Desertcart UAE
Desertcart provides a seamless and secure shopping platform with 100+ million products from around the globe delivered to 163+ countries across the globe. Anyone looking for global products which are not available in their local market, we deliver their choice of products to their doorstep in the UAE taking care of logistics, customs, and other formalities.
Desertcart. Cool Tech Gadgets: 9 Technical Gadgets You Can Look Forward to in 2022. The advancement in science and technology has rapidly progressed over the past decades.
Every year several new products and technologies are introduced in order to make life better and more entertaining. Change is the only constant and we need to embrace the future and gear up, to live a great life. Cyber Monday Deals 2021: Right Time to Buy Your Favorite Gadget Online. Cyber Monday is a popular day for online retailers and people looking for massive discounts and offers.
This is the Monday that follows after the Thanksgiving and Black Friday weekend. The official holiday shopping season starts with Black Friday and continues with Cyber Monday, where the focus is mostly online through the cyber week. Traditional retailers are focused on offering special discounts, Cyber Monday deals, and offers to attract more customers and increase their sales.
It is the second biggest shopping day and the biggest for online sales. Thanksgiving Day: A Time to Be Grateful and Happy Together. Thanksgiving is one of the most popular days in the United States.
People eagerly await to have a great time each year. Thanksgiving ceremonies are celebrated on different dates in the United States, Canada, Saint Lucia, and Grenada. Basically, it began a long time ago as a day of giving thanks and sacrifice for the blessings and harvest. Desertcart. What is Black Friday? Why Black Friday Sale So Attractive for Customers? Black Friday is celebrated mostly by retailers as the day after Thanksgiving that happens on a Thursday.
It has a long history and is promoted by retailers as the start of the holiday shopping season. This shopping frenzy has slowly spread around the world. Home Decoration Ideas: Great Home Decor Ideas for This Festive Season. The festive season is just around the corner and people are gearing up to celebrate this season with family and friends.
The weather is getting chill in the northern hemisphere and the Covid situation is slowly getting under control while countries are opening up for business and tourism. People are trying to relax after some challenging times and want to bring some joy into their lives by gearing up for the festivities and get-togethers. Desertcart. Best Healthy Drinks: Top 10 Healthy Drinks That Are Great for Your Body. Do you wish to be healthy and live a long and happy life?
Then you need to be aware of the best healthy foods and drinks that can help you achieve that goal. The human body requires adequate food and hydration to perform well. That is why it is essential to drink the required amount of water every day, to maintain good health and help the body to perform well. Apart from that, there are other healthy drinks that have the potential to support the body in different ways and provide energy and nutrition too. Do you love to drink natural stuff like fruit or vegetable juices, etc? Winter Fashion Essentials: 10 Best Winter Essentials to Buy Online in 2021.
Winter is coming soon and people are already planning their winter shopping.
Are you sure about what you will wear this winter to stay protected and yet look fashionable and stylish in your winter fashion essentials? Well, this article will highlight some interesting stuff that can keep you warm and cozy; without compromising on the style factor. Feel warm and cozy, while grabbing attention by pairing up the right combination to create your own style statement. Pandemic Shopping Behavior: Impact of Pandemic on Online Retailing. Those of us who experienced the first COVID-19 lock-downs were likely surprised when reporting began last month one year later.
It felt as if we were trying to figure out “how the year has come to an end?” While wondering, “how close is one year?” It seems like five years have passed! No matter how you look at it, it’s been a difficult time. Desertcart. Emerging E-commerce Trends: 10 Trends That Will Increase Online Sales. iYou Undoubtedly, 2020 did not go precisely as anticipated.
The pandemic impacted many aspects of our business, including how we interact with clients and perform user research. COVID-19 amplified already-existing trends, packing a decade of e-commerce growth into one year. Home bound shoppers drastically altered their purchasing habits, forcing millions of companies to increase their investments in current e-commerce channels or go online for the first time. Here we have listed the ten emerging e-commerce trends that you need to be aware of: 10 Best Skincare Products to Pamper & Protect Your Skin This Winter. The winter is fast approaching and winter skincare is definitely an important routine that one should gear up for and never compromise on.
We need to take care of our skin since it is a vital part of our body that stays with us for our entire life. The face is the first thing visible when we meet people. The cold winters can sometimes play havoc on the skin and suck out the moisture from the skin making it dry, lifeless, and pale. Desertcart. Desertcart. Desertcart. Desertcart. Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Books & more in the UAE -