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The Uzebox: An open source hardware games console - open source hardware, open source, games consoles, games - Computerworld. Image: Anybody who has even a passing familiarity with IT — and even most who don't — encounters open source software on a daily basis. Whether it's Mozilla's Firefox Web browser, the Apache HTTP Server, which powers most of the world's Web sites, or Google's Android mobile platform, open source software has gone from being solely the domain of geeks to part of many people's everyday life — and it's become big business. Open source hardware — hardware built using freely distributed and freely modifiable blueprints — is still more of niche category.

It is not an area bereft of its high-profile projects, however; the RepRap 3D printer, for example, and the Open Graphics Project. The Uzebox is another open source hardware project, and, unlike many that begin with grand plans but have fallen by the wayside, it has met with success. Techworld Australia caught up with Alec Bourque, the creator of the Uzebox, to find out what makes it — and him — tick. Uzebox - The ATMega Game Console. About The Uzebox is a retro-minimalist 8-bit open source game console. It is based on an AVR 8-bit general purpose microcontroller made by Atmel. The particularity of the system is that it uses an interrupt driven kernel and has no frame buffer. Functions such as video signal generation, tile rendering and music mixing is done in realtime by a background task so your game can easily be developed in C.

The design goal was to be as simple as possible yet have good enough sound and graphics to implement interesting games. Current Features Low parts count and cost: The system is made of only two chips and discrete components. Specifications These videos demonstrates some of the features of the Uzebox. Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python - Learn how to program with a free ebook programming tutorial. Ecole de cinema | audiovisuel | école de réalisation audiovisuelle | métiers du cinéma | EICAR | Ecole d'audiovisuel | journalisme.

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