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How COINTELPRO really works and destroys social movements: Open letter from former Tea Partier to Occupy Wall Street protesters. I don't expect you to believe me.

How COINTELPRO really works and destroys social movements: Open letter from former Tea Partier to Occupy Wall Street protesters

I want you to read this, take it with a grain of salt, and do the research yourself. You may not believe me, but I want your movement to succeed. From a former tea partier to you, young new rebels, there's some advice to prevent what happened to our now broken movement from happening to you. I don't agree with everything your movement does, but I sympathize with your cause and agree on our common enemy. You guys are very intelligent and I trust that you will take this in the spirit it is intended. I wish I could believe this Occupy Wall Street was still about (r)Evolution, but so far, all I am seeing is a painful rehash of how the government turned the pre-Presidential election tea party movement into the joke it is now.

Here's how they turned our movement into a bunch of pro-corporate Republican party rebranding astroturf, and this is how I predict they are turning your movement into a bunch of pro-corporate Democratic party rebranding astroturf. An Enlightened Guide to Sexual Healing. Toolbox. Mystery, The Pick Up Artist. After about ten years of trial and error, Mystery assumingly learned how to talk to women.

Mystery, The Pick Up Artist

Not content with being the only Casanova on the planet, he formed his aptly titled "Mystery Method. " This eventually led him to start appearing on television. Rinato"/> Just The Facts Erik James Horvat-Markovic is his real name. Cracked on Mystery "I'm gonna get you laid. " Mystery first became known for marketing his technique designed to seduce women. However, he still would have remained out of the public's eye had it not been for the book The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick-up Artists. This is him, right here. Things only went downhill from there. Super Sergeant Shag Hat Things could not have possibly gotten any worse for the normal guys who just wanted to get laid.

Search Results. Butterflies – Bad Vöslau, Austria. Trademarks Home. Female. The Anima, Animus & Alchemy. "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom].

The Anima, Animus & Alchemy

" Adam McLean's Gallery The opening three illustrations to this process, indicate the realm within which this transformation occurs and introduces the Prima Materia. We interpret this series as a process for the integration of the three facets of man - the Body, Soul and Spirit. In our present state of evolution these facets do not work together in harmony. Abusive Brainwashing Techniques. This is how she gets what she wants.

Abusive Brainwashing Techniques

She brainwashes you using methods similar to those of prison guards who recognize that physical control is never easily accomplished without the cooperation of the prisoner. NO, this does not mean she's a supremely intelligent individual. It means she is a dysfunctional, spiteful abusive person. Those highly effective techniques for manipulation are a natural part of who she is. As you will read under Inside the Female Abusive Mind, these people are all pretty much the same type of character... sharing a great many thinking patterns and behaviors.

The abuser keeps the victim unaware of what is going on and what changes are taking place. The abuser controls the victim's time and physical environment and works to suppress much of the victim's old behavior. Abusive and Controlling Relationships.