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Analyze Software EULAs the Easy Way. When installing software one of the first things you need to do is agree to the EULA (End-User License Agreement)… you know, that 12,000 word small print included with virtually every software program you install.

Analyze Software EULAs the Easy Way

I am as guilty as the other 98% of PC users out there who do not read them, and just click “I Agree” and continue along. For all I know I might be agreeing to give away my first born! Although it is never something that drastic, it would be nice to find the most important aspects of the agreement as some EULA’s included in software such as Microsoft, Google, Firefox and others can be quite confusing. SpeedRead. Help Support This Product By Clicking Here SpeedRead is a tool for increasing your ability to read and retain information.


SpeedRead can read an text file and display the words sequentially. The user can adjust rate words are displayed, the number of words displayed at a time, and the minimum number of letters to qualify a word. Create Panoramic Photos with Hugin.