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Improve Your Google Search Skills [Infographic] Don’t limit yourself to just plugging in simple search terms to Google; check out this infographic and learn a search string search or two.

Improve Your Google Search Skills [Infographic]

You don’t need to limit yourself to searching just for simple strings; Google supports all manner of handy search tricks. If you want to search just’s archive of XBMC articles, for example, you can plug in XBMC to search our site. Get More Out of Google [HackCollege via Mashable] Jason Fitzpatrick is a warranty-voiding DIYer who spends his days cracking opening cases and wrestling with code so you don't have to.

Make a powerful point. MCH Library Knowledge Path: Physical Activity and Children and Adolescents. Introduction This knowledge path about physical activity and children and adolescents has been compiled by the MCH Library at Georgetown University.

MCH Library Knowledge Path: Physical Activity and Children and Adolescents

It offers a selection of current, high-quality resources that analyze data, describe public health campaigns and other promotion programs, and report on research aimed at identifying promising strategies for improving physical activity levels within families, schools and after-school programs, child care and early childhood education settings, and communities.

The knowledge path also provides resources about physical activity for children and adolescents with special health care needs. The knowledge path is aimed at health professionals, policymakers, child care providers, and community advocates. Separate briefs present resources for schools and families. Home Page - The Office of Minority Health.