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Questions and answers. Brussels, 19 September 2007 Energy policy What are currently the problems of the energy market? Why do we need yet another package? European consumers should all benefit form the liberalised electricity and gas market and new possibilities such as the right to choose their energy supplier. What is wrong with the status quo? The second package was adopted in 2003 and implemented at national level. What will be the advantages for private and industrial consumers? Consumers will benefit from the competitive energy market in many ways. But consumers will also benefit in other ways.

Consumer concerns How can consumers use their freedom of choice? In principle gas and electricity markets have been opened for all consumers since 1 July 2007. Consumers can already choose between different suppliers of electricity and gas. Consumers will still be connected to the same network, operated by a company that is regulated by the national regulatory authority. Will prices be cheaper? Climate change Regulators. The Conventional Energy Trap: Hermann Scheer [1944-2010] Hermann Scheer, pioneering German Parliamentarian and renewable energy advocate, died earlier this month. Scheer was the driving force behind Germany's Renewable Energy Act, thanks to which Germany last year accounted for half of all worldwide solar electricity installations.

I recently came across one of his last ever interviews, done by Amy Goodman over at The interview covers everything from the Energy Act, to the impact of political corruption on the transition to renewable energy, and the importance of energy independence. After 30 years in the German parliament working on energy issues, Scheer has enormous insight into the political dynamics that surround renewable energy. I've posted a few of my favorite quotes below. --- From the Interview (see here for a full transcript): "The tragedy of our present civilization is that it became dependent on marginal energy sources.

"It is a fight. This post originally appeared on Alex's excellent personal blog openalex. Hermann Scheer (1944-2010): German Lawmaker, Leading Advocate for Solar Energy and "Hero for the Green Century" in One of His Final Interviews. This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: We’re broadcasting today from San Francisco. And we were planning to spend the hour today with the author and philosopher Derrick Jensen, here in California for a big event — just before a big event he was having tomorrow here in California. But just before we went on air, we learned of the death of Hermann Scheer. He is a pioneering German politician and economist who helped make Germany a renewable energy powerhouse. Hermann Scheer died last night in Berlin at the age of sixty-six. Scheer had been member of the German Parliament for three decades and was the president of EUROSOLAR, the European Association for Renewable Energy.

In 1999, Hermann Scheer won the Right Livelihood Award for his, quote, well, "indefatigable" — tireless — "work for the promotion of solar energy worldwide. " TIME magazine named Hermann Scheer "Hero for the Green Century. " AMY GOODMAN: How do you do it? HERMANN SCHEER: Right. [break] Pv_roadmap.pdf (application/pdf Object) Rising Support for Renewables from Multilateral Development Banks. InShare2 The World Bank and other MDBs are increasing funding for renewable energy Commercial lending for sustainable energies has slowed in the wake of the financial crisis, but support from multilateral development banks is on the rise. This multilateral support, however, only accounted for almost one-eighth of the global sustainable energy investment in 2009.

Recent estimates suggest that the public financing needed to achieve a stabilized global temperature increase of 2 degrees Celsius far exceeds this amount. Despite this limited means, support from multilateral banks is critical in developing countries transitioning to a sustainable energy sector, as these institutions provide technical assistance, concessional loans, and guarantees that can help mitigate the perceived risks associated with renewable energy technologies. The banks also play an important role in building the conditions that enable investors and commercial financiers to plan investments in these sectors. Mozilla Firefox. Energie aus dem Erdinneren - Die Geothermie birgt ungenutzte Potenziale | Radiofeuilleton - Wissenschaft und Technik.

Die Geothermie birgt ungenutzte Potenziale Von Thomas Gith Heiße Luft bei Groß Schönebeck: Erfolgreiche Ausbeutung von Erdwärme (GFZ Potsdam) In der Debatte um erneuerbare Energie geht es vor allem um Solar- und Windkraft. Kein Wunder, sind die beiden Techniken doch gut entwickelt – und sie lassen sich daher bereits problemlos nutzten. Viel weniger beachtet wird die Geothermie – also die Erdwärme. Dabei ist ihr theoretisches Energiepotenzial fast unerschöpflich: Denn Erdwärme gibt es überall und immer. Ortstermin in Groß Schönebeck – einem kleinen Ort nördlich von Berlin.

"In Groß Schönebeck haben wir natürlich wegen der Umgebung keine Möglichkeit, das für irgendwelche Heizungen zu verwenden. Wulf Brandt zeigt auf die Halle: Bei der ORC-Anlage handelt es sich um einen großen Wärmetauscher. "Die Wässer in der Erde, die unterhalb des Grundwassers liegen, sind üblicherweise salzhaltig. Allein im norddeutschen Becken steckt also ein enormes Energiepotenzial in Form von heißem Wasser. Energy Analysis - Market Analysis Models and Tools.

Use models and tools developed or supported by NREL to assess, analyze, and optimize renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies for your project. Many of these tools can be applied on a global, regional, local, or project basis. NREL models and tools include several designed for the consumer or energy professional. PVWatts Estimates the electricity production of a grid-connected roof- or ground-mounted photovoltaic system based on a few simple inputs.

The Energy DataBus Open-source software that collects massive amounts of energy-related data at second-to-second intervals. Geothermal Prospector Designed to provide easy access to geothermal resource datasets and other data relevant to utility-scale geothermal power projects. Solar Deployment System (SolarDS) Examine the market competitiveness of solar PV technologies from the building user's perspective. For more information. Biomass Scenario Model (BSM) Interactive Mapping Tools Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) REFlex H2A Model. Guide_purchase_green.pdf (application/pdf Object) Physikdepartment-Abteilung Vorlesung. Clean technology: Masdar plan. Тълковен речник - български тълковен речник. The Bike-sharing Blog. Bike Share Philadelphia © 2007-2011. News 15. Jul 2010. TUM.Energy ist eine fakultätsübergreifende Forschungsinitiative der Munich School of Engineering, bei dem Wissenschaftler aus unterschiedlichen Fachrichtungen zusammenarbeiten, um das zentrale Thema Energie mit unterschiedlichen Methoden, Ansätzen und Wissen betrachten zu können.

Hieraus ergibt sich eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung der relevanten Fragestellungen, woraus sich völlig neue und innovative Ansätze ergeben, die in der zukünftigen Energieversorgung Anwendung finden werden. Zur Mitarbeit an diesem Vorhaben sind alle Bereiche der Hochschule auch abseits der klassischen Disziplinen gefragt, um ihren individuellen und wertvollen Beitrag zu diesem komplexen Themenbereich beizusteuern. Die Arbeit der MSE verfolgt dabei folgende übergeordnete Ziele: Diese Schwerpunkte werden durch Netzwerke abgebildet, in denen sich Wissenschaftler verschiedenster Fakultäten detailiert mit innovativen Lösungsansätzen zu Problemen ihres Themenfeldes beschäftigen: