Roadtrip in Cinqueterre - Ralu Călătorește. Cel mai recent road trip pe care l-am facut a fost in italia, intre Milano si Pisa, trecand prin Portofino, Cinqueterre si La Spezia.
Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre Parcul National Cinqueterre si satele pescaresti Patrimoniu UNESCO care primesc anual foarte multi vizitatori, vrajiti in principal de fotografiile pe care le vad cu aceste locuri, trezindu-le dorinta de a merge acolo. A fost si cazul meu, evident. De multa vreme imi doream sa ajung, uimita si eu de ceea ce gaseam pe internet. Si nu am fost deloc dezamagita. Lonely Planet caracterizeaza locul drept unul dintre cele mai dramatice peisaje de coasta din lume. WORLD OF WANDERLUST. Cinque Terre is located along the Italian Riviera.
It is made up of five fishing villages where multi-coloured houses are built within the jagged cliff faces. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage site and has quickly become one of the most bucket-list worthy places in Italy due to its spectacular coastal scenery and picturesque towns. Here is a guide to Cinque Terre including the best things to do, eat and experience. The Five Towns: Vernazza Vernazza is by far my favourite town. Riomaggiore Riomaggiore is the first of the villages that make up the five towns of Cinque Terre. Manarola Manarola is probably the most picturesque of the towns. Corniglia. Three Days Exploring Cinque Terre. “Cinque Terre” translates to Five Lands.
It is made of five picturesque towns, perched along the rugged cliffside of the Italian Riviera. The coastline, villages, and surrounding hillsides are all part of the Cinque Terre National Park and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In each of the towns you will find colourful terraces, steep winding streets, fresh produce and wine, sweet elderly men whistling, dozens of fishing boats, mountains covered in vineyards and some of the best sunsets you’ve ever seen over the sea. I suggest at least 3-5 days to lose yourself in each town. I previously visited Cinque Terre while I was backpacking solo in August 2010 in the very early months of my blog. In 2011 the Cinque Terre was struck by heavy storms, landslides and flooding that killed 13 people and almost destroyed the towns of Monterosso and Vernazza.
About the towns-Riomaggiore is the first village from La Spezia, that sits in a small valley facing the sea. A Path To Lunch: A Guide to the Local Food of La Spezia & Cinque Terre. What to Eat in La Spezia, Cinque Terre, Lerici, Portovenere When Italians refer to 'piatti tipici' (dishes typical of the area), it is serious business.
This is where the culture meets the mouth, and every city, every province, and every region has its unique dishes. When Italians visit another region of Italy, they always eat the specialties, so you should too. The good news is you can tour Italy for the next decade or two and not encounter them all. Here's our little food guide to the specialties that you might encounter on your visit to the Gulf of La Spezia area.
Farinata This is first because it's one of our favorite things. Foccacia You see it everywhere in the world now, I know, but it's indigenous to Liguria, and here it comes in many forms, many shapes and sizes, and is almost always interesting. Torta di Verdura Ligurians love vegetables, and these large round pies are filled with cheese and a variety of greens and vegetables. A Path To Lunch: La Spezia Travel Guide for 2017: The Top Ten Attractions. A Tour Guide with Travel tips by Local Experts La Spezia is an excellent place to visit.
Here's tourist information for Italy's great port on the beautiful Gulf of the Poets. Our tour guide describes museums to educate you, bustling streets and markets to keep you busy, and food specialties to keep you fed. The attractions are listed in a rough geographical order, so you can create a vacation itinerary of places to see. La Spezia has good pedestrian-oriented signage to direct you to sights in the city. 1. Across busy Viale Italia from the waterfront, La Spezia's Public Gardens are good for a stroll and for the children's playground. Travel Tip____________________________________________________________________________Where to Stay Our hotel recommendations are at the end of this article. 2. Museo Tecnico Navale 1 Viale Amendola Phone 0187 784693 Website: Museo Tecnico Navale.
Cinque Terre: 5 pământuri paradisiace la malul mării Liguria - ExTraViTa. Un ghid pentru cei care doresc să își programeze o vacanță în Cinque terre: ce nu trebuie să ratați, cum să călătoriți între orașe și TOP-ul satelor din Cinque Terre .
Cinci pământuri, nume dat celor 5 sate pescărești de o frumusețe de poveste, aproape ireală, săpate în stancă, pe riviera mării Liguria. Acestea își păstrează farmecul italian de demult în pofida numărului extrem de mare de vizitatori. Riomaggiore – Manarola – Corniglia – Vernazza – Monterosso al Mare fac parte din parcul național Cinque Terre – în patrimoniul UNESCO – care pe lângă sate și zonele adiacente mai cuprinde părți din comunele Levanto și La Spezia.
Orașele mai mari învecinate sunt Pisa și Genova. Riomaggiore, Cinque Terre, un sat pescăresc de un farmec aparte - ExTraViTa.