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Okey-Dokey - Study English free! Learn online & find information. Speak English Center Does Being Bilingual Really Make a Difference? Most people accept that when we speak more than one language, our perception of the world expands and becomes richer. Languages are linked to culture and often have unique meaning, which provide us with a better understanding of our world. We also assume that being bilingual is an advantage in the professional world, opening up opportunities to work for multi-national companies or doing business abroad.

But when we speak a second language, there is still another advantage that you might not even know about! Often called “the bilingual edge”, many language researchers and scientists who have studied the cognitive effects of learning more than one language tend to agree that our brains are affected by it. To what degree, however, and in what way, is still a topic of debate. In years past, for example, it was commonly believed that bilingual children were at a disadvantage when it came to verbal development and even their IQ score. Do you think being bilingual makes your smarter? An opinion essay. FCE Writing Practice test - task 1 - an email asking for more information. Business & English for Specific Purposes. Home Catalogue Business English Resources for business and vocational English - for careers (nursing, IT, aviation, gas and oil industry, etc), one-to-one teaching and business English classes at all levels.

Inside Business & English for Specific Purposes (353) International Express Third Edition New Edition Linking life and work Rachel Appleby, Angela Buckingham, Keith Harding, Alastair Lane, Bryan Stephens, Frances Watkins This completely revised International Express, with 100% new material, meets all the practical language needs of adult professional learners. Look inside International Express Beginner Bryan Stephens and Angela Buckingham International Express Elementary Angela Buckingham, Bryan Stephens and Alastair Lane International Express Intermediate Keith Harding and Alastair Lane International Express Pre-Intermediate Keith Harding and Rachel Appleby International Express Upper Intermediate Rachel Appleby and Frances Watkins Oxford Grammar for EAP Ken Paterson and Roberta Wedge Format: Business Expressions 4. BUSINESS ENGLISH. Opening Sentences for Global Email.

Readers have asked me to suggest opening sentences for emails that go to people around the world. The goal of these openers is to avoid coming across as blunt and impolite, especially in messages to people from cultures in which English is not the first language. It is wise for people in the English-speaking business world to include a sentence of greeting rather than getting immediately into their business purpose when they write to people who expect and value such email courtesies. Below are a few opening sentences for international email. Each one would come after a greeting such as "Dear Dr. Rivas" or "Hello, Osouf. " We hope you are enjoying the season.I hope all is well.How are you? For more ideas on building relationships in your messages, get my book Business Writing With Heart: How to Build Great Work Relationships One Message at a Time.

If you correspond with business readers around the world, you can pay attention to the opening sentences they use, and respond similarly. How to Write a Business Report. Updated July 28, 2015. If you would like to learn how to write a business report in English follow these tips and use the example report as a template on which to base your own business report. First of all, business reports provide important information for management that is timely and factual. English learners writing business reports need to make sure that the language is precise and concise. The writing style used for business reports should present information without strong opinions, but rather as direct and accurately as possible. Linking language should be used to connect ideas and sections of the business report.

This example business report presents the four essentials that every business report should include: Terms of reference refer to the terms on which the business report is written. The procedure describe the method that was used to collect data for the report. continue reading below our video Play Video Read the short example business report and follow the tips below. Confusing Words and Homonyms | Misued Words in English | Letter A. Letter A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z Many words in English sound or look alike, causing confusion and not a few headaches. This section lists some of these words, and other troublemakers. a.m., p.m. English Vocabulary Lists. Standard Business Questions - Standard Questions asked about Business and Variations.

There are a number of standard business questions used when making general inquires into the nature of a company. The following dialogue covers a number of standard business questions. The reference section then provides variations and related business questions for a number of the standard business questions used in the dialogue. Business Reporter: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. Manager: It's my pleasure Business Reporter: Who do you work for? Business Reporter: What does Springco do? Business Reporter: Where is the company based? Business Reporter: How many people do you employ? Business Reporter: What's your annual revenue? Business Reporter: What type of distribution services do you provide?

Business Reporter: What sort of internet presence do you have? Business Reporter: Is your company public? Business Reporter: What type of logistical structure do you have? Business Reporter: Where are your products manufactured? Standard Business Questions Variations: Vocabulary Useful for Writing Business Letters. By Kenneth Beare This sheet focuses on core vocabulary and phrases used when writing business letters or e-mails in English.

This business writing reference can be used in English for specific purposes classes as a starting point for students who need to use English on an everyday basis for written business communications. Teachers are often not equipped with the exact English terminology required in very specific trade sectors. For this reason, core vocabulary sheets go a long way in helping teachers provide adequate materials for students with English for Specific Purposes needs. English for Specific Purposes Core Vocabulary Lists English for AdvertisingEnglish for Banking and StocksEnglish for Book Keeping and Financial AdministrationEnglish for Business and Commercial LettersEnglish for Human ResourcesEnglish for the Insurance IndustryEnglish for Legal PurposesEnglish for LogisticsEnglish for MarketingEnglish for Production and ManufacturingEnglish for Sales and Acquisitions.

Business English vocabulary reference lists for ESP (English for Special Purposes) classes and students, including over 2,500 key words and phrases for a variety of industries. Business English vocabulary reference lists for ESP (English for Special Purposes) classes and students. Vocabulary for advertising, banking and stocks, bookkeeping and financial administration, business and commercial letters, human resources, insturance, legal, logistics, marketing, production and manufacturing and sales and aquisitions. Food Service VocabularyList of 170 essential words for the food service industry for English language learners Standard Business QuestionsThis interview focuses on asking standard business questions in English.

Each of the standard business questions then has a number of variations as well as related questions in the reference section. Collocations with MoneyCollocations used with the noun money including an example sentence for each strong collocation pair. Driver Education - DMV - Key VocabularyMany ESL speakers and learners are required to take driver education courses to obtain their driver license from the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles). All Biographies - Biographies on History. Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. Tula_tsu_099. BBC: Саймон Шама: История Британии / Simon Schama: A History Of Britain (Джэми Мьюир, Лиз Хартфорд, Клер Беван, Мартина Холл, Йен Бремнер / Jamie Muir, Liz Hartford, Clare Beavan, Martina Hall, Ian Bremner) [2000-2002, Документальный, DVDRip (AVC)

BBC: Величайшие битвы в истории Британии (8 серий из 8) / BBC: Battlefield Britain [2004, Документальный, историческая реконструкция, DVDRip-AVC. Изучение английского языка. Проект:Тематическая неделя/II Британская неделя. II Британская неделя The British Week «II Британская неделя» — часть проектов «Тематическая неделя», «Великобритания» и «Ирландия» созданная для написания статей о Великобритании и Ирландии, населении, культуре, истории Британских островов и пр. Также планируется улучшение уже существующих статей о Великобритании и Ирландии. Великобританская неделя призвана заполнить пробелы по статьям о Великобритании. В рамках недели будут созданы и улучшены статьи, связанные со странами и их культурой. Сроки — 3—13 августа 2012 года. Ориентир: Предполагается, что англоязычное издание Википедии содержит значительно больше информации о Великобритании и Ирландии, чем русскоязычное.

Тематика: В Неделю включаются тематики: Помощь: При транслитерировании в некоторых случаях может помощь Англо-русская практическая транскрипция, но следует учитывать, что в английском языке по тем или иным причинам имеется множество исключений. Итог[править | править исходный текст] ↑ Показывать компактно 13 августа Шотландия Уэльс. Ader - Values in English Language Teaching (Bill Johnston) The Six Wives of Henry VIII. Queen, lover, mother, outcast, victim and survivor - this is how historian and series narrator David Starkey assigns the roles of the six wives of Britain's most famous monarch Henry VIII in the sexual intrigue and cut-throat power politics of his long reign from 1509 to 1547. The series The Six Wives of Henry VIII takes a fresh approach and presents each wife's story from her perspective. Through the women's own words and powerful dramatizations, we learn that the wives were not pitiful victims or pawns but rather knowing players in a high-stakes game and remarkable individuals who managed to show great dignity even when facing exile and death.

Catherine of Aragon. The daughter of Spain's King Ferdinand and Isabella, Catherine was just 16 when she married Henry's older brother Arthur in 1501. Anne Boleyn. Jane Seymour. Anne of Cleves. Catherine Howard. Catherine Parr. Watch the full documentary now (playlist - ) Pester. Перевод Pester. Изучение.


Журналы / газеты для изучения английского языка [раздачи. Журналы / газеты для изучения английского языка Hot English MagazineЖурнал выходит раз в месяц с марта 2001 г. На 52-х страницах номера вы найдете интересные и веселые стать и многое другое как на британском, так и на американском английском. Каждый выпуск сопровождается 70 минутным аудио-диском. Сайт: - №12005 - №8№№65-102№№103-110 Cool English MagazineCool English - ежемесячный журнал для учителей и тех, кто изучает английский. Современный, разговорный английский в веселом и удобном для изучения формате.

Каждый выпуск сопровождается аудио-диском. Speak OutSpeak Out - единственный в России цветной иллюстрированный журнал для изучающих и преподающих английский язык. Macmillan TopicsСерия Topics представляет фактическую информацию в современном журнальном формате. Speak EnglishНовый уникальный курс английского языка из Великобритании основан на самых последних и самых эффективных методиках изучения иностранных языков.

Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online. : Quick and Dirty Tips ™ Learning English. Free English Tests for ESL/EFL, TOEFL®, TOEIC®, SAT®, GRE®, GMAT® - Pale Moon. 100 величайших британцев — Википедия - Pale Moon. Принцесса Диана и поныне остается одной из самых популярных персон Британии. «100 величайших британцев» (англ. 100 Greatest Britons) — британская теле- и радиопрограмма, вышедшая в 2002 году на телеканале и радиостанции «Би-би-си», посвящённая выбору ста самых величайших личностей в истории Великобритании.

В рамках программы проводилось специальное голосование среди жителей Великобритании, чтобы выбрать сто самых известных британцев и после дебатов выбрать величайшего представителя королевства. Цикл передач включал программы, посвящённые конкретным персонам, вошедшим в первую десятку списка величайших британцев, со зрителями, имеющими дополнительные возможности для голосования после каждой программы. После опроса состоялись дебаты, по которым и был составлен итоговый рейтинг британцев. В итоговую первую десятку рейтинга не вошёл ни один британец, бывший живым на момент проведения опроса.

Итоговый рейтинг[править | править исходный текст] Learn English, Study English, Teach English - World #1 - Pale Moon. Афоризмы из «Женского портрета» « Заметки увлечённого лингвиста - Pale Moon. По долгу аспирантуры я исследую три произведения британской литературы, объединяемые общим понятием «роман-портрет»: «Портрет Дориана Грея Грэя» Оскара Уайльда, «Женский Портрет» Генри Джеймса и «Портрет художника в юности» Джеймса Джойса. Как любитель афоризмов считаю нужным и полезным поделиться с читателями меткими высказывании из данных произведений.

Поэтому вслед за афоризмами из «Портрета Дориана Грэя» публикую из семейно-психологического романа американо-британского писателя Генри Джеймса (Henry James, 1843-1916) «Женский портрет» (The Portrait of a Lady, 1881). Русский перевод не мой, так что ответственности за его точность я не несу. — My envy’s not dangerous, it wouldn’t hurt a mouse. I don’t want to destroy the people — I only want to be them. You see it would destroy only myself.- Моя зависть неопасна; она никому не приносит вреда. А когда-то я взял у Михаила Хаминского коллекцию афоризмов о любви на испанском. Like this: Нравится Загрузка...