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Ne pas avoir peur de l'échec / du fail

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Is it too late to be awesome? — Better Humans. I was talking with a friend today about all the different blogs, websites and people that I follow online.

Is it too late to be awesome? — Better Humans

He was amazed that I rattled off all of these websites with ease without having to really look anything up. I have been trying to find a place to house all of the awesomeness that I find on a daily basis. “That way, I can share with you the journey of my findings in real time”, I joked. As I was showing him (started by Kevin Rose, founder of Digg and other awesome sites), I started to feel by looking at Kevin’s list of investments, companies he founded and other achievements that I haven’t really done anything with my life.

Now… if you ask those around me, they would definitely beg to differ. We. Need. More. Losers. (vidéo au TEDx Grenoble) Sylvain Tillon, Entrepreneur. Le 21 mars 2013, j’ai eu la chance d’être convié par les organisateurs du TEDxGEM pour témoigner sur le thème du rebond. J’ai choisi de revenir sur l’aventure Lucyf’Hair et ses difficultés… pour démontrer qu’on pouvait s’en sortir malgré la cotation 040 Banque de France ! Mon sujet était : Entreprendre, c’est aussi accepter l’échec. My Best Mistake: I Could Have Launched Google Drive in 2006.