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Crit, Power and DPS- the numbers guide - Neverwinter - LaggyGamerz Community Forums. Update 11th September 2014: Added comparison regarding 1% bonus damage vs 1% crit in light of new belts. It’s a common question many min/maxers face: how much crit is too much? When should I stop? How much does a perfect vorpal help? This guide aims to explore the math behind Neverwinter’s crit mechanic in an attempt to help you optimise your stats, and in turn, your DPS.

There is lots of math involved, that's the point, however the math isn't terribly complex, it's only high school level basic calculus (calculating rate of change via approximations). I will show you the math and explain in plain English what it means as we go to keep it easy to read. If you are a min maxer you need to understand the math to understand the decision, no way around it. 1. NW at wills, encounters and dailys (excluding a number of bugged examples) have a chance to crit. 1.1 What is DPS I may interchange between damage and DPS. There are 4 aspects to crit. 1. 2. 3. 4. Formula derived from forums as Equation 2: Sign in | Arc Games. Kaelac’s guide to damage, tenacity, reisistance and debuffs in Neverwinter - Neverwinter - LaggyGamerz Community Forums. Update 19th August 2014: -Updated info for module 4, removed old ArP references since they got fixed -Updated buff/debuff sections to reflect changes to mark, Assailing force, Elemental empowerment, bitter cold mechanics.

Update 1st July 2014: -Changed Combat advantage formula and added how CAbonus interacts with damage formulae based on @angrymanagement's data. -Armor penetration will be fixed for abilities and skills in Module 4, so I will finally clean that up a bit once I've confirmed things are working how they should. Table of Contents Introduction 1. 1.1 Diminishing Returns 1.2 Offensive Stats 1.3 Defensive Stats 1.4 Auxiliary Stats 2. 2.1 Base ability damage formula 2.2 Buffing damage 2.3 Combat Advantage (CA) damage 2.4 Crit and deflection mechanics 2.5 Armor Penetration and damage resistance in PvE 3. 3.1 Booster multipliers 3.2 Defense debuff multipliers in PvE 3.3 How buff and debuff multipliers interact in PvE 3.4 Debuff mechanics for PvP 4. 5.

Introduction 1. My view on soft and hard caps. <Kira> Castle Never Split Runs - Υπολογιστικά φύλλα Google. Stox's PVE CW Thaum DPS guide. Most In-Depth Neverwinter Control Wizard (CW) Guide - Web Junkies Blog. Neverwinter CW Comprehensive Guide by grimah Hi there, ive been playing my wizard for a fair while now on the beholder server. I participate in PvP and find myself a competant pvper, though i find PvP in this game relatively silly. Cleared all dungeons and ran multiple different types of groups, with or without tanks, double wizards and such. Giving me ample time to experiment and compare damage to various other classes and participate in encounters in different builds and setups. So I am fairly experienced in different roles a wizard can do for each encounter. Wizardry 101 A Wizard’s Role Well simply put, you do what the group requires you to do, or what you think is best for the group, we excel in many things, single target damage, aoe, controlling adds, pushing things off cliffs.

Control: The primary reason we get invited to parties is to provide control, its in our name after all. Class Mechanics Teleport Arcane Stacks Chill Stacks Control Spells Encounters Dailies Statistics Attributes Cat: Neverwinter dimnishing returns2. Guide to efficient dungeon clearing - Neverwinter - LaggyGamerz Community Forums.

One of the things I enjoy most about Neverwinter is running 5 man group content with party-centric players who use synergistic skills to clear dungeons quickly and efficiently. Every class in NW have amazing synergy with one another, and when we can take our focus off the DPS pedal, there is a lot of room for cooperation. In this guide I’ll outline some of the potentials of this strategy which will make your endgame runs that much more effective. In all my builds it’s always pushing to maximise PARTY DPS. DPS races are fun and it’s good to benchmark one another, but putting group ahead of self will almost always bring better results for both PUG and guild runs.

While some of these tips may apply to PvP, this is written primarily from a PvE perspective. There are many other tips and suggestions that may be incorporated here if you want to contribute. 1. 1.1 Dungeon Positioning and aggro management 1.1.1 The common, but unfavourable scenario: 1.1. 2 The Ideal case: . 1.4 Combat Advantage 2. Quick chat with keybinds - Neverwinter - LaggyGamerz Community Forums. Kaelac’s Guide to Devoted Clerics in Neverwinter - Neverwinter - LaggyGamerz Community Forums.

6. Practical Play Tips that Will Lift your Game DC 12k+ stone is not a guarantee for a well played DC. The number one test is how well you’re able to keep your DPSers CW alive when they are AOEing and DPSing. Number two is how well you can help the party recover from a fluster cluck if you pull too much or someone made a mistake. 6.1 Grouping Tips I play my cleric as an off tank (main tank if no GF/GWF)/ healer/buffer/debuffer. When playing my other classes I do see a fair amount of clerics who stand at the back and fire the occasional heal.

When pulling a pack, you should enter the fray either before or with melee classes. In a really good group, or in a party with 3 CWs you must keep up with DPSer, especially the lead GWF or CW who does most of the pulling and ensure they’ll stay protected. Dodging red: Know how to get the most out of your dodge immunity frames. Reviving: Generally when not kiting you’re the best person to revive along with TR (if they’re not on boss). Daily Use: 1. 1a. Control Wizard - Neverwinter Wiki. Control Wizard icon Control Wizards primarily focus on controlling the battlefield and dealing damage to a large number of creatures simultaneously. Because of the wizard's role as a controller, they possess more crowd control options than any other class. Their ability to deal high amounts of damage gives them the secondary role of striker. They wield a magical orb and are capable of unleashing torrents of damage on enemy parties. [edit] Ability Scores Intelligence is the Control Wizard's primary Ability Score.

[edit] Powers [edit] Paragon Path The Paragon Paths available to Control Wizards are the Spellstorm Mage and the Master of Flame. [edit] Feats [edit] Heroic Feats [edit] Paragon Feats [edit] Oppressor Control feats: These feats are focused in improving crowd control potential and cold spells. [edit] Thaumaturge Feats Damage feats: These feats are focused on increasing damage output. [edit] Renegade Feats [edit] Epic Weapon Sets Ancient Court Magister [edit] Epic Armor Sets [edit] PVP.

Fairy Names and Meanings, Girls and Boys. Power Leveling. Console command - Neverwinter Wiki.