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Tips on Preventing Infections After Surgery. Anyone who has been through surgery is at risk of surgical site infection.

Tips on Preventing Infections After Surgery

However, it’s more common for those who are very overweight, with insufficient nutrition, have a weak immune system, smoke, and take steroid medicines, especially older adults. Once you notice increased pain, swelling, or redness of the skin around the incision leading to a cloudy or greenish-yellow discharge, these already indicate signs of infection. A home health agency in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, lists down the following prevention tips: Take antibiotics responsibly It means taking only antibiotics registered nurses in Illinois recommended for you, and do make sure to finish your entire prescription. Don’t take unprescribed antibiotics as they may only create germs that will be hard to kill.Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully If your physician tells you to bath with plain soap before or the day of operation, do so. Activities for Elderly Care: Coping with the “New Normal” In a determination to “flatten the curve,” global health specialists suggested that individuals should stay at home for a minimum of two weeks to avoid COVID-19 risks.

Activities for Elderly Care: Coping with the “New Normal”

Societies are applying social distancing and stay-at-home procedures to restrain the virus’ capability to infect and spread among groups. This is also done to avoid the overcrowding in healthcare facilities. A home health aide or a family caregiver is significant throughout this isolation period to maintaining elderly loved ones at home. Common Reasons Why Experience Strength Loss. Everyone of all ages will experience muscle weakness or decreased strength at some point in their lives.

Common Reasons Why Experience Strength Loss

According to studies, the average person can lose between 3-5% of their muscle mass each decade after age 30, and up to 50% by age 80. Since our senior loved ones are most likely to experience a decline in strength and balance, they need constant assistance to help them accomplish their activities of daily living. Hiring a Home Health Aide is the best thing to do. Helpful Tips in Staying Healthy Indoors. As we all know, the whole world is in threat right now from this pandemic.

Helpful Tips in Staying Healthy Indoors

Senior Care: Emotional Support from Family Members. Truth be told, taking care of your senior loved ones can be exhausting and daunting.

Senior Care: Emotional Support from Family Members

But despite all that, you still love and care for them, right? You want nothing but to see them live the life they deserve. As a home health agency in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, we can provide proper medication, emotional support, and personalized care services to help your loved one achieve a better quality of life. However, caring for your elderly loved ones is not only about allowing caregivers to provide around-the-clock care, but it also entails giving them your support as a family member. Furthermore, our experienced registered nurses in Illinois highly suggest that the family should provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support for seniors.

Be a good and responsible companion.Connect with them by having a good conversation.Learn when to listen and when to talk.As much as possible, be there whenever they need you.Be open about how much you love and care for them. Ways to Protect Seniors During Pandemic. As the coronavirus lockdown is still at high-level alert in some parts of the world, many people are anxious not just about their livelihood but also about the health of their senior loved ones.

Ways to Protect Seniors During Pandemic

Whether you’re planning to entrust your loved ones’ health to medical professionals in a home health agency in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, or any health centers, as a family member and primary caregiver, you must understand the importance of keeping them safe amidst the pandemic. Elderly people have already frail bodies – that means they are twice as likely as others to contract a serious form of the virus, COVID-19. Tips to Prevent Pressure Ulcers in Aging Adults.

Many aging adults often find themselves lying on the bed or sitting on the sofa for long periods.

Tips to Prevent Pressure Ulcers in Aging Adults

While most of us already know the negative implications of this kind of sedentary lifestyle, for seniors, the effects can be much more severe due to the possibility of developing pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers are the type of wounds that develop due to prolonged pressure on the skin. Chronic Ulcers: How to Manage Them. As people grow older, they get higher chances of developing chronic illnesses.

Chronic Ulcers: How to Manage Them

These illnesses also increase the chances of getting chronic ulcers or wounds. Registered Nurses in Illinois must be capable of identifying and treating each type of ulcer. How You Can Benefit from Home Health Care. If you have a chronic health condition or are recovering from an injury, then home health care can help you.

How You Can Benefit from Home Health Care

As the name suggests, it gives you the care and attention you need right in the comfort of your home. Sounds good, right? As a home health agency in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, we would like to share the other benefits you can gain from home health care services: It lowers the risk of hospital readmissions. Aging Parent Refuses Help: What to Do? One of the most difficult things that adult children face is to watch their aging parents suffer from mental and physical decline.

Aging Parent Refuses Help: What to Do?

It becomes harder when they refuse to accept help despite their struggles. Many seniors get defensive and won’t admit that they need assistance. What should you do if you mention elder care services to your parent and they respond with a resounding “No?” Here are some tips that may help: The Best Anti-Aging Tips You Shouldn’t Miss. Stopping time is not possible, but these tips can help you maintain your youthful glow. Dependable Nursing Home Health Services, Inc. shares these nuggets of wisdom to help you look and feel your best: Start making lifestyle changes.The sooner you get to it, the better. Pace yourself to begin exercising. Get your underlying health conditions in control. Include more lean protein and fiber to your diet. Was this post helpful for you? Share the new interesting things you’ve learned with the rest of the family today.

Living with Diabetes: Tips for Patients. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you may have this illness for life. However, it doesn’t mean that your quality of life is compromised. Conquering Aging Challenges at Home. Aging challenges affect the entire family. When one member is suffering from the physical, emotional, and cognitive issues brought on by age, the whole family feels the pain in one way or another. Dependable Nursing Home Health Services, Inc. provides Home Health Services in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois and aims to help seniors and their families as they tackle the ever-stressful issues of old age.

We make it an option for the elderly members of our community suffering from medical issues to remain and receive care in their own homes. How can you do your part in conquering aging challenges at home? Create a safe space for your loved one.Your loved one’s home may have offered them safety and security back then, but today, with medical issues, mobility problems, and health challenges plaguing their lives, that may no longer be the case. Exciting Indoor Senior Tasks to Boost Memory Skills. It is a common notion that once a person enters the senior years, they will have memory issues. Their memory begins to decline that some will even acquire dementia. Yet, you can keep your mind active through exciting activities that can also be done indoors. As a Home Health Agency in Illinois, we are here to help you cater to your overall health.

For that, here are indoor activities that we believe you will find exciting, and at the same time, help exercise your brain. Online GamesWe put this choice first because we are now in the Internet era. 3 Common Problems to Deal with as You Age. Aging brings a lot of changes not only to one’s lifestyle but also to one’s body. It is inevitable to fall prey to age-related ailments as you grow older, making you sick and unable to continue doing the things that you love to do.

It is also because of these ailments that your freedom becomes limited, often requiring you to seek assistance from providers of home health services in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois. One of the most common body parts that get afflicted with age-related ailments as you grow older is the eyes. Age-related eye problems are aplenty. You better get to know them so you can determine whether or not you are showing their symptoms.

Healthy Aging: Tips for Preventing Memory Loss. Befriending Your Homecare Provider. The Benefits of Recovering at Home. 3 Tips for Finding a Compassionate Home Care. Traveling with Your Loved Ones? What Are the Signs of Hearing Loss? The hearing capacity can decline over the years, and so it’s not a surprise that our senior loved ones can also acquire this difficulty. Dependable Nursing Home Health Services, Inc. 5 Important Wound Care Guidelines. 3 General Tips to Help Your Aging Parents Stay Healthy at Home.