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Lifecycle emails

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McIntyre Method. Training. If you're already sold and just want the buy button... How Your Business Can Increase Sales Through Better Use of Email... Guaranteed Hiya guys, Like many of you, I write and sell software. The world does not care what I want, and it doesn't care what you want either. Sometimes this is a little soul-crushing. Wrong. You can increase sales by 10% with email... if it is the right email. The savviest software firms rely less on mailing blasts and more on sending the right email to the right person at the right time, asking for one little nudge to their behavior.

This technique is called "lifecycle emails" and it is scandalously effective. Decrease churn by identifying and getting in touch with dissatisfied customers before they cancel. Sending The Right Email, To The Right Person, At The Right Time You would think that, since software companies are in the data business, our marketing would be pretty data-oriented, right? Having problems with the free trial? Didn't install the tracking code? Intro to Lifecycle Emails - guest post by Patrick McKenzie (patio11) This is a guest post from Patrick McKenzie. Patrick is the founder of Kalzumeus software . Patrick has several successful SaaS businesses and has recently been making fistfulls of money for his consulting clients by helping them implement lifecycle emails.

Take it away Patrick. P.S. The last link in his article will save you $250 on his course. No startup has ever died because they spent too much time talking to customers. Unfortunately, this doesn't come naturally to the engineer in me. Enter Lifecycle Emails: Sending The Right Message To The Right Customer At The Right Time One of the best hacks that I've discovered for talking to customers regularly is building systems which make my customers come to me. Here's four examples: The Welcome Email You know the standard "Thanks for signing up for $FOO_APP" email you typically get right on account creation?

Here's what you should do right now to get value out of the free trial. A lot of people worry about being the little guy. Lifecycle emails for improving user experience. By sending highly-targeted emails to visitors based on their interests, we delighted X-Plane users and doubled the likelihood of a demo user becoming a paying customer. The most powerful tool you have for improving your customers’ experience is to step them through getting the most value possible out of your product. This is the one of the reasons that in-person sales have so much higher conversion rates than most web sales: if I can walk you through the ways in which your life will meaningfully improve by purchasing a product, you’ll be hard pressed to turn that product down. One way you can try to replicate this experience in Web sales is to use what’s known as lifecycle emails (sometimes referred to as drip emails, due to the way you “drip” out information to the customer).

In the case of X-Plane, the lifecycle usually looks something like this: For a number of reasons, moving from step 3 to step 4 is by far the most problematic. “I can’t get the demo installed properly. Set Up Your First Lifecycle Email Campaign | Conversion Insights. If you haven’t set up your first lifecycle email campaign (otherwise known as a “drip marketing campaign” due to the way you “drip” content out to customers), you’re losing customers. Regardless of your industry, you could be sending your visitors timely emails that will persuade your prospects and thrill your current customers. Lifecycle emails and your business There’s a common misconception that lifecycle email campaigns are only for software-as-a-service businesses (“SaaS” companies sell subscriptions for Web access to their software products).

While the value of lifecycle email in a SaaS company is self-evident—you can track when users last logged in, how they’re using the software, and so on—these emails are valuable to a much broader range of businesses. The key is to figure out what stage in the customer “lifecycle” (the model of a typical customer’s relationship with your business) a visitor to your Web site is at based on the pages they visit. Going live: Getting sign-ups. Write great lifecycle emails. A lot of you have told me you want to learn how to do a lifecycle email series / drip email series. That’s not surprising considering that creating a lifecycle course can be one of the most impactful things to your bottom line that you can do. X-Plane gets dramatic results with their lifecycle emails created by Tyler Young of Conversion Insights: A lifecycle email series is just several related emails, delayed over time, based on some action a person has done.

The action can be something on your website – like visiting the upgrade page but not upgrading. It can also be something like filling in a form with an email address. We’ll cover how to set up an opt-in email course (sometimes called an autoresponder course), but these ideas apply to lifecycle emails triggered by on-site action (or inaction) too. Most people I speak with have a hard time with the details of setting up the course. Details like: What do you write about? Ready? Let’s dig in.

What’s the goal of the lifecycle emails? P.S.