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Music Theory

Facebook Twitter teach and learn music theory from anywhere. Free Printable Music Worksheets | Opus Music Worksheets | Music Theory Worksheets - Music Theory Worksheets. Free Music Theory Worksheets Comprehensive Self-Learning Sheets in Progressive Difficulty Go to page: < Previous 1 2 3 Next > Welcome to free printable music theory worksheets for music students. Music theory is the study of the language and notation of music. It is important for music students to study music theory because it identifies the composer's techniques in structure, rhythm, harmony, texture, and many other elements of music. Over time, we hope to add worksheets that teach music concepts, music speed tests, and homework assignments for music students.

You will need Adobe Reader to view these files. Drum Notation Guide. Measures & Bar Lines Music is written on a music staff, which features five parallel horizontal lines. The first thing you’ll see written on the staff is the clef; the drum/percussion clef looks like a vertical rectangle and is used with non-pitched percussion instruments. With non-pitched percussion instruments like a drum set, notes written on different spaces and lines indicate that drum, bass drum, or cymbal. The staff is separated into individual measures (or bars) of music with thin vertical lines called bar lines. The number of beats in each measure is determined by the time signature. Triplets As we go from larger notes down the list to the smaller notes, the notes and rests are halved in length. Time Signatures Time signatures are written like fractions. Dotted Notes & Rests Sometimes you’ll see a note or a rest with a small dot written next to it. Note & Rest Values Notes and rests come in different lengths, which are written as fractions.

Repeats & Counting Rhythms. List of musical symbols. Lines[edit] Clefs[edit] Clefs define the pitch range, or tessitura, of the staff on which it is placed. A clef is usually the leftmost symbol on a staff. Additional clefs may appear in the middle of a staff to indicate a change in register for instruments with a wide range. In early music, clefs could be placed on any of several lines on a staff. Notes and rests[edit] Durations shorter than the 64th are rare but not unknown. 128th notes are used by Mozart and Beethoven; 256th notes occur in works by Vivaldi, Mozart and Beethoven. The name of very short notes can be found with this formula: th note. Breaks[edit] Accidentals and key signatures[edit] Common accidentals[edit] Key signatures[edit] Quarter tones[edit] Quarter-tone notation in Western music is not standardized.

Other conventions for microtonal music are used on an ad hoc basis. Time signatures[edit] Time signatures define the meter of the music. Note relationships[edit] Dynamics[edit] Other commonly used dynamics build upon these values.