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Organizational Health - Santé organisationnelle

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Health as a CEO priority. This newfound focus on health has given rise to what we call the health-savvy CEO: a CEO who appreciates that decisions relating to health and health care can have a significant impact on the culture of the organization, the way in which work gets done, the cascading effects of that work in spaces and places beyond the organization’s four walls, and the power of the CEO’s personal brand to support people’s health.

Health as a CEO priority

These CEOs have been finding ways to lead their organizations through extreme complexity and uncertainty, protect and support their workers’ and stakeholders’ health, and bolster strategic outcomes in the process. And they have been able to do so by choosing not to delegate matters of health to other functions, executives, or external advisors. Rather, they have put health directly on the CEO agenda—where it belongs. The health-savvy CEO’s mindset 1. Scrutiny related to outside stakeholders’ health was equally intense. 2. Health care can be an inherently political topic. 3. 4. The struggle of wellbeing in a senior leadership role with Brian Henderson.

In this Candid Craic, we talk to Brian Henderson about his experience of struggling with his psychological and physiological wellbeing in a senior leadership role, and how he is using it to help inform current executives just how harmful at individual and organisational levels the experience can be.

The struggle of wellbeing in a senior leadership role with Brian Henderson

Brian explains his reaction on realising he was experiencing all the signs of poor wellbeing, and why others in the same position might be equally likely to shrug it off just as he did; how he finally came to terms with what he was going through; the clues and signals that one might be in the early stages of a mental health challenge; and the organisational conditions that contributed to it. How Healthy Is Your Business Ecosystem? 1.

How Healthy Is Your Business Ecosystem?

M. Why schedule regular business health checks. In the past few months, alliances and joint ventures have been essential for many companies to meeting the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why schedule regular business health checks

But during crises, strain can emerge even among allies, often revealing underlying problems. In this episode of the Inside the Strategy Room podcast, Ankur Agrawal, a partner in our finance practice in the Americas who focuses on healthcare, and Eileen Kelly Rinaudo, a leader in our work on joint ventures and alliances, discuss the importance of regular partnership check-ins to make sure that, like any relationship, both sides are getting what they need.

Obsessions de 15 leaders pour 2021. «Ne jamais revenir comme avant».

Obsessions de 15 leaders pour 2021

Scheduling routine health checks for business partnerships. Toolkit to Protect the Health of Your Business. Le dirigeant au cœur d'une approche globale de gestion de la santé des personnes au travail. A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow. The Price of Wellbeing for Employers. When researching the elements of great company culture, I asked 100 HR professionals the following: what's the biggest struggle in workforce management that you never expected?

The Price of Wellbeing for Employers

The prevailing answer wasn't related to recruitment, retention or regulations. Instead, it was what should be a positive: wellness programmes. The Workplace Wellbeing Formula. The five frames of performance and health. In Beyond Performance 2.0 (John Wiley & Sons, 2019), McKinsey senior partners Scott Keller and Bill Schaninger draw on their 40-plus years of combined experience, and on the most comprehensive research effort of its kind, to provide a practical and proven “how to” guide for leading successful large-scale change.

The five frames of performance and health

This article, drawn from the book’s opening chapter, provides an overview of this approach and explains why it works. Future articles will deal with specific topics such as uncovering and shifting limiting mind-sets during change efforts, as well as how to create the ownership and energy needed to succeed. Neville Isdell took the helm as CEO of Coca-Cola during troubled times. Refining sustainability reporting for investors. As evidence mounts that the financial performance of companies corresponds to how well they contend with environmental, social, governance (ESG), and other nonfinancial matters, more investors are seeking to determine whether executives are running their businesses with such issues in mind.

Refining sustainability reporting for investors

When companies report on ESG-related activities, they have largely continued to address the diverse interests of their many stakeholders—a long-standing practice that involves compiling extensive sustainability reports and filling out stacks of questionnaires. Despite all that effort, a recent McKinsey survey uncovered something that should concern corporate executives and board members: investors say they cannot readily use companies’ sustainability disclosures to inform investment decisions and advice accurately. Investors say they cannot readily use companies’ sustainability disclosures to inform investment decisions and advice accurately.

Financial materiality Consistency Reliability. Embracing your incompetence. What are the most important organizational health practices? Patty McCord: 8 lessons on building a company people enjoy working for. The hidden value of organizational health. New research suggests that the performance payoff from organizational health is unexpectedly large and that companies have four distinct “recipes” for achieving it.

The hidden value of organizational health

How vital companies think, act and thrive. To become a more vital organization, company leaders must follow three steps.

How vital companies think, act and thrive

Step one: Assess your current vitality. Establish a clear understanding of your starting point from the outside in (by using the Fortune Future 50 methodology) and from the inside out, by answering the following questions: What is the growth potential of your pipeline of “future bets”? The global landscape of corporate vitality. Think Differently About Strategy. This includes taking a long-term perspective, focused as much on exploration as on exploiting existing business models, as well as thinking beyond the traditional models of management and strategy.

In particular, leaders must master adaptive and shaping strategies. The classical approach to strategy and execution, based on episodic analysis and planning, is often ill suited to today’s uncertain, dynamic business environments. Instead, companies need to take a more adaptive approach—creating business systems to seed, test, and scale new ideas in a rapid and iterative fashion—as well as building capabilities to disrupt, create, and shape their markets. The Self-Tuning Enterprise. Wouldn’t it be nice if an algorithm could tell you when to develop a new business model or whether to enter a new market? We’d be lying if we said that such an algorithm exists. It doesn’t, and we don’t imagine a time in the foreseeable future when algorithms (or other forms of artificial intelligence) will be able to answer such difficult strategic questions. But we do believe that something almost as interesting is emerging: a way for organizations to apply algorithmic principles to make frequent, calibrated adjustments to their business models, resource allocation processes, and structures—without direction from the top.

That’s a provocative claim, but it’s based on actual developments we’ve observed at internet companies like Google, Netflix, Amazon, and Alibaba. These enterprises have become extraordinarily good at automatically retooling their offerings for millions of individual customers, leveraging real-time data on their behavior. Dynamic Markets Demand Dynamic Management. The overlooked essentials of employee well-being. If you really want to increase employees’ health and well-being, focus on job control and social support.

Workplace stress is exacting an ever-higher physical and psychological toll. Agile Engagement summary - Business Book Summaries. How Organizations Will Produce in an Autonomous Future. Can AI-enabled automation replace your company’s entire labor force? How much will technology change affect labor? According to research informing our 2017 research report, “Reshaping Business with Artificial Intelligence,” not as much as one would expect. Less than half of more than 3,000 survey respondents expect AI to reduce their organization’s workforce in the next five years, and just 30% are fearful that AI will automate their own jobs. But as technology relentlessly improves, significant changes may still be on the horizon.

To what extent can AI-enabled automation replace the entire labor force of an organization? Consider these companies: The Moby Mart, a store on wheels, brings groceries to customers in Shanghai. These companies, encompassing both physical and purely digital products, showcase the potential of autonomous companies. Moving Remaining Labor Outside the Company.