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Star Rating System Using PHP, MySQL , Ajax & jQuery. Sharing is caring!

Star Rating System Using PHP, MySQL , Ajax & jQuery

Star Rating System or jquery rating system help to get the feedback of customers about the product and service.By Star Rating System using php user or customer can rate the product by selecting the star, this will help the owner or service provider to improve their services as per the customer feedback. The jquery rating system provide the range between 1 to 5 stars. The five star rating help the other customer to buy the service or product. This is commonly used in eCommerce or product based website. In this tutorial, we will show you how to build a rating system in php First make rating design as shown below named as index.php. SEND AN EMAIL WITH ATTACHMENT USING PHPMAILER. Sharing is caring!


In this tutorials we SEND AN EMAIL WITH ATTACHMENT USING PHPMAILER PHPMailer is one of the most popular open source PHP libraries to send emails. PHPMailer have code library by which We can easily and safely send emails. What we do in this : We make and design the formThrough PHPMailer we send the mail, which have these attribute or fields Subject, Email, Message and Attachment.

It can print various kinds of errors messages, when it fails to send an email.We can send email as Plain text, HTML and multipart batched files.It support SMTP (SSL and TLS). Index.php Now we add PHP code to check the condition and send the form on mail First we download the PHPMailer library through link Mail.php.

Setup and Activate Hulu account on Roku - Hulu is undoubtedly the best one-stop entertainment provider of Roku.

Setup and Activate Hulu account on Roku -

Whether you want to watch movies or series, it provides large access to independent music and all big shows. If you are a binge-watcher, this is a must-have channel on your Roku device. The activation and subscription processes can be done in a moment with proper instructions. Star Rating System Using PHP, MySQL , Ajax & jQuery.

Set and Get Featured Products in Woo-Commerce

Registration form with jquery validation - Developer Guidance. Sharing is caring!

Registration form with jquery validation - Developer Guidance

Now in this tutorial, we make you to learn how to create the registration form with jquery validation We have created a simple HTML form which have the fields like Name , Email, Mobile No, Password and Confirm Password. Registration.php. Registration form with jquery validation - Developer Guidance. How to Create a Magento Configurable Product - Get Latest Updates On digital Marketing And Web development by Developer guidance. Sharing is caring!

How to Create a Magento Configurable Product - Get Latest Updates On digital Marketing And Web development by Developer guidance

Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform. It is one of the most popular open e-commerce systems,where You can Create your own ecommerce store. Magento Store have several option to add products.There are several option of Simple Product types like Simple Product , Grouped Product , Configurable Product , Virtual Product , Bundle Product and Downloadable Product. Configurable products in a Magento store need several assigned attributes such as size, color, model, make, etc. You need dedicated server for configurable product. There are few basic steps involved in the creation of a Magento Attribute for Creating a configurable product: Log in to your Magento admin panel Select the “Catalog” tab Go to Manage AttributeAdd attributes (such as color and size etc.).

Shown in the image how to add attribute. Registration form with jquery validation - Get Latest Updates On digital Marketing And Web development by Developer guidance. Set and Get Featured Products in Woo-Commerce. Sharing is caring!

Set and Get Featured Products in Woo-Commerce

In the initial step we see how to set the featured products in woo-commerce. Featured Products is the best way to promote specific and main products in your website.We can easily setup featured products in woo-commerce. You can easily setup the featured product by a widget, shortcode and also by custom code. Adding a Featured Product To show the featured product go to Products in left side of navigation in the wp-login Panel.

How to display a popup once using JavaScript - Get Latest Updates On digital Marketing And Web development by Developer guidance. Star Rating System Using PHP, MySQL , Ajax & jQuery. Product List Carousel for Ecommerce Website - Get Latest Updates On digital Marketing And Web development by Developer guidance. SEND AN EMAIL WITH ATTACHMENT USING PHPMAILER. Custom Popover Using Jquery - Get Latest Updates On digital Marketing And Web development by Developer guidance. <title>inner outer click</title> <div id="B1"><button>Button 1</button><div class="popover pop fade bs-popover-right show" style="display: block;"> <h3 class="popover-header">Developers Guidance <a href="#" class="pophide" id="alert" data-dismiss="alert">×</a></h3> <p>Popover is closed when you click outside and When you click one popover another popover will closed automatically.You can pass link in popover Also.Popover is designed by Developers Guidance </p>

Custom Popover Using Jquery - Get Latest Updates On digital Marketing And Web development by Developer guidance

User Login and Registration with Forgot Password using PHP and Mysql. <title>Registration Using PHP and Mysql</title> Registration Remember me Forgot Password? Animated Bootstrap image slider using HTML and JavaScript. How To Add Product Variations in WooCommerce - Get Latest Updates On digital Marketing And Web development by Developer guidance. Sharing is caring!

How To Add Product Variations in WooCommerce - Get Latest Updates On digital Marketing And Web development by Developer guidance

In this tutorial, we create the color and size attribute, which is shown in the products as shown below in the image and afterward we create variations products in woocommerce. E-commerce Business are trending in the market in today’s world. Variation Products means a product that has color and size etc. which we can show on the product details page. variations products in woocommerce is required for the products which have size, color and weight, etc Now we start with our tutorial: Creating WooCommerce Variations Attribute: 1) Size2) Color. REASONS WHY YOUR OFFLINE BUSINESS SHOULD GO ONLINE.

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Digital Marketing is a valuable asset to one’s business growth. It helps to interact with the targeted audience. In this golden era of technology having an online presence is a kick at the can for your business as digital marketing has a huge influence on the purchase decision of a consumer and it allows marketing your business in a quirky and creative way. Here are few reasons why your offline business should go online.

How To Use Instagram As A Marketing Tool For Your Business. Sharing is caring! Instagram can act as one of the greatest assets to your business, more than 1 billion active users use Instagram monthly. Users use Instagram not only to look at photos but also to learn about new brands. There are some points to make you aware of the use of Instagram as a marketing tool for your business they are as follows:- 1. Interact With Audience:- Posting eminence content is a virtuous step but, if you want to maximize your marketing efforts on Instagram you need to interact and engage the audience as often as possible. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Do make sure that your username is searchable and unrecognisable.Start posting after your profile is optimised.Encourage others to share content or collaborate with similar accounts. Instagram is one of the best marketing tools for your business. What is Best for the Business SEO or PPC? - Get Latest Updates On digital Marketing And Web development by Developer guidance.

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What is Best for the Business SEO or PPC? - Get Latest Updates On digital Marketing And Web development by Developer guidance

SEO i.e. Search Engine Optimization is a method in which you optimize your content in such a way with keywords and backlinks, etc that it ranks in organic search of any search engine.

Get Latest Updates On digital Marketing And Web development by Developer guidance