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Dynamic Knowledge Repository for Parametric Design.

Solution spatiliazation by branching and searching

Digital fabrication. AY 2011/2012 SEM 2. Gh structure. Rotate uv division on a surface. A library of parts. Half-edge mesh. Straight Skeleton (imperfect) Posted by trevor.patt on 04/03/2013 · Leave a Comment Straight Skeleton from HEM faces Inspired by a comment, this morning I played around with the idea of composing straight skeletons for the faces generated by the Half-Edge Mesh Definition posted earlier.

half-edge mesh

A polygon’s straight skeleton resembles the voronoi skeleton or medial axis, but is composed of only straight segments (and typically fewer of them, … Continue reading HEM functions Posted by trevor.patt on 03/22/2013 · 4 Comments Offset, Distance, and Walk over Half-Edge Mesh Presented here are three functions for working with Half-Edge Meshes in Grasshopper. Half-Edge Mesh Posted by trevor.patt on 08/15/2012 · 4 Comments Face ID Posted by trevor.patt on 03/21/2012 · Leave a Comment Connecting moving points over a topographic model of Zermatt, Switzerland Following the previous post this code shows how to use the twin-edge function to more quickly identify a point position’s corresponding face from an HEM.

Solar Analysis including Occlusion. I’ve worked a little more about the Solar Position definition i’ve started here.

Solar Analysis including Occlusion

The definition uses Danel da Rocha’s beautiful solar position script and utilizes it with other components. It creates visual output for any given surface, divided into quads (with side faces of course) and coloring them according to their orientation to the sun. This time (file here: [GHX: 0.8.0066]) I added an occlusion part to calculate the surface’s own shadow. Now, solar calculation takes surfaces as obstacles and dispatches the occluded faces from visualization, leaving them grey.


Gh plug ins

Grasshopper advanced. (C)ODE-(C)OLLECTIVE: GH + Digital Script + Code Collective. Dynamic Knowledge Repository for Parametric Design. Cf2005_1_93_166. Debugging Grasshopper 3D components using MessageBox.Show() Grasshopper Definitionen. Einfache Sliceform Basisdefinition.

Grasshopper Definitionen

GH-Excel Suite (beta) Brief: REVISION 0-05 The toolset contained below allows the user to stream formatted data to and from open microsoft excel spreadsheet.

GH-Excel Suite (beta)

There are three basic tool types, write to excel tools, which stream lists and tables to an open excel sheet live, read excel tools, which read specified regions of an open excel sheet, and a chart function, which produces and excel chart with customizable grasshopper driven formatting. The attempt is to create an option to very simply stream data and at the same time provide wide access to a series of embedded formatting parameters to make the link between the two platforms more productive… and prettier. Write to Excel Tools: The excel output tools allow you to live stream any text based data out to an active excel spreadsheet.

Each tool has two versions. Additionally there are 4 optional components, compatible with both the table and list tools, which allow the used to create varied formatting per cell/ per sheet. Grasshopper. This component implements a mixed approach to creating curves of constant width for regular polygons of odd segment count.


This series of components access the sun system in Rhino and allow for control and returning of sun parameters. These two components allow for two means of list organization. Shear List takes a list of data and creates two lists, one with the last item removed and a second with the first item removed creating a staggered pair of lists making value comparisons simple. Pair takes a list and creates a datatree with pairs of sequential values from the list. Returns the character from an integer index value, 1=A, 2=B, etc.

This collection of preset value list components contain the RGB values for the RAL color scheme. Grasshopper to D3JS. We’re ramping up our investment in interfaces as design and presentation tools.

Grasshopper to D3JS

As mentioned in a previous post, D3JS offers solid potential for generating abstract drawings and diagrams. We’ve looked at ways of parametrically controlling drawings in the past, and this library offers a vast improvement compared to previous explorations. D3 is a two-dimensional library, and while there are several javascript platforms out there for three-dimensional browser-based rendering (namely Three.js), we believe there is currently more value in creating a robust two-dimensional platform for rationalizing and interfacing with building information. As a jumping off point, we want to create generic tools for common tasks that we predict will occur when creating these dashboards. RhinoPhysX Alpha release is here! As the title implies, I’ve just finished the alpha release of RhinoPhysX.

RhinoPhysX Alpha release is here!

The goal here is to implement a nice, easy to use, physics engine in Rhino. There are of course other (very awesome) physics plugins, but none of them specialize in the standard physics simulations: rigid bodies, cloth, and particles (fluids). Fortunately, PhysX has just released version 3.3 of their SDK – which does all these things! And (new to this release) lets all the different actors in physics scene react to each other (note: there are some limitations).

Grasshopper code. . a collection of codes & grammars for Grasshopper, a generative modeling tool for Rhinoceros. 3D Hilbert Curve This definition generates a 3D Hilbert Curve, a continuous fractal space-filling curve. nGon mesh tessellation Starting from a closed surface it builds a nGon mesh tessellation Curves Sorter Starting from a list of curves it takes the first one then it looks for the closest curve and it eventually flips the direction to optimize the toolpath lenght.

grasshopper code


Yannis Chatzikonstantinou / Packrat for Grasshopper. Surface.