create a database called zf2tutorial, and run these SQL statements to create the album table with some data in it. (The test data chosen happens to be the Bestsellers on Amazon UK at the time of writing!) We now have some data in a database and can write a very simple model for it.

The model files Zend Framework does not provide a Zend\Model component as the model is your business logic and it’s up to you to decide how you want it to work. We are testing for 3 things: Zend Framework. Getting Started with REST and Zend Framework 2. Today i want to show you how to build a rest application.

Getting Started with REST and Zend Framework 2

This tutorials assume you have completed the Getting Started. I will be repeating lot of the steps allready explained in there. There is also a sample Album module which you can install from here. Start by creating a directory called AlbumRest under module with the following subdirectories to hold the module’s files: zf2-tutorial/ /module /AlbumRest /config /src /AlbumRest /Controller /test Create Module.php in the AlbumRest module at zf2-tutorial/module/AlbumRest: <? Create a file called module.config.php under zf2-tutorial/module/AlbumRest/config: <? As we are in development, we don’t need to load files via the classmap, so we provide an empty array for the classmap autoloader. <? We now need to tell the ModuleManager that this new module exists.

(Changes required are highlighted using comments.) <? As you can see, we have added our AlbumRest module into the list of modules after the Album module. <? <? <? <? You should also add: Get Album. Zend Framework. Zend Framework. Note Another way to install the ZendSkeletonApplication is to use github.

Zend Framework

Go to and click the “Zip” button. This will download a file with a name like or similar. Unzip this file into the directory where you keep all your vhosts and rename the resultant directory to zf2-tutorial. ZendSkeletonApplication is set up to use Composer ( to resolve its dependencies. To install Zend Framework 2 into our application we simply type: php composer.phar self-update php composer.phar install from the zf2-tutorial folder. Installing dependencies from lock file - Installing zendframework/zendframework (dev-master) Cloning 18c8e223f070deb07c17543ed938b54542aa0ed8 Generating autoload files If you see this message: [RuntimeException] The process timed out. then your connection was too slow to download the entire package in time, and composer timed out.

Composer. Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP.


It allows you to declare the dependent libraries your project needs and it will install them in your project for you. Dependency management# Zendframework/ZendSkeletonApplication.