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20+ Computer Science Programming Online Courses. 5 Web Files That Will Improve Your Website. The amount of code that developers encounter regularly is staggering.

5 Web Files That Will Improve Your Website

At any one time, a single site can make use of over five different web languages (i.e. MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML). There are a number of lesser-known and underused ways to enhance your site with a few simple but powerful files. This article aims to highlight five of these unsung heroes that can assist your site. They’re pretty easy to use and understand, and thus, can be great additions to the websites you deploy or currently run. Post/Redirect/Get. Diagram of a double POST problem encountered in user agents.


Diagram of the double POST problem above being solved by PRG. Duplicate form submissions[edit] PostRedirectGet DoubleSubmitSolution.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.