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ETCSL: full catalogue of Sumerian literary compositions. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian LiteratureCatalogues: by date | by number | Website info: navigation help | site description | display conventions | recent changesProject info: consolidated bibliography | about the project | credits and copyright | links This catalogue shows all the compositions which will be included in the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature.

ETCSL: full catalogue of Sumerian literary compositions

It is based closely on the catalogue devised by Miguel Civil, with his co-operation. For practical reasons, certain categories of composition will not be included in this phase of development of the ETCSL. These are, principally, the various genres of cult songs and prayers in Emesal which were the preserve of the gala singers, and the extensive literature of magical incantations. The catalogue is thematically arranged and each composition has a number whose first element reflects the broad category to which it has been assigned. Ziggourat : un dossier complet, comprenant les sources épigraphiques. Qu'est ce que la Mésopotamie ? Mythologie mésopotamienne - sumérienne.