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Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies. FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS. The Four Noble Truths represent the core of the teachings of the Buddha, and are as follows: The First Noble Truth - dissatisfaction and suffering exist and are universally experienced. The Second Noble Truth - Desire and attachment are the causes of dissatisfaction and suffering. The Third Noble Truth - There is an end to dissatisfaction and suffering. The Fourth Noble Truth - The end can be attained by journeying on the Noble Eight-fold Path. THE NOBLE EIGHTFOLD PATH: Right Understanding, Right Thinking, Right Speech, Right Attitude, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration. 1. 2. 3. 4.Right Action: Practice selfless conduct that reflects the highest statement of the life you want to live. 5. 6. 7. 8. Makes you think – The way you think about time has a big effect on your behavior.

By Marshall Brain | June 23, 2010 This is a fascinating video that looks at the different ways that human beings perceive time and the effects that these perceptions have on our behavior: The video starts by identifying six ways to perceive time: 1) Looking at the past as “the good old times” (past positive) 2) Looking at the past as a time filled with regrets and failure (past negative) 3) Present Hedonistic – focused on maximizing immediate pleasure and minimizing immediate pain 4) Present Fated – things happen because of my conditions 5) Future oriented, working to succeed in the future. 6) Future oriented, focused on an afterlife Some fun facts that come from the video: - “Protestant countries have higher gross national products than catholic countries.

. ” - In some countries (e.g. . - You can measure the pace of life in different cities. Starting around the 6 minute point there is a really interesting section on the effects of video games on thinking. Thinking styles. The following is edited and adapted from It is intended to supplement personal understanding and enhance critical self-examination of yourself as a communicator. Styles of Thinking "How do people think about things? " Harrison and Bramson, through their research detailed in their text The Art of Thinking, found that in Western society there are five distinct styles of thinking. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Synthesists "Synthesists are apt to appear challenging, skeptical, or satirically amused, even when you can see no cause for any of that. " A Synthesist can juggle both arguments and counter arguments mentally and recognize the validity of each and form new ideas from that conflict. The first common strategy of the Synthesist is that of "Open Argument and Confrontation. " Their second common strategy is "Asking Dumb-Smart Questions.

" Synthesists like to be observers of conflict. Synthesists like to speculate. Idealists Pragmatists Analysts Summary. Logic and perception - topical index -The Skeptic's Dictionary - Last updated 20-Nov-2015 Recommended Reading Critical Thinking Mini-Lessons Adams, James L. Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas 3rd ed. (Perseus Press, 1990). Ariely, Dan. (2008). Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions (HarperCollins). Dawes, Robyn M. Gardner, Martin. Gardner, Martin. Gilovich, Thomas. Groopman, Jerome. Kahneman, Daniel. Kida, Thomas. 2006. Kourany, Janet A. Levine, Robert. 2003. Sagan, Carl. Seckel, Al. (2006). Sternberg, Robert J. ed. Sutherland, Stuart. (2007). Ong's Hat: Gateway to the Dimensions! A full color brochure for the Institute of Chaos Studies and the Moorish Science Ashram in Ong's Hat, New Jersey.

YOU WOULD NOT BE READING THIS ARTICLE if you had not already penetrated half-way to the ICS. You have been searching for us without knowing it, following oblique references in crudely xeroxed marginal samizdat publications, crackpot mystical pamphlets, mail-order courses in "Kaos Magick"—a paper trail and a coded series of rumors spread at street level through circles involved in the illicit distribution of certain controlled substances and the propagation of certain acts of insurrection against the Planetary Work Machine and the Consensus Reality—or perhaps through various obscure mimeographed technical papers on the edges of "chaos science"—through pirate computer networks—or even through pure syncronicity and the pursuit of dreams.

In any case we know something about you, your interests, deeds and desires, works and days—and we know your address. Where is Ong's Hat? YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES PRESENTS. Conscious Entities. Philosophy 132, 001|Spring 2010|UC Berkeley - Download free content from UC Berkeley. Table of Contents. The Mermaid by Heinz Insu Fenkl -- The Endicott Studio Journal of Mythic Arts, Summer 2003.

Western Philosophy. TEACHINGS OF DIOGENES. Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave". "In fact, you get pretty good at understanding how the patterns in the show work, and everyone else chained up is like, 'Holy shit bro, how did you know that that tree was going to fall on that guy? ' and you're like, 'It's because I fucking pay attention and I'm smart as shit.' You're the smartest of the chained, and they all revere you.

" Glaucon: "But Socrates, a tree didn't really hit a guy. It's all shadows. " Socrates: "No shit, Glaucon, but you don't know that. You think the shadows are real things. Everyone does. "So eventually, someone comes and unchains you and drags you out of the cave. "Slowly, as your eyes got better, you'd see more and more shit. "Finally you'd want to go down and tell everyone about everything you've discovered. "Philosophy, same thing.

101 Zen Stories. Zen Koans - Kalama Sutta. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The Experience and Perception of Time. What is ‘the perception of time’? The very expression ‘the perception of time’ invites objection. Insofar as time is something different from events, we do not perceive time as such, but changes or events in time. But, arguably, we do not perceive events only, but also their temporal relations.

So, just as it is natural to say that we perceive spatial distances and other relations between objects (I see the dragonfly as hovering above the surface of the water), it seems natural to talk of perceiving one event following another (the thunderclap as following the flash of lightning), though even here there is a difficulty. For what we perceive, we perceive as present—as going on right now. Kinds of temporal experience There are a number of what Ernst Pöppel (1978) calls ‘elementary time experiences’, or fundamental aspects of our experience of time. Duration The inference model may be plausible enough when we are dealing with distant events, but rather less so for much more recent ones. Studies in Pessimism, by Arthur Schopenhauer. Unless suffering is the direct and immediate object of life, our existence must entirely fail of its aim.

It is absurd to look upon the enormous amount of pain that abounds everywhere in the world, and originates in needs and necessities inseparable from life itself, as serving no purpose at all and the result of mere chance. Each separate misfortune, as it comes, seems, no doubt, to be something exceptional; but misfortune in general is the rule. I know of no greater absurdity than that propounded by most systems of philosophy in declaring evil to be negative in its character. Evil is just what is positive; it makes its own existence felt. Leibnitz is particularly concerned to defend this absurdity; and he seeks to strengthen his position by using a palpable and paltry sophism.1 It is the good which is negative; in other words, happiness and satisfaction always imply some desire fulfilled, some state of pain brought to an end. 1 Translator’s Note, cf.

Life is a task to be done. 3 Cf. Tetrapharmakos. The Tetrapharmakos (τετραφάρμακος) "four-part remedy" is a summary of the first four of the Κύριαι Δόξαι (Kuriai Doxai, the forty Epicurean Principal Doctrines given by Diogenes Laërtius in his Life of Epicurus) in Epicureanism, a recipe for leading the happiest possible life. They are recommendations to avoid anxiety or existential dread.[1] The four-part cure[edit] As expressed by Philodemos, and preserved in a Herculaneum Papyrus (1005, 5.9–14), the tetrapharmakos reads:[4] This is a summary of the first four of the forty Epicurean Principal Doctrines (Sovran Maxims) given by Diogenes Laërtius, which in the translation by Robert Drew Hicks (1925) read as follows: 1.

A happy and eternal being has no trouble himself and brings no trouble upon any other being; hence he is exempt from movements of anger and partiality, for every such movement implies weakness 2. 3. 4. Don't fear god[edit] Don't worry about death[edit] As D. What is good is easy to get[edit] References and notes[edit] Official Home of the Free Hugs Campaign - Inspired by Juan Mann - Home. Zombies. First published Mon Sep 8, 2003; substantive revision Thu Mar 17, 2011 Zombies in philosophy are imaginary creatures used to illuminate problems about consciousness and its relation to the physical world. Unlike those in films or witchraft, they are exactly like us in all physical respects but without conscious experiences: by definition there is ‘nothing it is like’ to be a zombie. Yet zombies behave just like us, and some even spend a lot of time discussing consciousness. Few people think zombies actually exist. But many hold they are at least conceivable, and some that they are possible.

It is argued that if zombies are so much as a bare possibility, then physicalism is false and some kind of dualism is true. 1. Descartes held that non-human animals are automata: their behavior is wholly explicable in terms of physical mechanisms. In the nineteenth century scientists began to think that physics was capable of explaining all physical events that were explicable at all. 2. 3. 4. 60 Ways To Make Life Simple Again. Ethics Updates Home Page.  Moral theory; relativism; pluralism; religion; egoism; utilitarianism; deontology; duty; human rights; anti-theory; gender; race; multiculturalism;. Evolution is a Fact and a Theory. Copyright © 1993-2002 [Last Update: January 22, 1993] hen non-biologists talk about biological evolution they often confuse two different aspects of the definition.

On the one hand there is the question of whether or not modern organisms have evolved from older ancestral organisms or whether modern species are continuing to change over time. On the other hand there are questions about the mechanism of the observed changes... how did evolution occur? Biologists consider the existence of biological evolution to be a fact. It can be demonstrated today and the historical evidence for its occurrence in the past is overwhelming. However, biologists readily admit that they are less certain of the exact mechanism of evolution; there are several theories of the mechanism of evolution. In the American vernacular, "theory" often means "imperfect fact"--part of a hierarchy of confidence running downhill from fact to theory to hypothesis to guess. Also: Daily Wisdom. If you tell yourself that you are happy, miserable or bored, you have already separated yourself from that particular sensation that is there inside you.

U.G. Krishnamurti. What happened in my birth year? Blog » Handbook for Life… 2010. The Psychology Arena. The Improbability of God. The Improbability of God by Richard Dawkins from Free Inquiry, Volume 18, Number 3. Much of what people do is done in the name of God. Irishmen blow each other up in his name. Arabs blow themselves up in his name. Imams and ayatollahs oppress women in his name. Why do people believe in God? So ran Paley's argument, and it is an argument that nearly all thoughtful and sensitive people discover for themselves at some stage in their childhood. What do all objects that look as if they must have had a designer have in common? This is not a circular argument, by the way. Of all the trillions of different ways of putting together the atoms of a telescope, only a minority would actually work in some useful way.

We can safely conclude that living bodies are billions of times too complicated -- too statistically improbable -- to have come into being by sheer chance. The fossils tell us that life has been evolving on Earth for more than 3,000 million years. Return to Top. - Explore the Tao Te Ching from a New Thought Perspective. "If" Rudyard Kipling.

"Seven Blunders of the World" by Mahatma Gandhi. Philosophy Timeline. Theta Wave Brain Synchronization. This is a replication of a Theta wave entrainment rhythm first created by scientists in the 1960s to lull patients into a deep, colorful, creative dream state. Listen to it for 10 minutes, longer if you can. The longer it plays, the deeper you’ll go. So go. How It Works The human brain produces different levels of electrical activity depending on the amount of information it is processing. Throughout the day, the brain lingers between four different types of brainwave patterns: Beta (12 -30 Hz): the normal, awake consciousness associated with busy tasksAlpha (8 – 12 Hz): the relaxed and reflective state, like those induced by closing the eyes during waking hoursTheta (4 – 7 Hz): a very relaxed state associated with meditation and some sleep statesDelta (3 and under Hz): deep, dreamless sleep Theta waves (at around 4 to 7 Hz) are the sweet spot for many brain functions.

101 Zen Stories. Some Moral Dilemmas. The Trolley Problem, not in Grassian. Suggested by Philippa Foot (1920-2010), daughter of Esther, the daughter of President Grover Cleveland, but of British birth because of her father, William Sidney Bence Bosanquet. A trolley is running out of control down a track. In its path are five people who have been tied to the track by a mad philosopher. Fortunately, you could flip a switch, which will lead the trolley down a different track to safety. Unfortunately, there is a single person tied to that track. Should you flip the switch or do nothing? This is a classic "right vs. good" dilemma. The Costly Underwater Tunnel Compare: 112 men were killed during the construction of Hoover Dam on the Nevada-Arizona border (the "official" number was 98, but others had died from causes more difficult to identify -- or easier to ignore -- like by carbon monoxide poisoning): The first to die was a surveyor, J.G.

Maslow Self Actualization - unlearn. Logical Fallacies and How to Spot Them. Learning Meditation Home Page. Relaxation audio. Mental_floss Blog » 4 Bizarre Experiments That Should Never Be Repeated. The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever. China. LSD - A Life Cycle - 73418. Some paradoxes - an anthology. Philosophy since the Enlightenment, by Roger Jones.

40 Belief-Shaking Remarks From a Ruthless Nonconformist | The Meditation Tip of the Day. Daily Wisdom. The four immeasurables. Worriers Anonymous Meditation room to play music to meditate and relax. The Virtual Numerologist. 365Quotes.