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70+ jQuery Touch Event Plugins – Support Touch Gestures! As the market for mobile devices with touch screens explodes, more and more websites are optimized for offering mobile visitors an optimal experience. With jQuery touch event plugins it is rather simple to allow touch screen users to interact with and navigate your website using touch gestures! In the recent years, the need to make websites mobile friendly and responsive have turned the web design industry upside down.

Reality is that the number of smartphones and mobiles devices sold have increased massively and actually already has surpassed the number of PCs sold. With mobile devices comes touch screens and a completely new set of requirements for design user interfaces and interactions. Touch events are typically used in responsive web designs and you will see that most new WordPress themes with responsive layouts also support touch events.

I hope you will find this list inspirational and useful. Article index Ready to use jQuery touch event plugins Swiper – MORE INFO. WordPress Social Stream Plugin – Full Page Responsive Social Network Wall.


WordPress Conseils de sécurité - Les meilleurs plugins WordPress pour protéger. WordPress powered websites are often target for hackers. Here are the some of the best security plugins and tips to better protect your WordPress blog. About a month ago, this WordPress blog was hacked. And since my other websites like and are hosted on the same web server, the hacker successfully managed to wipe off all these sites from the Internet as well. The web hosting company says that it could have happened because one of the sites was running an older version of WordPress. The passwords weren’t compromised though as all the login activity happened from known IP addresses. It was a tough period but fortunately, the deleted sites have been restored and the traffic is also back to normal. Here’s a list of changes I have done to improve the security of my WordPress blogs though the perpetual worry that such a thing can happen again will remain. #1.

When you install a WordPress blog, the first user is called “admin” by default. . #2. . #3. Find. . #4. . #5. . #6. . #7.


SliderVilla - WordPress Slider and Slideshow Plugins. Agregateur rss. Themes. Geolocalisation. Davantage de tailles d’images dans l’administration de WordPress : la V2, allégée au lait de poney. WordPress : retrouver un article selon une meta sous forme de tableau. Plugin Drag and Drop for Post Thumbnails, un petit hack. Utilitaire WordPress : ajouter l’interface de gestion aux taxonomies de médias. Fixing “XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity” in Wordpress | ServerGrove.

This is one of the more annoying bugs in WordPress. WordPress is working fine, but when you check the RSS feed you get the following error: XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity Location: Line Number 3, Column 1:<? Xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? > ^ The most common explanation for its cause is blank spaces leading and ending the PHP pages caused by editing the theme. There are two solutions for this problem. The first is the easiest and I would recommend trying this first. Solution 1: Step 1) Install the fix-rss-feed plugin.

Step 2) Go to Admin > settings > fix RSS Feed Step 3) Click on the “Fix wordpress rss feed error” button This might or might not fix your problem. Solution 2: The “Wordpress leading whitespace fix” is slightly more involved than the plugin, albeit a very good solution when the plugin fails. WordPress: How to List Child Pages in Sidebar. One of the most common things to do with your wp_list_pages, is to use css to create a horizontal navigation. A problem can sometimes occur when you decide later to add another page s a child to an original page.

WordPress by default will begin a child ul within the parent li and most of the time, this will break your pretty horizontal styling. The first solution tht comes to mind is to create dropdowns. This is pretty easy to accomplish with the suckerfish method, but sometimes you just want to avoid that solution. Such was the case in a template I created a few months ago called Resilience.

My first solution was this bit of code: <li><ul><? The result was a list of the subpages just like I wanted, but it left an empty list item with an empty ul inside on every single page of my blog besides the one page that actually had child pages. <? This removed the extra code from the sidebar on all pages, but still left it on pages that didn’t have child pages to list. <? <? <? Best of Best WordPress Cusom Login Page Designs. 55+ Most Wanted WordPress Tips, Tricks, and Hacks. There are times when you come across a feature in a blog, and you just start thinking to yourself: How can I get this in my WordPress blog/site as well. Everybody have experienced this feeling. Sometimes you know you want it, and don’t know where to look for, or even what to look for. In this article we will be sharing some of the most wanted WordPress Tips, Tricks, and Hacks that you will definitely find useful. These tutorials are classified under various skills level.

For some tutorials, you will need to know basic HTML and some WordPress Knowledge. WordPress Theme Cheat Sheet for Beginners 1. This is one of the most wanted hacks that users want to know how to accomplish. You can change the template name. Once you have published this page go to Settings » Reading in your admin panel. And select your page to be the homepage. 2. Have you ever been to a site and saw this cool feature? You would need to follow the trick #1 in this article to create a custom page template. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Live Writer and ScribeFire API | TheXangaTeam on Xanga. UPDATE – 8/3/11 – please note: unfortunately we’ve had to suspend support for the API due to inordinate usage by spammers. We do not yet have a timeframe for re-enabling support for the API, but we are actively developing our own smartphone app, which we hope to have available soon. We’ve gotten a bunch of requests for an API for applications like Windows Live Writer and Firefox add-on ScribeFire, so . . . here they are!

Instructions are under the cut. If you were curious, we used the MetaWeblog API to make the programs work for Xanga. Live Writer: You already have a weblog set up! Choose “another weblog service”. Enter as your homepage URL and your Xanga login information as your username and password. Select Metaweblog API and enter the same URL as you did in the last step. You’re set – blog away! ScribeFire: Click “Configure Manually”. Choose “MetaWeblog API” from the blog system type menu and enter as your URL.
