Angela Carter
Georgia becomes 38th state with inform law. Densebreast info patient brochure english. Why Does Breast Density Matter? Dense Breast Tissue. La Densidad de los Senos y el Cáncer de Mama. Dense Breast Risk Models. Several breast cancer risk assessment tools have been developed that combine known major risk factors.
Risk models can be useful in stratifying patients into risk categories to facilitate personalized screening and surveillance plans for clinical management of the patient. 1. To Identify Women Who May Benefit from Risk-Reducing Medications The Gail model is used to determine risk for purposes of advising on use of medications to reduce risk. In the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) P1 [1] study, women at increased risk for breast cancer were defined as follows: 1) age 35 to 59 years with at least a 1.66% five-year risk for developing breast cancer by the Gail model; or 2) personal history of lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS); or 3) age over 60 years. 13,388 such women were randomized to receive tamoxifen or placebo daily for five years.
Dense Breast Information for Professionals. Many states now require some form of density notification be provided to women after their mammogram.
Patients will be turning to their health care providers for explanation and answers. See the Quick Links box for easy access to educational tools for both patients (available in English/Spanish) and health care providers. BREAST DENSITY CAN OBSCURE CANCERS. Dense Breast Information for Patients. Breast Density Assessment Software. Contrast-Enhanced Digital Mammography. What is it?
Contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM) is also known as contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) or contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM). CEM uses a standard iodinated intravenous (IV) contrast agent, such as would be used for a typical CT scan, in combination with mammography. Some cancers that may not be visible on standard mammograms will show up because of contrast enhancement. Similar to a CT scan, the contrast is injected into an arm vein. CEM can be used for problem solving and to assess the extent of disease in women with newly diagnosed breast cancer. How it works: Positioning is like a standard mammogram, with the breast compressed.
Benefits: In multiple studies, CEM equaled or nearly equaled MRI [2-4] in its ability to detect breast cancer and was superior to the combination of standard mammography and breast ultrasound [5]. Considerations: CEM requires that an IV be placed into the arm for injection of the contrast agent. Figure 21. References Cited. Molecular Breast Imaging. What is it?
Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI) and Breast Specific Gamma Imaging (BSGI) are both specialized nuclear medicine breast imaging techniques that require intravenous injection of a radioactive agent. Due to differences in equipment, BSGI requires a higher radiation dose than MBI. Some centers are using MBI or BSGI for supplemental screening for women with dense breasts and also for problem solving.
How it works: The short-lived radioactive agent 99mTc-sestamibi accumulates in cancer cells more than normal cells, allowing cancer to be seen on the basis of differences in metabolism. Starting about 5 minutes after intravenous injection of the radiotracer, each breast is gently stabilized between two detectors (Figure 15. Dense Breast Info Inc. Also known as a Sonogram: What is it?
Breast ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves that cannot be heard by humans. It involves no ionizing radiation. Screening ultrasound examinations can either be performed entirely by hand by a trained technologist or radiologist (where the operator moves the detection piece, i.e. the “transducer”, by hand), or by using an “automated” or semi-automated device (operated by a motor with positioning assistance from a technologist). Hand-held screening ultrasound requires skill on the part of the person performing the test since an abnormality must be seen while scanning in order to be reported by the radiologist.
Dense Breast Info Inc. What is it?
A mammogram procedure is a low-dose x-ray of the breast. Types of mammograms: A screening mammogram is performed at regular intervals to check for breast cancer in women who have no signs or symptoms of the disease. Screening mammograms have been used since the 1980s. A diagnostic mammogram is used to check for breast cancer when there is a sign or symptom of disease. A diagnostic mammogram is monitored by the radiologist at the time of the examination, but starts with the same images as a screening mammogram.
How mammography works: The breast is placed on the surface (detector) of the mammography system and briefly squeezed (compressed) while x-rays are taken. What does cancer look like on a mammogram? Benefits: Mammograms allow detection of 2 to 7 cancers for every thousand women screened. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with Contrast: What is it?
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive medical test that uses very strong magnets and pulses of radio waves to manipulate natural magnetic properties in the body to create images of the part of the body being evaluated. Breast MRI requires intravenous injection of gadolinium-based contrast to evaluate the breast tissue (Figure 12), looking at both anatomy and blood flow patterns. Normal tissue, cancers, and benign (noncancerous) findings can enhance on MRI.