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Mit der Veröffentlichung der 2er-Version (in Verbindung mit der Beseitigung der 1er-Version) hat das Pearltree-Management die Arbeit von vielen Tausend Usern vernichtet.

Logischerweise sind die Reaktionen unerfreut bis zT extrem hässlich, zumal es keine vernünftige Export- bzw Umzugsfunktion in ein anderes Format gibt.
Die durch diesen Kataklysmus überforderten Pearltree-Kontaktpersonen entschuldigen das Desaster mit den wenigen Mitarbeitern, die Jahre lang Tag und Nacht geschuftet haben, um das Tool weiterzubringen - aber das entschuldigt leider nichts, wenn man sich am Anfang für die falsche Vorgehensweise entschieden hat. Pfusch bleibt Pfusch, auch wenn viel Arbeit und Scharfsinn drin stecken.

Die entscheidende Frage wird sein: Wird der "Chief Evangelist" von Pearltrees sich von seinen frustrierten Nutzern bekehren lassen? Wird das Unternehmen eine Lösung zur Rettung der zerstörten Nutzerdaten finden? Davon hängt letztlich die Weiterexistenz von Pearltrees ab: Eine App mit zerstörtem Ruf und Vertrauen will ja auch keiner.

How to move almost all Android apps to SD card (no root required) | [Update – May 2013] To see whether this procedure may work on your phone, check out the new post [Follow up] List of phones that work with “How to move almost all apps to SD card” procedure and comments to this post. Please note that this procedure does NOT work on the best selling Samsung Galaxy S3.

[/Update] [Update – March 2013] To help fellow Android users know whether this procedure will work on their phone, please submit this anonymous form (link: Google Forms) indicating whether it worked for you. Thanks! [/Update] One of the most anticipated additions to Android 2.2 (aka Froyo) was ability to install applications to SD card, because it helps to free internal memory. So what should a user do when Android phone is running out of internal memory? It turns out there is a hack that lets you move almost any Android app to SD card, even if the app developer did not enable this option. Apps2sd limitations Apps2sd functionality is a step in the right direction. Troubleshooting Related posts. Pearltrees 2 sucking list. Help. Pearltrees tips. Pearltrees - Friedhof der Kuscheltiere auf GITHUP. Mind Mapping. Angry / disappointed users. Pearltrees 2 sucks! Pt 2.0 WTF?!!! Options for Migration. My Critique (s243a) of Pearltree 2.0. Pearltrees Radically Redesigns Its Online Curation Service To Reach A Wider Audience.

Pearltrees, the Paris-based online curation service that launched in late 2009, was always known for its rather quirky Flash-based interface that allowed you to organize web bookmarks, photos, text snippets and documents into a mindmap-like structure. For users who got that metaphor, it was a very powerful service, but its interface also presented a barrier to entry for new users. Today, the company is launching a radical redesign that does away with most of the old baggage of Pearltrees 1.0. Gone are the Flash dependency, the tree diagrams, the little round pearls that represented your content and most everything else from the old interface.

Here is what Pearltrees 1.0 looked like: And here is the new version: Pearltrees’ mission is still to allow you to organize everything you want on the service (in that respect, it almost competes with Evernote). 3. “We took what everybody liked about the old version and put it into a visualization that everybody could grasp right away,” Lamothe said. Ahhh! Eins meiner (ehemals) liebsten Internettools dekonstruiert sich gerade… Pearltrees. Pearltrees – Google+