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Office national de tourisme d'Ecosse. Kinloch Anderson, Edinburgh. MacDonald of Glencoe Tartan | Muted Medium Weight | Code MWS2201 | Scottish Tartans | Kinloch Anderson. The Kilt Company, Dundee, Perth. Slanj Kilts, Glasgow. Geoffrey (Tailor) - Kiltmakers Glasgow. Kilts at House of Henderson, Stirling. Scotweb, kilt & tartan best price. Distillery Data - all Scotch malt whisky distilleries (in Scotland)

This section of Malt Madness looks at malt whisky distilleries in Scotland - grain whisky is discussed as well, but not in great detail. Until well after the year 2000, the number of active MALT whisky distilleries in Scotland was still much larger than that of the entire rest of the world put together. So, when I started work on this site section I didn't look past the borders of Scotland at first. This list contains all the (legal) malt whisky distilleries in Scotland that have been active since +/- 1975. Hundreds of other distilleries that were active in the 18th, 19th and 20th century are not listed, simply because the odds of ever finding a (genuine) bottle of the whisky are astronomically slim.

"Antique' bottles appearing at auctions and on eBay are usually dodgy. The concept of 'ranking' distilleries also deserves an explanation. I realised that this made the 'definitive' still scores in the old 'distillery data' section pointless.