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Univ. of Victoria - Education Elem. (Pre-service) : I embark on my Educational journey here with you, my PLN. I look forward to learning with you!

Textured Cities in Grade Two. Get ready for an exciting lesson you can try with your students the next time you talk about texture.

Textured Cities in Grade Two

Give your students a piece of paper and tell them to choose two different colored crayons. Use old crayons that have no wrappers on them. After asking your students what the word ‘texture‘ might mean, ask them how can we ‘see‘ texture. Reflection and reflexivity: linking these skills to classroom practice. Educational Hash Tags and Live Channels. What's Wrong With the Teenage Mind? "What was he thinking?

What's Wrong With the Teenage Mind?

" It's the familiar cry of bewildered parents trying to understand why their teenagers act the way they do. How does the boy who can thoughtfully explain the reasons never to drink and drive end up in a drunken crash? Why does the girl who knows all about birth control find herself pregnant by a boy she doesn't even like? What happened to the gifted, imaginative child who excelled through high school but then dropped out of college, drifted from job to job and now lives in his parents' basement? Adolescence has always been troubled, but for reasons that are somewhat mysterious, puberty is now kicking in at an earlier and earlier age. At the same time, first with the industrial revolution and then even more dramatically with the information revolution, children have come to take on adult roles later and later.

Open Thinking Wiki. Making The Right Digital Decisions. Recently, my district began a huge initiative to combat bullying/cyberbullying and to help students become more aware of the choices they make both in their face-to-face lives and their digital decisions as well.

Making The Right Digital Decisions

There is no one right way or right answer that will stop the problems. However, I do believe that the classroom and our schools are the places where tough conversations need to be had. I have been collecting several resources and I want to share. By no means is this all the stuff that is out there. The 12 most confusing things about Tweets, Retweets, Replies and Direct Messages. Want a short URL to remember to share this specific post with new folks?

The 12 most confusing things about Tweets, Retweets, Replies and Direct Messages

Just tell them to visit Because different interfaces create and display Twitter messages in different ways, depending on your interface, you may have an entirely different idea of what a retweet is than someone else does. And also because tweets that look similar can act in different ways, people take a long time to learn how messages on Twitter work. Here are the twelve things that confuse people the most about tweets, retweets, replies and direct messages. ► 1. Top 15 Twitter Acronyms. Most of the acronyms you’ll find on Twitter are borrowed directly from decades of net culture, developed as easy Internet shorthand on electronic bulletin boards (BBSes), IRC, IM, and email.

Top 15 Twitter Acronyms

Twitter’s integration with SMS naturally means that texting lingo is inherently part of the argot. Twitter, like each online platforms before it, quickly evolved its own lingo. The 140 character limit necessarily forces concision. Unfortunately, that shortening can also hide meaning, especially if you’re at all new to Twitter. Below are the acronyms that I’ve encountered most frequently on Twitter over the years, along with appropriately short explanations. RT = Retweet. OH = Overheard. DM = Direct Message. SAGE Advice for New Teachers - Global Learning. Teachers take to Twitter to improve craft and commiserate. After her first year teaching history in a public high school in the District, Jamie Josephson was exhausted and plagued by self-doubt.

Teachers take to Twitter to improve craft and commiserate

Teaching had been more grueling than she ever expected. Law school began to sound appealing. Then she stumbled onto Twitter. In the vast social network on the Web, she discovered a community of mentors offering inspiration, commiseration and classroom-tested lesson plans. The Landscape: My Top 25 Free Math Resources for Education. The President understands that math teachers have a unique role to play in the future of education.

The Landscape: My Top 25 Free Math Resources for Education

To be a well-informed citizen and a participant in the knowledge economy, Americans must be mathematically literate. We need to be able to do basic computation and solve complex problems. We must understand the magic of compound interest and how it affects our personal financial decisions. New Teacher Academy: Classroom Management. Welcome to Edutopia's New Teacher Academy!

New Teacher Academy: Classroom Management

I'm so happy to be here sharing my passion to support and mentor new teachers. I hope that you will join us for all five key topics that we'll cover in this series, because that's our mission: offering resources to new teachers. To collaborate in more detail on these and other topics, I invite you to join my weekly New Teacher chat on Twitter, and also to visit my blog Teaching with Soul.

Please view this introductory video as I share a little more about our five-part blog series. Justin Stortz teaches fourth-graders to read and write better in McKinney, Texas. Classroom management was the last thing on my mind as I graduated college. Here's what I've learned so far: 1) Realize You Need a Plan. GuitarPlayerU. Untitled. Beirut - A Sunday Smile (Soirée de poche 2009, Paris) (subtitulado)

Teaching Techniques

Music. Community/School. Other Pearltrees users links. Online Articles. *****I RECOMMEND THESE TO START WITH***** Education: Literacy. Neat. Educational Videos. Books. Autism. Online Tools. Educational Blogs and Magazines.